Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Robert Pattinson in Vanity Fair

Dear Robert,
Lust is a sin. Please STOP making me commit it. JEEZ, man. Have you LOOKED at yourself, lately?! This is just WRONG. Even WITH the Gregory Hines shoes!

PS - Please give me props for avoiding the King of Prussia mall like the plague when you're there on Friday, mmmkay?


Elissa M. said...

I read the article and I need to say I was not the impressed with RPatz. He was very woo is me. I can not go outside. Hey guy you are making more then 10 million dollars except it a little better. But maybe that is just me

Purgatory Carol said...

No, I hear ya. And you know what? It's all going to go away eventually. All he need do is talk to Zac Epron about that.