Saturday, February 13, 2010

What do YOU want to do with Rob?

The Details article and spread came out - with those stunning photos of Rob and some scantily clad women. That's a nice way of saying "naked". (So if you're one of my grade school-aged nieces, you're not allowed to click the link, mmmkayyy?)

The following quote is in the Details article... and I got to thinking: I wonder how my blog buds would answer this. So what do you say, peeps? What's YOUR answer?

"Complete strangers want to fuck you, shoot you, be you, buy you, sell you, run their fingers through your hair, watch you have sex, hear you pee, eat chips with you, and kidnap you and stuff you in the trunk of their car."     

My answer?  Chips. Definitely chips.


JeDeCe said...

Is there an "all of the above" button? Cuz, I'm clicking that one...only because you mention grade school neices in this post and the details flying thru my brain are decidedly NOT PG-13.

I. Am. Died. ::THUD::

Purgatory Carol said...

LOL!!! Make sure you email me with those thoughts, mmmmkayyyy???

shannon said...

I agree with the chips. Because my thoughts are also too volgur to post.

Tracey C said...

Chips is the safest answer here....

Tracey R. said...

Hmmm...what kind of chips are we talking?

I'm gonna go with "run fingers through hair"--but will demand that it be washed first. I volunteer to do said washing.

Jenn M said...

I'm with Jenn D. ALL OF THE ABOVE!!!!!! Oh, may I have the chips with some guacamole, please? That would totally make it perfect. lol.

Purgatory Carol said...

ROFLMAO Tracey R - I'm with you. I forgot about the hand-running. Can I wash and rake his hair and then go have chips? Preferably in a pub where I can ply him full of grown up beverages.