When I was posting about Paul Wesley earlier (lead hottie vampire from The Vampire Diaries who was born New Brunswick and raised in Marlboro for all you Central New Jerseyans.) I was completely unaware that he starred in a show I ABSO-friggin-LUTELY LOVED back in 2001 called "Wolf Lake" about - you guessed it - werewolves. It only ran for one season and was canceled. Never really found out why because it was AWE-some. I remember signing a petition online for it to come back, but my signature was in vain. Because - let's face it - Hollywood suits don't care about anything that doesn't have many dollar signs attached to it seconds after it premieres.
Wolf Lake had a lot of big names in it... like Lou Diamond Phillips... Tim Matheson... Sharon Lawrence and Graham Greene (the quintessential Native American actor who is in everything INCLUDING New Moon as Harry Clearwater. As my sister likes to say "When Hollywood needs a Native American actor, they yell 'Get me Graham Greene on the phone'!")
OK I'll shut up now but I just had to point that out because all of these vampires and werewolves seem to be crossing paths lately. Here's a little clip of Paul Wesley playing a werewolf instead of a vampire. Enjoy!
Still not 100% on board with Vampire Diaries. I'll give them this--the cliffhangers are VERY good. But other than Vampire Boone, no one's really holding my interest. The brother/slutty girl relationship prolly the most interesting thing on the show. Holding on cause I've invested too much time NOT to see how Ironed Hair Girl figures out she's dating a vampire...but it better be revealed soon...
he actually looks more werewolf than I thought
Here's another thing that's annoying me about the show--is it just me, or do people find that a lot of the actors have big honking Jersey accents? Watched last week's episode last night and at times I felt like I'm watching a NJ community theater show. Have also rethought the brother/slutty girl relationship, mainly because her acting is REALLY bad. (Tho she may not be long for the show, given last week's ending.) And let me just say one thing: Whitley Gilbert as a GRANDMA??????? That. Is. So. Wrong.
I'm giving this show one more week, as it looks like things with Zack Morris/Iron Hair Girl are going to come to a head, but it better be kickass or I'm done...
I can't believe I forgot to mention that JASMINE GUY is a grandmawww. I. Am. DEVASTATED! God how old do they think we ARE?! I like the show. It's not Shakespeare... but it's entertaining as hell as far as the eye candy goes. And I hope they keep going with Damon's little Twilight remarks. Hilarious.
I'm all about this show right now...is it True Blood? NO. Is it Twilight? NO...but all in all its really entertaining to me.
Carol, I agree with you-I LOVE Damon's little Twi-jabs, he cracks me up...and he's delicious.
I'm gonna stick with this one as my guilty pleasure for a little while...
Right now, I'm all about the Glee when it comes to TV. I still need to get through all of the last season of Lost, so VDs may have to be dropped for lack of time, if nothing else.
Tracey for the love of god WATCH LOST before the damn show comes back for the new season!!!! PS - it's a really good season...and it's worth every bit of waiting to see Sawyer in last 10 mminutes of the finale. Holy CRAP he's awesome in that ep.
Tracey R: I DO watch Glee!! Remember, I recommended it to you!! LOL!
OMG, my DVR ran out of space and only recorded the first hour and 4 minutes of the LOST finale!!! Looks like I will be iTunesing it.
Tracey - Hulu or something. You MUST see the last hour.
Watched the most recent VD--wasn't bad, I'll admit (tho I saw the "Katherine is a vamp" part coming from a mile away--and those flashback scenes were LAUGHABLY bad). But Druggie Girl redeemed herself quite nicely acting-wise--and I didn't see THAT twist coming. And it's nice to see Vampire Boone having a blast playing that part. The whole scene where he let Druggie Girl drink from him was hilarious--the eye rolling would have made the sheriff of Area 5 proud. OK, I'll stick with it for another week.
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