Monday, March 29, 2010

M. Night Shyamalan Would Love to Direct Breaking Dawn!

I. Love. This. Not because I think M. Night Shyamalan is necessarily the best choice for the job... but because I love M. Night Shyamalan. He's a good Philly 'burbs kid like me and I support everything he does - good or bad. Here's the thing - he has the heart. He's not your typical male director in that he's able to get to the heart of the story and make you feel it. And he liked Twilight. He called Catherine Hardwicke to compliment her! I can't believe it but I think I love him even more!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Wax RPattz: I So Totally WON'T Have What She's Having...

YUCK! Can you IMAGINE how many Tweens, Teens, Tri-Delts, Moms and Cougars have slobbered on this thing??? BLECH! Strep throat is going around our school.. I can get it THERE without having to deal with the Lincoln Tunnel, thankyouverymuch!  PS - Poor Rob. They made him look like a life-sized Ken doll. Wonder if he's sporting a big void downtown, too...

*Thanks to Getty Images for the photo.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Edward's Red Eyes in Eclipse?

THIS is an interesting little tidbit I found over at Apparently someone realized Edward has RED eyes in the trailer? What's up with that???

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Eclipse Trailer Parody

Oh holy god this is so friggin funny I don't know what to do with myself. I. Love. This. Guy. Thanks to Diana (a friend to both of my blogs!) for posting this on Facebook!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Edward and Bella Bedroom Scene from Eclipse

SPOILER ALERT: Don't watch if you don't want to see scenes from Eclipse before the movie comes out.

Ho. Ly. CRAPOLA. Between the music, the tragic subject matter and the general feeling of creepiness (thank you, David Slade!).... I'm thinking this might be the best Twilight movie yet. Cross your fingers.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I...I...I... oh god just WATCH IT!!!!!!  PS - LORDDDDD....Bring back Rachelle!!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010



I've never been so happy in my whole life! (whimpered like Long Duck Dong)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Artist on Artist Interview with Rob Pattinson and Pierce Brosnan

Jenn M suggested I watch this days ago... and I just got around to finishing it. Wow - it's a great interview. It was really done to promote "Remember Me" but they talk a good deal about Twilight - or Breaking Dawn, rather, toward the end. Rob says they're filming at the end of the year and that it may be split into too films. (Um "may". Right. It's SO going to be two films. Can we say "Ca-ching"!)

Enjoy. (And might I say Pierce Brosnan is a god. Seriously. Rob who?)

Artist on Artist with Robert Pattinson and Pierce Brosnan

Artist on Artist | MySpace Video

Sunday, March 7, 2010

jedecec Meets Peter Facinelli!

jedecec is my very awesome cousin JENN D who follows us as JeDeCe! BOW DOWN! She has met CARLISLE CULLEN, Y'ALL!!!  And I have no IDEA how she did it, but girlfriend actually got PFACH to TWEET about her. (scroll down)


Sunday, February 28, 2010

Kellan Lutz Has Gas

You know you've hit the big time when they're snappin' ya at the gas-n-sip. Srsly.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Twiligiht Verizon Ad

Have you seen this? It's funny... It's cheesy... It's funny... It's cheesy...It's...


OOOOhhhh Kstew and TLaut will be presenting at the OSCARS! That's pretty huge, y'all. I didn't really expect any Oscar nods - but it's cool that they're being included. WORD.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

New Eclipse Stills

Well... since I'm such a teeny tiny operation... I figured no one would mind if I posted a still from Eclipse. There are more where this came from. Do let me know if you'd like to see them...

Breaking Dawn in 3D?

This would make me throw in my mouth a whole lot more than a little. I am vehemently against Breaking Dawn being in 3D. I don't even know if I could see it.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Rachelle LeFevre was Thrown to the Wolves

Could someone please remind me again why this gorgeous woman who has a big heart and played "Victoria" to perfection was kicked to the curb? I'll never understand it.

She was awesome in Twilight and even better in New Moon. That scene with her running in the woods (RIP Harry Clearwater) was one of my top three favorites in the film.

I hope she gets some tremendous roles in the very near future. I know she'll kick ass.. and  she doesn't need Summit. 


*Thanks to for the photo.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Mother of god. New Eclipse stills. Lots of them.

There are no words. I cannot speak. THANK YOU to ROBsessed for these unbelievable shots. THANK YOU to my cousin, Jenn D. for alerting me to them. THANK YOU to David Slade for staying TRUE TO THE STORY and giving us the ever-loving "leg hitch" scene on Edward's bed. THANK YOU to Stephenie Meyer for writing the series. And THANK YOU to all of you who are reading this. This is the equivalent of one of those nights when you've had too much to drink and start telling everyone who walks by how much you love them because you're so unbelievably happy...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

What do YOU want to do with Rob?

The Details article and spread came out - with those stunning photos of Rob and some scantily clad women. That's a nice way of saying "naked". (So if you're one of my grade school-aged nieces, you're not allowed to click the link, mmmkayyy?)

The following quote is in the Details article... and I got to thinking: I wonder how my blog buds would answer this. So what do you say, peeps? What's YOUR answer?

"Complete strangers want to fuck you, shoot you, be you, buy you, sell you, run their fingers through your hair, watch you have sex, hear you pee, eat chips with you, and kidnap you and stuff you in the trunk of their car."     

My answer?  Chips. Definitely chips.