Saturday, May 2, 2009

A County of "Noooo"?

So the latest is that Justin Guarini wants this song to be part of the New Moon soundtrack. He wrote it with two songwriters from Nashville. I don't know how to describe this song well, so you need to go listen to it, yourself, on or youtube for that matter. But Perez has some tremendous reader comments after the song, if you're in the mood for a giggle.

I... I... Hmmm. This isn't going to be easy. But I'll try. There is something I like about the song. The intro... and the music in between verses. But the singing is wrong. NO OFFENSE to Justin Guarini because I dig him and he's from Philly so I've got all the love for him. It's not that I don't like his singing - just not the way he's singing on this song. It's like... too... Top Gun/Kenny Loggins or something. And it's too country. Whereas the music - in spots - is not. It's just not working - at least not for the New Moon soundtrack. And PS - "I can't touch you with my fingertips"? No. Uh uh. No No No.

Oh god - it gets worse. I did a search for Justin Guarini so I could double check - and came across his official website, where he isn't begging, but asking - strongly. And it's sad, because he's better than that. Way better.


Jenn said...

OK, I'm gonna weigh in here with a big "HELL TO THE NOOOOOO!"

The beauty of these soundtracks (or any good one for that matter) is that the songs, while a perfect expression of the scene, are not using lines from or specifically made for the film. Even the ones that are made expressly for the film could stand on their own. Thats the point I guess I'm trying to make...this song could never stand on its own, so even if it may fit in the movie, it doesn't deserve to be there.

Just my 2 cents...

Purgatory Carol said...

NICE! Totally agreed. And thanks for commenting. It makes me feel like someone actually reads this blog. ;)