As my good friend Rocky Balboa from Philadelphia says: "I'm afraid, alright. For the first time in my life I'm afraid."
Is it me or is this CREEPY with a capital CREEP?! I don't even know where to start! They're like... STEPFORD CULLENS. This is the most uncomfortable scene on the planet! Friggin Edward doesn't say a word; he just looks at Emmett like he's so constipated he can't stand up straight. And what's that music playing in the background?! (Clearly I haven't gone near the soundtrack, as I don't want to ruin my auditory experience). And Alice is soooo bee-boppy. Not... flitting... like Tinkerbell...just... bee-boppy! Like a 4th grader! And Jasper. Oh...poor, deranged, crazy-assed Jasper. I will say this: Rosalie = GOOD. Emmett = even better. He's the only one in the whole damn scene who comes off as REAL. Oh and Bella, too - gotta give her props. It's like she's acting totally normal while dealing with a bunch of RITCHIE CUNNINGHAM VAMPIRES. I'm totally freaked out.
Emmett/Kellan is awesome. I'm really happy that he'll get some more screen time in this and upcoming films. I'm really anticipating the convo that he and Edward have just before the wedding. Rosalie/Nikki is likewise good. I hate her in this scene and that's EXACTLY what I'm supposed to feel.
I think in context this scene will work. I like it better than the earlier one that showed up. 18 Days!!!!
That's funny you should mention that, Jenn. I love that scene where Bella and Edward are canoodling on her bed and Emmett and Jasper come to the window to take Edward to his "bachelor party". I love the little exchange between Bella and Jasper. I wish there would have been more of a "moment" with the two of them when she became vampire. Kindof like a "no hard feelings" type of thing... because he tried know... kill her and all. ;)
OK, I just watched this carefully for the second/third time--I have to say Iike it a bit better than the first watch. My favorite BY FAR part of this is when Alice takes B&E's picture. WATCH EDWARD CAREFULLY. Holy baby jebus. A whole host of shite passes over his face: "Jeez louise Alice you are so annoying with that camera; this is so stupid; OMG I love Bella; I am so happy." Say what you want about RPattz--he strikes me as a rather good actor. I was pleasantly surprised by his performance in Twilight, and I think I'm going to be even more so in NM. And his makeup is WAY better.
Excellent assessment, Tracey. I agree wholeheartedly with your review of RPattz.
Tracey we just watched him in The Haunted Airman last week. He's VERY good. And I went into it thinking "meh". The movie was... odd... and it didn't quite work (enough with the spiders already!) But RP was great. He's truly talented... and I think most people will realize that, with one exception; him. Most self deprecating person on the planet from what I can see. But bottom line - if I disagree with his pained faces in the Twilight movies, it's not because he's not good; it's because that's the way he was told to play the character, and I just happen to disagree with it.
Won't play for me...not available in Canada! Grrrrr
AHHH! TRACEY - go here and scroll down. Maybe it's just my site and not Canada?!
I just watched this again and paid extra close attention to Jasper's eyes...I kind of wish they got all dark, like when they need to feed...
Emmett is still my favorite in this scene. He cracks me up.
Just watched the scene and I agree with Jenn D. I loved how Edward played that scene when Alice pulls him towards Bella. He is a good actor and also I just think he got better direction in this movie. I saw all the different emotions he went through as he approached Bella...I got it.
Thanks for posting that, Carol.
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