Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Rob Pattinson's Vogue Shoot for Remember Me

Yeesh. Not that this has squat to do with Twilight, but  here we go again. And I thought we'd have some relief from the feeding frenzy until June when Eclipse comes out. I forgot Remember Me comes out in March. Poor Emilie de Ravin. She's going to get mobbed just like Kristen.

Ya know - as much as I think Rob Pattinson's has some serious acting talent (see The Haunted Airman if you question that. Great performance) - I can sum up in two words why I really want to see Remember Me: Chris Cooper. I would see anything that man was in. Even if he was playing Barney in "Barney and Baby Bop; The Geriatric Years." You get my point. LOVE. CHRIS. COOPER.  *Thanks to for the photo.


JeDeCe said...

Yay! Can't wait to see the premise.

Purgatory Carol said...

I know - did you see the comment someone made about whether the pictures would be as good as Rob and Kristen's from... what was it, Harpers? Or Vanity Fair? I don't remember.. but I can't imagine them being better; those shots were stunning.