Wednesday, September 30, 2009

3-for-1 New Moon Special!

Um, yeah. Have you ever seen this 6+ minute trailer for New Moon? It's all three trailers merged together in sequence. I've heard about it but haven't really bothered with it until tonight. Holy crap. No, I didn't mean that. What I meant was, HOLY CRAP!!! I have tears streaming down my face. (And hello, why don't I remember the post-Italy bedroom scene in the trailer?!) HOW many times have I seen these?! But to see it all together...Wow. HOW am I going to get through 2 hours without being a complete blithering idiot?! And I never realized it before, but I don't really feel bad for Bella apart from the nightmare scene. I don't cry for Bella; I cry for Edward. In the breakup scene, when she's sprawled out on the forest floor getting god knows WHAT in her hair, do you know why I'm crying? Because I know it's killing Edward to leave her. And when she's running through the sea of red in Volterra, trying to get to him, do you know who my heart is bleeding for? Edward. Because he's upset. The books just come flooding back to you when you see this, which is good, because lately I've been feeling a little disconnected to the series since it's been so long since I've read it. le sigh. Watch this. Now. And PS - Liz, I SO CAUGHT YOU reading Eclipse in your car today! That is so great. I'm so jealous that you still have two full books to devour. ENJOY!!!


JeDeCe said...

Cannot. Stop. Watching. This. Love it!

But there's a part of me that wonders if they're gonna let the whole movie leak before November 20?

Annette Piper said...

WOW. And like, WOW! It's cruel how they're making us wait so long to go until we see it ALL!

Purgatory Carol said...

I know. I KNOW! A bunch of us watched it this AM and there were various sighs and "oh my god"s going on the whole time. 49 days cannot pass fast enough!!

Anonymous said...

I was glad to come across you site...I read the whole series within 4 days was home sick I am a mother of 3 and thought I was loosing my mind with how they have effected me! I have started them again as they were running together, read them to fast and now they make the 12 chapters of Midnight Sun and can't wait till Steph 'feels' in the mood to finish it!! Love these books! Awesome and can't wait for the movie!!

Purgatory Carol said...

Welcome! Always happy when new Twihards join us! Especially moms! I just read that Interview Mag article with Kristen Stewart and she kept talking about 11 year olds being fans and I was thinking "But wait! I'm soooo not 11!" I hope you're right about Stephenie feeling the mood to finish Midnight Sun. I really do!

Anonymous said...

We got the books for my 9 yr old daughter for her B'day in July...never once did I imagine I would read stuff. She got the Movie for Easter...never watched it with her, once again not for me!! Kids stuff, right!!

They now call me a addict! I have watched the Movie with her and a couple of times by myself ;O) that they don't no sad really LOL

I am sooo not 11 either! But so glad I am not alone in my addiction that although I have read them twice now and will have 2 of my children at the theatre with me to see New Moon on opening weekend! It is settling a little in the obsessive area...I Love her writing and just pray that she finds the ability to forgive her readers for wanting so much to read anything to do with Edward/Bella that they infringed on her a writer I can only hope/pray that she feels unfinished until she completes Midnight Sun!!!!

Purgatory Carol said...

I fear she's completely "over" Bella and Edward. If that's the case, I'm hoping she'll miss them at some point in the future. I could not only deal with more Midnight Sun - but prequels, too. How much would I love to read about Carlise from 300 years ago?!

Anonymous said...

As readers we can't get past them, I would only hope the pull is soooo much stronger for her! She left it open at the end for a future...but yes the prequels would be kewl to!!