Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Guess who showed up at my doorstep today?!

Jenn M. and Shannon C. - the two of you are PRICELESS and you better believe Edward will be front and center at my 100 Days til New Moon party in August!!!!! Video to follow...

Monday, June 8, 2009

More Vampires?

Twilight meets True Blood meets Dawson's Creek, Dudes. I don't even know WHAT to think about THIS.


This... is like 8 million times BETTER than the REAL trailer. Honest to god. It gave me the chills. KUDOS to tiffanyd666. She has truly put together a work of art - AGAIN!


Must throw out huge props to Rob P. who has taken my advice and done a SPECTACULAR job of trying to disguise himself better. Of course, it's not exactly working... but whatev. Love the baseball hat. And I'm thrilled to see he's ditched the black hoodie and all-black ensem for some good, old-fashioned Levi's and an... interesting plaid shirt. He probably should ditch the Wayfarers if he really wants to seal the deal though... but I love my own Ray-Bans and would probably not be able to part with them, either.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Just finished Breaking Dawn. Again.

I realized I've barely mentioned my big Breaking Dawn re-read... probably because I've been taking my time and picking it up here and there. Here are my thoughts at present:

- Caius... is a douche.
- As with the other books, I loved this so much more the 2nd time around. I didn't race through the visiting vampire stuff toward the end and I frankly cannot WAIT to see who they cast in the movie. I would give my left ovary to see a little Jonathan Rhys Meyers action... or possibly a Jude Law casting, perhaps? (And PS I had him on the brain days ago BEFORE they started asking RPattz about him in the media. Word.) OK Back to the book:
- Every time Edward and Jacob have "a moment" I'm so verklempt I want to send someone a sappy Hallmark card.
- Why can't Alice "see" half-immortals? I thought she couldn't "see" things when Renesmee was around because she was tied to Jacob. But she couldn't see Nahuel, either. And if you don't remember who Nahuel is, you need to get your ass in gear and re-read Breaking Dawn, too.
- Why does Stephenie throw Esme so few crumbs in this book? They might as well save their pennies and send poor Elizabeth Reaser back to Grey's Anatomy during the shooting of this movie since she's barely in the book. And believe me, I love her, too. I need more cowbell - and Esme.
- Bella and Edward = Sappy and Sappier in this book. I love 'em - and I loved the book - but man they are so gooey at the end. I half expect them to call each other schnookems and stay up late watching "7th Heaven" reruns.

It is a-ma-zing to me to see the difference between "Breaking Dawn Bella and Edward" and "Twilight Bella and Edward". In Breaking Dawn, Edward's home entertaining the guests on the Steinway while Bella's taking Renesmee to her father's for a lovely afternoon visit (um, not actually. Can we say J. Jenks?) Certainly is a far cry from the high school days when Edward was stalking half the junior class' brains for Bella tidbits in the middle of English class. Or was it Geometry class? Uh oh....I can't remember. And you know what THAT means?! Yup! The big, ol' MIDNIGHT SUN RE-READ!!! Stay tuned!

No no no no no no no no

Nope. Don't like it. AT ALL. Don't get me wrong, it's a decent Kelly Clarkson tune; I dig her a lot. But this song is too angry underneath the surface. Bella did not think this way about Edward leaving. She never ever uttered a negative word about him while he was gone. She was just... sad.

***There is some discrepancy about this song. It's supposedly a demo from 2007 called "Did You" - but I'm not finding anything called "Empty as I Am" so maybe they've renamed the demo? She says Empty as I Am has a "sweet melody" - and this isn't a sweet song. So maybe it's not the right song? If someone can clear this up, please let me know.

Rob and Obama: Perfect Together

GREAT article from MTV about Rob Pattinson's sudden, massive fame. Honestly, it creeps me out to no end. I don't know how he handles it so well. I'll have to ponder that this summer when I'm in the city stalking him with Jenn and Shannon. Oh chill, I'm kidding. Everybody knows I'd rather stalk Jeffrey Dean Morgan...

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Rob who?

