Lookie what I finally found today! Squeee! And it's not a minute too soon. I've been all wrapped up in Outlander this week (which I finished and there just are no words. READ IT) and have been neglecting my poor Twilight blog. So I plan to read this now and have some commentary shortly. PS - RPattz on a leash. Too bad he's only 2...
So glad you are back!! So thats me in a week...nothing but the 'book' that is if I ever make it to chapter 12!
Finaly told my daughter yesterday that I bought 2 magazines and she took hers to school today...her teacher stayed in class at lunch and read it from front to back! LOL She has poster all over the classroom and that's mainly what we talked about at parent/teacher interviews....we is just bad!
Oh and 22!!!! Days...gonna buy my tickets online so I have no lineups and no fears if it is sold out!
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