Stephenie's goin' on OPRAH, y'all!!!!! THIS Friday - November 13th. The same day I am going to be sulking because I'm not at the mall I grew up loitering in - The King of Prussia Mall - to see RPattz at Hot Topic. Love me some Rob, but it's just not worth the hassle of a 90 minute drive to get in line at 6:00 AM to be one of the 500 people who gets in. And Lord knows what time he'll actually show up. I have a life, y'all. And I suspect you do, too. But that doesn't mean I won't be all kinds of cranky all day, knowing I could be seeing the closest thing we'll ever get to Edward Cullen, visually, that is. le sigh.
You need to tweet while she's on so that some of us who have to work know what all she says...
AWE-some idea! Right on, thanks! I never tweet. I'm such a boring tweeter. Who could be any good with PFach lurking about being so amusing on that damn iPhone all the time?! He's ruining it for all of us! ;)
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