Thursday, October 8, 2009

Meet Me on the Equinox video

I cannot breathe. I just watched the very beginning of this "Meet Me on the Equinox" video from Death Cab for Cutie - until Edward walks out of the woods in that STUNNING coat. And I forgot to breathe for a moment. And without taking a breath, I turned it off.

I don't know about you - but I have NOT looked at any of the new photos from the New Moon Illustrated Companion.

And I will not watch this.

As much as it is KILLING me. My god....he looked absolutely beautiful. But I've seen enough. I don't want to see anything else until I see the movie. I almost want to shut down my computer for 42 days and not look at another picture or video until November 20th. Holy shit, People. I am acting like NuttyMadam in one of her fangirl reaction videos ("The beach! The truck!") But I can' That vision...holy was perfection. Edward Cullen hallucinatory perfection.

Kudos to Robert Pattinson. When it comes to Edward Cullen, the man can BRING IT.


Tracey C said...

I watched it...thought about what you some of your other stuff and then came back....He is so very perfect! Looked at the book in Costco tonight to! Didn't read anything or open it but I wanted to...couldn't bring myself to....42 days seems forever!!! So totaly nutty...I am a married woman with 3 children! I have become totaly consumed by this GD series! :o)

Jenn M said...

Whoa! I had to turn it off. I can't watch! I've seen enough clips of the movie and I don't want to ruin it. But, the little I did see....Edward was perfect.

I can't believe that "Twilight" the movie can even be compared to "New Moon" the movie. Just from the trailers, New Moon is in a totally different league.

Tracey R. said...

I caved. Just leafed through the NM book at Target--didn't really read any text, and there was only one photo that really surprised me--and that was of Victoria.

I just wish I had seen more pics of Bella with Edward looking happy. Sigh.

Tracey C said...

It shows no more then the trailers....

Tracey the sad thing is that Bella NEVER looks Happy!~ Almost bought the book for my 'daughter' LOL but decided if we didn't have the Twilight one we didn't need the New Moon either...self control was difficult ;O)

JeDeCe said...

Agreed, TC, it shows no more than the trailers. I hate to say it, but...::ducks to avoid flying coffee looks like a fanvid.

Good song tho!