I cannot speak. I may have to go to some type of halfway house to wait out my insanity while waiting for November 20th. Stephenie Meyer is a deity of some sort. I truly believe that. (Oh shut it, I do not. She's just really, REALLY cool.)
The Twilight Saga: New Moon Trailer in HD
Holy. Eff. HOLY EFF.
• KStew is her normal flat self for most of this....but I gotta say that the nightmare part really hit me in the gut.
• Edward...surprisingly flat as well. Seriously, I hope there will be at least an eyedropper full of passion between these two somewhere.
• My prediction for 11/21/09: The world will be Team Jacob. Lautner = FABULOUS. He's gonna leave Robsten in the dust.
• The image of drowned Bella in the water with drowned Edward...wow.
• I have a very bad feeling about Alice. I may be wrong, but based on this trailer I think Ashley Greene is in over her head acting wise.
• Dakota Fanning says, like, two words in this trailer and I can already tell she's gonna creep everyone out.
• Loving ALL the Volturi stuff.
• Much improvement in the wolf CGI.
Cannot wait for 11/20!!!!
My reply to Tracey's email:
On Sep 12, 2009, at 1:43 PM, Carol wrote:
I almost cannot speak. That trailer blew my mind. I've watched it 5 times already. Here's what I need to say:
- How can they show me that and expect me to wait TWO MORE MONTHS?!
- God bless Chris Weitz and everyone at Summit who gave this series its' proper due this time around. THAT - MOVIE - LOOKS - AMAZING.
- Bella's nightmare - need to see more. I see what you're saying but it was a little over the top with the type of screaming she was doing. I would have rathered whimpering (to make her more emotional like Bella Swan and less like Avril Levine.)
- Dakota Fanning is superb and her acting in that clip was only second to TAYLOR LAUTNER. Holy CRAP he is AMAZING.
- The shot of the wolf pack got me a little proud of Shannon, Jenn and I for seeing them live.
- I want to marry Laurent. Tracey and Jenn D. you have no clue how hilarious and endearing that man is. Shannon and Jenn M. - I SEE A COW IN HIS EYE!
- I'm on the fence on Alice but I didn't mind her too much. She's supposed to have that mousey voice. Let's wait for the movie to make a decision. Maybe she'll surprise us.
- Volturi = AWESOME
- One of my happiest moments in that trailer (besides Edward floating with Bella and the little swish her hand gives when Jacob pulls her out) is the wolves. 1 - they're HUGE and 2 - they look WAY BETTER, which Chris W. said they would. He said they changed them like 20 times since the last trailer.
- I LOVE that Charlie is in the midst of some scary stuff in the woods. Was that one of the wolf pack dropping from the tree?!
Oh my god I could go on and on. I need to watch it again right now.
PS - it's VICTORIA dropping from the tree. And Tracey's right about Alice. She's a little too "C'mon Bella...we have to get to the mall before it closes! MAC is having a sale on Viva Glammmm!"
I agree the trailer is AWESOME!!! I am sooo glad we (Jenn M and Carol) saw the wolf pack at the convention. I feel like I actually know them now!! Like they're my friends. GO TEAM WOLF!!
My thoughts on Ashley match the above, her acting seems a bit week.
Volturri WOW a bit scary.
This movie is going to kick _ss!!!
Can not wait!!!
OK, seriously? That official HD version, watched full screen on my Mac, compared to the version Carol and I spent a half hour analyzing yesterday? Well, to coin someone's phrase, it's like the difference between stale beer and a fine brandy. HOE. LEE. CRAP.
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