Sunday, November 22, 2009

Why did Edward get his ass kicked?

OK so my sister Jill just saw New Moon - and reminded me of something that bugged the crap out of me in the movie. WHY DID EDWARD GET HIS ASS KICKED?!  In the books, he's an excellent fighter. Is is because Felix (said "Feeelixxx" just like Michael Sheen aka Aro does) is so much older than him? I don't get it. That is a serious grey area for me since there was no major fight scene in the book. I just didn't like seeing Edward get flipped around all over the place. It was cool with the face crack and everything... but still. Edward Cullen does NOT get his ass kicked!


Jill said...

I just remember in Breaking Dawn the Cullens kept saying that Edward was their best fighter...
That's NOT what I saw in this movie. He was flipped around more than a flapjack. I also have always said that the actor choice physically was wrong for Edward. Rob Pattison just never did it for me as Edward. I always said he was too scrawny. And if I ever had any doubts about that, they were removed as soon as he took his shirt off. Yawn. He didn't have a prayer after Jacob took his shirt off. Also, I think a diservice was done to him by playin a preview of his new movie before showing New Moon. At this point in time, Pattison is Edward Cullen, not some ordinary guy in another movie. Don't merge the two.
Team Jacob!

Purgatory Carol said...

YEY GO TEAM JILL! I knew we'd get you on the site and commenting! Right on!

Tracey C said...

LOL...turning everyone into groupies...I never thought about it, was just so excited about the fact that the Movie was coming out so soon after I had finaly decided to read the books...BUT you are oh sooooo right!!!! There was no ass kicking in the book!

Took me awhile to like Rpattz...still only like the look of him when he is done up as Edward...No comparison between all the Mmmmm Wolves and Edward who is supposed to be the ultimate in something to Mmmmm over!!

Anonymous said...

Haven't seen New Moon yet (am on Wednesday), but I also wondered about the fight scenes because in the book, don't they just get to walk away with the promise that Bella will be turned? Anywho, onto something else that has been bothering me, how is it that Jasper goes all nutso at the smell of Bellas paper cut, but at the end of Twilight, it doesn't even phase him to be around her bleeding to death on the floor of the dance studio. . .just saying.

JeDeCe said...

Haters! LOL! I love RPattz as Edward and he totally does it for me no matter what role he's playing. I'm a Hand Porn/Hair Rake addict and I won't make any apologies for that...

That being said, I too wonder why they took the fight scene so far...Edward should have at least gotten a few good licks in; or at least been able to hold his own. The only time I remember there being a problem (in the books) is when he had to face Jane...

Funny, our theater didn't show the Remember Me trailer before NM. I was hoping they would, but no luck. I came home and watched it on my laptop. Again. And again.

I will say that I totally understand everyone in the Team Jacob camp. Taylor Lautner was tremendous in his role and was the best at really making me FEEL something. His scenes were more heartwrenching than any others'. For just a few seconds I reconsidered my alegience. Just a few seconds, mind you! ;) Seriously, when he begged Bella not to go? I almost teared up...which is more than I did when Edward left Bella. I was kind of pissed about how hard RPattz seemed to be working (and succeeding, IMO) at the emotion for the scene but getting no help from his co-star. Anyway, I see GREAT things in TL's future and I look forward to following his long and varied carreer.

JeDeCe said...

Oh, and I forgot to mention that if I defect anywhere...I'm totally heading over to Jasper's camp. RPattz has the hand porn, true, but Jackson OWNS the jaw porn. Just sayin....

Annette Piper said...

Isn't it because in the book Jane cripples Edward with pain - but for the film they wanted a scene with more action - getting the same sort of impact of Edward suffering. Stephenie approved the change apparently and said Felix was a good choice for beating him (but why!?)

Tracey R. said...

Yeah, gotta say I didn't mind the Felix/Edward fight--would have liked Edward to get in a few shots at Felix but I've thought from day 1 that his head cracking the floor and his cheek cracking was COOL. Also, it was a more "outward" sign that he was in trouble (as opposed to the pain thing with Jane) and gave KStew something to react to. Cause god knows she has trouble reacting to things that aren't THAT in your face.

Oh, and is that our Jewel commenting now??? Welcome aboard!!!!

Purgatory Carol said...

But he got his ass kicked. That's not cool! There's no crying in baseball!!!!! In the books, the ONLY time Edward ever seemed weak to me was in Breaking Dawn, when he was laying on Bella's lap and whimpering. Y-U-C-K. I get that they wanted to spice up New Moon a little... but it could have been a slightly-less-than-equal fight. He should not have gotten his ass completely kicked by (Hottie McHottie) Feeeelixxxxx. And PS - LilBambinos - you are SOOOO right. And we won't even get started on "that time of the month". LOL Although I believe Stephenie Meyer even addressed that on a questionaire over at the Twilight Lexicon...

Tracey C said...

They were trying to intice the men folk to join in on the hoopla! For that they have sacrificed our beloved Edward to make him appear weak...the scences were awesome but not like the book!

Not a Edward hater...just thinking someone like Depp does it for me a little more and when all the screams over Taylors body happened it was a little upsetting that Rpattz got a few Mmmm's when his shirt was removed but no screams....

He is SUPPOSED to be the Greek God of Twilight...but the Wolves were very Mmmmmmm!

DebDeb70 said...

I am with you Jenn D all the way....I love Edward, but I love RPattz even more. The Remember Me trailer sent me over the edge. I just love that man, boy, God, whatever he is. He can stand there and read the bible for all I care.......As for the shirt coming off, I think he was wayyyyyyyyyyy sexy. YUMMO! No muscles really but till way sexy. Boy, what I wouldn't give......

Annette Piper said...

Personally I like lean muscles rather than bulky muscles. Lucky I'm Team Edward, huh!?

Purgatory Carol said...

I'm with ya Deb and Annette - I thought RPattz looked great in that scene. I didn't think he was skinny... just not all buffed out like TLaut.

JeDeCe said...

Annette you and I are defo on the same page. Taylor looks great, but my preference is "Long & Lean"! ;)

DebDeb70 said...

Went and saw the movie again today, my hubby went. He said he is team Jacob because the wolves were cool. Typical man thing. Still loving me some Edward, even more now!

Sapphire2309 said...

Probably because Edward was really thirsty. I think i read somewhere that vampires are weaker when they're thirsty. And human blood makes them stronger. So Edward was thirsty, and Felix was definitely not, and plus he consumed only human blood. It kinda makes sense to me.

Oh, and Team Edward, all the way! I like lean, not beefy =)

I remember a youtube comment somewhere for the scene in twilight where edward steps into the sunlight. It goes, He's not a vampire, he's a great big twinkle fairy.
just thought i'd mention it for all you edward lovers =D