Thursday, November 19, 2009

One more day!

OK so whose mom called them this morning at 9:21 to tell them Rob Pattinson was on Regis and Kelly? C'mon.... don't be shy... admit it.. you watched. Or DVR'd. I haven't called PattzR back yet (yes, that really is her name. Well Patsy. R. Same diff.) but when I do I will thank her for being so cool at her age. Although she's going to tell me I'm picking on Regis when I start abusing him... and it will be amusing as hell. LORD did anyone see Kristen yesterday? I caught it online and my god - the poor thing - she did GREAT, especially when you consider that Regis is a FREAK. And poor Kelly had to keep cutting in and saving him and asking Kristen real questions instead of having Regis cutting in about singing Joan Jett songs live... or cutting her hair... oh god it was crazy! And poor Kristen looks like she's thinking "Just let this be over. Just let this be over!" when they came back from commercial. It was great TV. Absolutely great TV.


Tracey C said...

RPattz was on the Today Show and answered a bunch of questions about tabloid crap 'yes or no'....engaged in the last year...."YES"....

So tempted to go tonight without my children!! But I shall wait for them till tom afternoon!!

~~One more Day, One more Day!!!!!~~

Purgatory Carol said...

He said "yes"?? Was he laughing?!

Tracey C said...

Nope just answered yes or no answers and to that one said Yes Google it...Today show...think it was a Splash interview like 7 minutes long

Purgatory Carol said...

Oh that's funny! Reminds me of his adrenaline comment in Twilight. "You can Google it." LOL