Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lord... WHO is dressing Edward Cullen?!

Could someone please explain this ENSEM Edward is unfortunate enough to be standing in among the ferns? When did he become "Blazer Guy"?! Not that I have a problem with blazers... not at all. But I just don't get this look - at all. Let's start from the bottom, shall we? What's with the brown shoes he seems to wear throughout the entire movie? They look like he's going to bust some moves - Fred Astaire-style. I mean, seriously. "Hi...Edward? Gregory Hines called. He wants his shoes back." (Thank you, Mr. Hines, for being OK with that joke, seeing as you passed on a few years back. I LOVED you in History of the World, Part 1...and White Nights "We're landing in RUSSIA!") OK next - the pants. THE PANTS. What in GOD'S NAME are the pants?! They look like something my orthodontist wore in 1981!!! OK next - the sweater. With the nice, WIDE, ribbed waistline. OK maybe the sweater - paired with some jeans and the right shoes - might look somewhat minty. And a little more Edwardesque. But with the blazer? THE BLOODY BLAZER?! I just don't get it at all when put together. On Edward! OK that's all. Thanks for reading my rantlicious commentary. Buh Bye.


shannon said...

for some reason the stylist can't read,(Twilight) and hasn't figured out how Edward is supposed to dress.

JeDeCe said...

I love that we can see your blog in the background! LOL!

And while I don't particularly like the blazer and really, not the shoes...he still looks pretty good!

Tracey C said...

Thought the same thing about the sweater with the big ole wasteband....but yes he still looks good :o)

Purgatory Carol said...

OK a) confession - I totally showed the blog on purpose. I cracked up while I was taking the photo. b) I did forget to mention that, didn't I? He looks SMOKIN'! But there we go again with Carol and her 80s attractions. Just LOOK at all the makeup the man is wearing. It's like Nick Rhodes threw up Revlon all over his face at a "7 and the Ragged Tiger" show!

sj said...

He really just needs to be naked. Problem solved!