Monday, July 6, 2009

Can you help Tracey find her Edward?

So my sister, Tracey has read all the books - and Midnight Sun - and every awesome blurb on (Edward's knees three inches from his face, much?!) And she STILL doesn't have her very own Edward. I cannot possibly fathom how this could be, since I kept having flashes of a guy I briefly dated in highschool while reading about Edward (Andy Rosenberg; anyone know him?) At any rate - it is now up to us to find Tracey her very own Edward. Here's my first suggestion. None other than Henry Cavill - Stephenie Meyer's alleged pick for Edward Cullen. How about you? Can you suggest an Edward for Tracey??? *Thanks to for the photo!


Tracey R. said...

Nope. Doesn't work for me.

Prolly the CLOSEST I've come to even thinking about an Edward isn't JUST's an Edward/Jacob pair. And that is....wait for it...Matthew Fox and Scott Wolf from the Party of Five days. (And yes, I've laughed over the "Wolf" irony.) The combination of dark/light, tormented/enthusiastic personalities is sort of appropriate. But even THAT combo doesn't really do it for me. I'll keep thinking....

Purgatory Carol said...

NICE! I like it!! What ever happened to Scott Wolf? Adorable. And yeah - ya know - Matthew Fox would have been a tremendous Edward. Except for the fact that he's not exactly drop dead gorgeous. But he'd make up for it in angst alone. LOL reminds me of the Lost/Edward/Harry Potter video where Jack keeps saying "I've got a beard now!!"

Tracey R. said...

Actually, here's one I forgot about, but who is fairly perfect....


Come to mama.

Jenn D said...

I like the Christian Bale idea! (American Psycho Bale, not Machinist Bale) He certainly looks the part...much more so for me than the Party of Five guys. (Sorry.)

And even tho I loves me some RPattz, I'm partial to Henry Cavill as Edward...especially that picture above. Yummy! ;)

Purgatory Carol said...

Christian Bale, eh? I'm with Jenn - American Psycho Bale would work. I have one thing to say: OH GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!! Tom has been saying this for weeks and now my KIDS have started saying it!! Take a listen: