Tuesday, September 29, 2009

V is for Volturi!

Ooooh my sister, Tracey is going to loveeee this. Mmmmm hmmmm. Why, you ask? Well let me tell you. Because Tracey loves herself some Michael Sheen. How a guy who mastered Tony Blair in "The Queen" is going to master Aro is almost beyond me. But I think he's fantastic, so I don't have any doubts.
Here's a question for ya: 

Do you care that Aro won't have white hair and papery skin? Discuss!


Now wouldya just LOOK at alllllll the pretty. It's beyond comprehension. And is that poor Quill back there? We haven't seen much of him on the interwebs. Nobody puts Quill in the corner!

Monday, September 28, 2009

New Moon Soundtrack - Anya Marina

Check out Anya Marina's MySpace page to hear the song she wrote for the New Moon soundtrack, Satellite Heart. I'm always curious to know how much of the song we'll actually hear during the movie. Will we hear a good chunk? Or just a snippet like Collective Soul's "Tremble for my Beloved" on the Twilight soundtrack.  52 days to go, Y'all. 52 days to go...

Dork, party of 1?

OK might I just say that this cool new gadget from Feedjit I put on the site is awesome? It lets you know where people are visiting from. Las Vegas...Texas...Ontario...New South Wales...that rocks! I am the biggest Twidork on the planet and it makes me giddy that all of you are stopping by. THANKS! You all seriously made my day!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Boys on Film

I dug this video with Rob and Chaske. Watch it.    *Thanks TwilightMoms!

I heart Melissa Rosenberg

I got a little nervous when I saw rumors online with "Diablo Cody" and "Breaking Dawn" being used in the same sentences. NOT that I didn't LOVE Juno. Cuz I did, homeskillet. But I don't want anyone to mess with the franchise that is the Twilight saga. Just bring Melissa back and we'll all be happy, I'm sure. She's already written the first three. Why change now? That could be disastrous and very, very weird. At any rate, just read this great article from MTV that says Melissa has signed on for Breaking Dawn. (exhales) And this was my comment, which I HAD to share with you. I just had a revelation to beat the band. I think it could work:

I pretty much agree. And I just don't see how they can do two movies. Rob Pattinson will be grey before it's all over! I think the wedding - and Bella's pregnancy - can be shaved down. Give us a nice chunk of honeymoon. Give us a decent-but-not-huge chunk of Bella-the-new-vamp. Bring in all the vamps, give us some background and fight practice. Then lead up to the non-battle. As far as direction, I'd love them to use Catherine for the wedding, Chris for the honeymoon, pregnancy and Bella running around as a newborn , and then have David bring it all home in that scary, "30 Days of Night" way with lots of impending doom - which we all know never comes. I think it would be fantastic.

What do y'all think? (C'mon - let's hear from everyone! I love comments from lurkers and new readers!)

Last week's TwiGoodness from Deadbolt

Great recap of the past week in Twilight Land by Troy Rogers over at The Deadbolt. Go forth and peruse, Twilovers.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Twiscussions on Video

Check out the girls from "Hollywood Crush" chit chatting about some Twistuff. I wasn't going to post this until I got to the end and realized that in a ridiculous, self-absorbed way, I am the common denominator of all their stories! Allow me to elaborate. (And check out the video below or it looks like I'm just doing a butt-load of celebrity name-dropping.)

Taylor Swift grew up in Wyomissing, PA, about an hour away from where I grew up in Paoli, PA. Dave Boreanaz went to Malvern Prep, which was 10 minutes from my house. I used to see him at my high school's football games and yes, I drooled over him back then when he had the big boy haircut and sported Patagonia jackets. But it was because his dad ("Dave Roberts") was/is the weather man on Action News and I thought that was kewl.

Lastly, I SO want to make a video like this. Jenn M., Shannon and Tracey, have I not been saying we should do this for months? It's bad enough I didn't get any of my New Moon trailer reactions on camera, but now I'm missing out on the Twiscussion vids, too! We must REMEDY THIS, Ladies!

Bill and Edward. Perfect together.

I love this. I wish there was a rivalry. I find it funny that Stephen Moyer is saying Rob P could be his son. Doesn't that mean Sookayyyy could be his daughter? (Ew, with all this Mackenzie Phillips weirdness this week, that's not even funny, is it?)

National Ledger - Twilight and New Moon's Rob Pattinson & True Blood's Stephen Moyer Rivalry?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Welcome to the EMASCULATION of Edward Cullen.

