Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Am I seeing Eclipse tonight? No way in hell.
Am I seeing it tomorrow night? NOT.

I am a self-professed pain in the ass. I MUST wait a good, solid week or so. By then all the crazy will die down and I won't be in danger of dealing with the following:

  1. Someone with a big head/hat sitting in front of me. 
  2. Tweens talking loudly to each other while I'm trying to hear Edward being funny.
  3. A sold-out theatre (which makes for a loud and hot theatre.) 
  4. Twi-Freaks (snicker. I know what you're thinking and you're probably right.)
  5. Refer back to #3 (also makes for various, indescribable odors.)
It's all about the experience, y'all. And a theatre that's half-full (or less) makes for a very good Twi-Experience for Carol. My love of Edward Cullen leaves little room for hype. Not that hype is bad. I absolutely get the desire to be a "part of it all". So if you are going tonight - ENJOY!!!!! :)


Mali said...

It was freakin awesome! Best Twilight yet.......... going again very soon :-)

Purgatory Carol said...

YEYYYYY Mali you went last night??? I love it. Good for you. There is definitely a part of me that's like "AHHHHH WHY AM I NOT GOING???" LOL

Tracey R. said...

Carol--there's still time to join us up north!!! 7 p.m at Essex Green in West Orange, baby--REPRESENT.

Cheri said...

Hi Carol! First, I have to tell you that I just stumbled across your site and I LOVE IT! I've never known anyone who just wanted to talk about everything Twilight endlessly and in detail!

But I wanted to make a case for going on opening night or very soon after. I actually look forward to the whole "hoopla" almost as much as the movie itself!

1. I love that the whole room is filled with excitement for something we all love so much - the feeling is almost tangible.
2. The guys that were dragged out with their ladies make the most hilarious comments! (But then again, I know I will be seeing the movie several more times in the first couple of days, so I don't worry about missing anything!)
3. I think it's awesome when those who actually read the books laugh (aww, boo, etc.) at the jokes in the script that you would need an understanding of the characters to "get it", while those who just showed up for the movie say "what are we laughing at?"
4. And on the same idea as #3, I love hearing and even seeing the audience prepare themselves for what they know is coming next - like hearing people shifting in their chairs when they know the tent scene is starting.

I completely understand wanting to wait, but I would be so sad if I missed the whole shared experience. I hope you try it! Too much fun!

Again, thank you SO MUCH for sharing your Twilight thoughts - it is now part of my daily Twilight indulgence! Keep it up!

Purgatory Carol said...

Cheri: You. ROCK! Love your comment. You are right and believe me - there is a part of me that's like "HOW CAN I NOT GO TONIGHT??" (as if there would be tickets left at this point??) But I am going to hold off. Mainly because of my #1 reason. If someone is sitting in front of me and I can't see as well as I would have in a less crowded theatre, I'll be heartbroken. I get myself in a total tiz before a new Twilight film.. (to the point where I couldn't even THINK about eating popcorn or anything else at New Moon) that if something like that happened it would kill the movie for me. So I guess I'm sacrificing your points (which are SO TRUE and I loved) to make sure I can see/hear well the first time I see it.

That probably makes ZERO sense. LOL


Tracey C said...

I am with you Carol...was all alone last night and could of snuck out to see it but stopped myself several times....I will wait to enjoy it fully when the hoopla dies down...Got more then enough of screaming/crying/texting with New Moon to last me through all the movies yet to come! Can't wait though!

Mali said...

i cant wait til u guys see it!!! just thinking about it makes me want to see it again....... SCREAM!!!!!!!!!

Tracey C said...

My rotten niece who is coming west was supposed to wait to go see it with me and my brats...she saw it last night and was all Sreeeeeeeeee can't wait to see it with you Aunite she says! I can't wait either!

Mali said...

ok. i just saw it again for the 3rd time. i think im insane. i snuck in after i saw last airbender. i couldn't help myself. im so in love with edward/rob pattinson.

carol, i will say that you're right about some of the young audience members. the last 2 times i went to see it i had to deal with non-stop whispering and screams :-( and today, someone brought a baby that would not shut-up. come on....really?

i've never been this crazy over a movie franchise. the ONLY thing that would make me crazier would be OUTLANDER!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok. ill try my very best not to comment again until u guys see it............ then we can really talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Purgatory Carol said...

A BABY!!! SEe? That's what I'm saying, Mali! That would drive me NUTS!!! Someone did that at the New Moon show I went to on opening day but luckily the baby was pretty good. Not sure when we're going - we're definitely waiting until after the holiday weekend. Squeee! I can't WAIT!

Stacey said...

Carol, I just got back from seeing it at a DRIVE-IN!! It was the perfect compromise of seeing it opening weekend, yet without all the annoying distractions. My daughters (25 and 21) and I went to see the midnight opening of New Moon and while it was a fun experience, I didn't want to miss anything and have to wait for a 2nd viewing to pick up on dialogue drowned out by oohs, awws, and catcalls.

Stacey said...

PS, my older daughter brought her 6-month old son to the New Moon premiere, dressed in a t-shirt she made that said "Someone's future Edward" and he was absolutely perfect...but her husband, who had been at a business meeting, picked him up before the movie started so he wasn't a distraction for anyone. The drunken group of 'ladies' behind us was much more obnoxious...

Purgatory Carol said...

Stacey - first off - LOVE THE DRIVE IN IDEA! That's awesome. If I had one around here, I'd go in a heartbeat! In fact - I'd be like Mali - I'd have gone about 5 million times by now! Secondly - even I have to admit that might be the cutest thing I've ever heard re: grandson in an Edward-related tshirt. As much as I bitch, if I'd seen that at the theatre, I'd have been all over him. I've got two kids; they're hard to resist, especially when they're sporting Twilight clothing. LOL