Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Wedded Bliss at LAX

Is it me or does this pretty much sum up their relationship? She has a puss on her face... and he follows her around. Wait - maybe they're in character. (OVER IT, party of 1?)


JeDeCe said...

I'm still of the opinion that these two are NOT an item. Publicity stunt, anyone? I've seen all the pics where they're supposedly all dreamy eyed, supposedly holding hands or reaching for each other...and I'm just not buying it. I mean sure, I'm sure there's an attraction (how could there not be?) and they've just spent tons of time together, both are a bit socially awkward so lean on each other for support, but I don't see that alledged love connection. I think its all carefully orchestrated.

I hope it is anyway.

DebDeb70 said...

I think they try to hard to not look together, like this pic. Come out already, who cares!

a70eezchild said...

I remember reading about them when Twilight first came out. I read Kirsten as being odd and independent, with an "I don't care" attitude, which was somewhat intriguing...certainly no "look how pretty I am" diva here. And Robert was all infatuated with her, and she didn't care, she had a boyfriend, blah, blah. Then, as time went on and maybe Robert didn't care as much, maybe because women were falling at his feet and validating that he is indeed worthwhile, Kristen started to come around and see him in a different light...an ally, but also appreciative that he had liked her so much. Stuff like that. And I read it like she was sort of pursuing him for a change.

I don't know if they're really together...but hopefully they've had some tender moments and some fun thru it all.

Just my 2 pence...

Purgatory Carol said...

Love your 2 pence, 70eez. Definitely hope they've had some tender moments, no matter what their status, because it can't be easy to be holed up in a hotel suite for that long, no matter how much it costs per night. I also hope they're getting a much-needed vacation, because they both look like they could use about 48 hours of straight sleep.