I don't even know where to start. I am so fired up about this car NONSENSE that I just posted nothing, by accident, and had to go back and erase my post-fulla-nothing before posting this.

Do you see this? THIS is a Volvo S60R. THIS is what Edward Cullen drove in Twilight. And New Moon. Oh and Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. Yeah. That's right. ALL of the books. Check it out yourself on Stephenie Meyer's "Cullen Cars" section of her website.

Do you see this? This is the Volvo C30. THIS is what Edward Cullen drove in the MOVIE version of Twilight. My only guess as to why the car was changed to something Edward Cullen SO would NOT have driven is that a) the "R" in the S60R is no longer available... and b)  it seems like a car a younger person would drive, and they wanted to make Edward hip and truly 17, and not ONE HUNDRED EIGHT, which is what is truly is.

Now. Turn your attention to THIS. THIS is what Edward Cullen is driving in Eclipse. (See Bella in the driver's side?) It is an XC90.  And I know a lot about the XC90 because I OWNED ONE for five years - until last year when I traded it in for a Ford Flex. I wanted a car that was a little shorter, a lot less expensive with just as much room and a 5 star safety rating. I miss my XC90 a lot, but seeing as Ford owns Volvo, I knew I'd be getting a similar driving experience. (Anyone who is saying "oh come ON, you can't compare Ford to Volvo is not aware just how much Ford there really in a Volvo these days. The same goes for the Saab 900, which is now built on a Malibu chassis as it's owned by GM and they have completely wiped out all the old Swedish designers and execs. Don't EVEN get me started on THAT.)

OK SO WHY am I waxing on about cars like some kind of annoying guy on one of those cable shows filmed in a garage with motorcycles and guys in bandanas? Because in addition to being a total techno-dweeb, I am also a TOTAL car chick. Always have been. Ever since I was in the 8th grade and completely mortified when my mother dropped me off at school in her 67 Dodge Dart. (I won't go any further with that story because it really does bring back painful memories and I may have to go lie down if I do.)

And WHY am I so upset about Edward's Volvo? Because it's not that difficult to stick to the damn story. Let's reflect on a little book called Eclipse. Do you remember this:
"It came out of nowhere. One minute there was nothing but bright highway in my rearview mirrow. The next minute, the sun was glinting off a black Volvo XC90 right on my tail."

I have had not one, but two times since reading the Twilight series that I looked in my rearview mirror and saw a SILVER VOLVO S60 behind me and almost shat my pantalones. I am not too proud to admit that I spent the rest of the drive pretending Edward was following me and was going to give me one of his sexy, tight-assed lectures on his black, leather couch when I got home from helping Angela with her graduation announcements... but I digress.

Bottom line, the story goes:  "the sun was glinting off a SILVER VOLVO right on my tail". And that's what we should see in the films.

OK so why change it? A Volvo XC90 is a great car. Don't get me wrong. But a guy who has a simultaneous love of all things fast, yet practical in the Volvo family is NOT going to drive one! Do you know what I called that car for five years? My MOM CAR. I don't care that they've changed it to black. Ooooh big deal. Black! As if that denotes a car that's usually driven by a person with a penis?!?  NOT! My first car was black! (A pre-owned 1986 Nissan Pulsar, which was sa-weet until I went away for a weekend and left it in a parking lot that got flooded. There were practically fish falling out of the back seat when I opened the door. Let's not go there, mmmkayyy?)

So I ask you, Mr. Slade... WHY are you MESSING with "THE CAR"? Is it not enough to have a long and happy movie with a silver S60??  (Even without the "R", I'd much rather see the proper SILVER S60 than a BLACK X90!)

If you want to CHANGE something, change Bella's wig! (And lord....change Carlisle's while you're at it.) And leave the cars alone! Geez, next thing you know, Edward's going to be lending Jacob his Ferrari Enzo in Breaking Dawn! It's just...WRONG!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dream On

Cool dream sequence photo from New Moon. Just add it to all the photos that have been taking my breath away this week. Look at the clothes. It's like Edward hasn't even died yet. And it sticks to the books because Bella had daydreams about Edward's "time" and saw herself wearing Victorian and Edwardian clothes. And just look at Bella's face. All happy and content in her little dream that Edward is still around. (OK not sure why Edward looks constipated but, whatev. We all have bad days.) Anyhoo...(god since when do I say "anyhoo?!") All of this means I may love Chris Weitz as much as Edward Cullen, if that's at all possible. Yowsa.
*Thanks to newmoonmovie.org for the photo!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

They will all sparkle. THEY WILL ALL SPARKLE!!!!!

