I have to thank newmoon.org for posting this heartwarming story and letter. A simple note and signature from Robert Pattinson gave this woman a tremendous amount of joy - and that is truly what's it's all about. If this story doesn't make you think twice about your life, nothing will. My husband, Tom (Tomward? LOL) is a kidney donor and I cannot tell you how important organ donation is. If it weren't for him, his brother, John would not have lived through diabetes, a very invasive disease that causes so many other problems in the body. It's been 10 years and we feel very blessed to have them both.
I hope and pray that Ms. MS gets her transplant and lives to a ripe, old age. She is inspirational in her fight - and even in her love of Twilight. Getting a message to Rob. P....going to see Peter F.... All while in a wheelchair and on constant oxygen. Hell, I was too embarrased to wear my "Bite Me" shirt today because I figured it would be overkill between my Converse, Raybans and "Be Safe" bumper sticker on my car. I might be "found out" in the parking lot at school. God forbid, right? MEH. It's all a bunch of nonsense compared to what this courageous woman is going through.
I'll get off my soap box now. Carpe Diem.
That was very moving. Thanks for posting that and putting it all in perspective. Sometimes we just need a little jolt to remind us how lucky we all are. Ms MS is very brave and kudos to the folks that pursued her dream for her to get Rob's attention to sign the New Moon book.
Carol and Jenn M you couldn't say it any better. Carpe Diem!!
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