Sunday, September 13, 2009

Points for Robsten!

OK you all know I don't love gushing about the actors and I don't usually talk about their personal lives. It's all about EDWARD CULLEN - not anyone who plays him on TV.

COMMA HOWEVER - I just have to say that I LOVED the VMA "performance". For so many months we've watched Rob Pattinson literally shit his pants when cameras were around. NOT TONIGHT! When he came out on that stage all sauced and disheveled and CRACKING UP I was thrilled! It's ABOUT TIME this guy actually enjoy the ride!!! I give props to Kristen for the dress - very cute. And I dug the Victoria Beckham-esque do she was sporting. Honestly I'd rather she suck it up and get the extensions for the good of Eclipse - but if she won't, that is the best they're going to do with her Joan Jett growing-out do. And trust me - I'm not abusing her do because I got a totally over-layered do a few years back that took me 2 YEARS to fully grow out. Ugh. Not goin' back to THAT unhappy place. NEXT!!!!!

Lastly - Taylor Lautner - once again - STUPEFIES me with his maturity and great attitude. That's all. More tomorrow...

1 comment:

shannon said...

I agree Taylor handles himself very maturely. I was so proud of him up there!