DAVID A SLADEDAVID_A_SLADE When the vampires sparkle we need to use a special camera filter to expose it on film. Otherwise the film over exposes.DAVID A SLADEDAVID_A_SLADE Today, vampires talking, vampires kissing, rain stayed away. We had to battle the sunlight to keep our vampires from sparkling too much.

Monday, September 21, 2009

There. Are. No. Words.

Check out all 41 of these STUNNING behind-the-scenes New Moon photos from the LA Times.

The OFFICIAL NEW MOON SOUNDTRACK has been announced!

I give you the OFFICIAL NEW MOON SOUNDTRACK as just listed on Stephenie Meyer's website:


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Good Twi-dish

Loved this Marc Malkin article with comments from Melissa Rosenberg. She shares my "whatev" sentiments on the conglomeration that is Robsten. She's also got some good dish here - specifically the "Riley" character in Eclipse... and how things in New Moon will be "expanded on" in the film. And there is some great, positive commentary from Rachelle LaFevre (who I totally love and am actually getting sadder over as the weeks go by.)

And it is only fair that I point out that Kristen Stewart looks FABU in this shot. I am really proud of her for stepping up to the plate and playing the movie star for her fans at the VMA's. I love Joan Jett even more than the next guy but it was time for Kristen to put her away for a little while. So kudosamundo, Kstew. Long live Bella Swan.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Mark reads Twilight

O.M.G. I am slowly becoming obsessed with this website, Mark Reads Twilight. He's some dude who is reading the series (I haven't yet delved into his reasons why) and he's pretty funny. He abuses Bella a lot, which means he totally reminds me of me whilst I was ranking on Bella and some of her moronic decisions. And today he became "Team Jacob" while on chapter 5 of New Moon...and hilarity ensued. 

I want to be Edward Cullen

Holy crap this is funny! Thanks to newmoonmovie.org for bringing this hilarity to my attention!

It's him. It's always been him.

Cool Fanbolt article with Kristen Stewart about filming New Moon and having to show tons of emotion over not being with Edward. (Hell... I do that every day!)

My Eclipse Playlist

OK so my Eclipse playlist is coming along nicely. That New York Times article about the Twilight series soundtracks got my juices flowing to work on it a little more... so I should have more tuneage up soon.

Has anyone noticed my double "Ain't No Sunshine"s? The Eva Cassidy version represents Bella's perspective when Edward keeps going away to hunt and making Alice hold her hostage. Le sigh. (Sorry. Just got a little lost in thought about Edward's new iron bed that the wench won't even sleep in.) The Bill Withers version represents Edward's perspective every time Bella trots off to La Push to hang with her hairy pack-o-friends.

Am I a genius or what? How cool would that be to hear two versions of the song representing the two characters?

Here's another thing that bugs me. Joe Hedges should be on that soundtrack. Guaranteed none of you know who he is, and the NYT article said most of the New Moon music is very indie. He's a guy from Ohio who has a band and has written some really beautiful songs. One is called Mitral Valve Prolapse (that's his own artwork above) and I wanted it on the New Moon soundtrack so badly. He wrote it because he has MVP, which is a leaky mitral valve in your heart. I have it too, and I just thought it would be SO cool from Bella's perspective. The lyrics say "I try but nothing ever fills me up" which is SO CLOSE to what Bella was always saying about the hole in her chest when Edward was gone. Another song is called "Pray the Stars" and it's gorgeous and I could hear it as Bella's feelings toward both Edward AND Jacob. I emailed him a while back and told him to submit Mitral Valve Prolapse for New Moon. He was good enough to email me back and ask about New Moon (he had no clue what it was) but that was it. So I'm sure he didn't submit. Then I read that article - and it bugs me because his band could have gotten some serious recognition, even from just submitting a song and having it get into the right hands. Maybe they don't want to go the "to the masses" route, though, which I can understand. Kings of Leon turned down a chance to be on the soundtrack, as well. I don't agree, mind you....  but I understand.

Record Labels Develop a Taste for Vampires

Tremendous New Moon soundtrack article from Ben Sisario at the New York Times. Including the name of the Music Supervisor for both Twilight and New Moon. She's the person you send your music to for consideration for a Twilight film. Her name is Alexandra (I can't tell you her last name, because that would be indiscreet) Patsavas.