Thanks to Twilight Moms for putting this interview with Peter Facinelli - aka Carlisle Cullen - on their website and thus reminding me to watch it. He is so adorable I've almost forgiven him for blowing us off in Parsippany. Chelsea Handler is so friggin funny I can't contain myself. I have to laugh that her book "My Horizontal Life" is my BOOK CLUB BOOK for this month. We all complained about having to read too many depressing books involving kids and someone suggested a good smutty book. I was kindof hoping for a smutty romance novel but whatev. She's funny so I'll get some much-needed laughs.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Twilight Guy

OK so this funny dude - Twilight Guy (check out his site) - has a cool little contest going where you can win all sorts of signed Twilight goodness for just subscribing to his youtube channel (that means push a little "subscribe" button - not too difficult). So of course, I did. Here's what I want: The signed copy of Twilight (with the signed New Moon coming in second) or the signed photo of Kellen Lutz riding with his head out of the hummer; one of my absolutely FAVORITE shots from the movie. SO Emmett.

I have been playing with some possible video ideas for a while now. If I make something, it might feature Jenn M. and Shannon C. - and maybe everyone who comes to my 100 Days 'til New Moon party - if they'll give me their consent. (insert evil laughter here)

Um, Damn!

This is... I don't even know what to say about this.

Get DOWN with your bad self, Stephenie!

Great article from The Deadbolt about Stephenie Meyer coming in #26 out of 100 on the Forbes Most Powerful Celebrities list. Just like I was waxing on about last night, THIS is what it's all about. I have all the lurve for Rob P, but it's not about him pulling a butt muscle and needing a massage on the first day of shooting. (Hello, Massage Therapy school? It's me, Carol...) It's about Stephenie Meyer being awesome. She created Edward Cullen. 'Nuff said.

*Thanks so much to twilightersanonymous.com for the awesome photo!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

OK so this is weird

So tonight I was doing laundry (I can hear the Rowan U. girls running away from this post, thinking it's going to be boring and they're late for a party ;) and I started thinking about Stephenie Meyer. I started thinking about the MTV awards... and how she wasn't there. And I was wondering why. One of my mother's favorite sayings is "Be conspicuous by your absence." And clearly, Stephenie Meyer was extremely conspicuous by hers on Sunday night. (Of course my mother used to say that to me when she was dragging me to Northwestern PA to see my grandparents for Thanksgiving, and I was missing the Homecoming dance, but I digress.)

So after a few minutes of pondering this, I decided I was proud of Stephenie Meyer. She could be very different about all of this. She could be going to awards - hobnobbing with the world - but she's not. She could be trying to get every bit of limelight possible - but she's not. For whatever reason, she has decided to "sit this one out" if you will. And I'm insanely impressed by that. If it were me, I'd have had my ass planted right in between Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart during the awards. I'd have gotten every designer in Manhattan to bring me dresses. And I'd have had my own little "almost kiss" with Carlisle (with Jenny AND Esme's blessing, of course) - only I'd have faked him out and gone in for the kill. But not Stephenie Meyer. Lord knows what she was doing on Sunday night. Watching in her sweats with her family at home, perhaps? (Finishing Midnight Sun, perhaps?) Regardless, she is one CLASS ACT and I am once again reminded of my respect and high regard for this woman. And as I said in the early days of this blog and should be saying a lot more these days: It's. Not. About. The. Movies. It's about the books. All of it. All of this. And we all need to remember that a little more often.

OK so why is it weird? Because - after the laundry was finished (yeah right) - I came downstairs, looked at my Google homepage, and noticed a blurb on newmoonmovie.org about Stephenie Meyer deleting her Myspace page. She posted a note on her website, saying she has never had a Facebook page - doesn't Twitter - and will only be communicating with fans via her official website. And I'm sure you - like I - will detect a bit of bitterness when she mentions missing the old days of being able to talk to fans online. So I'm guessing she is truly disappearing for a while. And I could not BE more thrilled. It means she's writing, people. It means she's got something cooking and I, for one, cannot wait to find out what. OK so I'm hoping upon hope that it involves a little more Edward - and a little less mermaids - than what has been previously pondered. But - whatever. I just hope Stephenie Meyer is in a good place right now and is truly happy. Because she's brought a lot of happiness into our lives... it's only right she get to enjoy her own.

*Thanks to entertainment weekly for the photo.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

More Carlisle Lurve

Check out Carlisle's nifty scarf-tie. He is STYLIN'! It looks like he might have stepped out for a coffee in this shot and they said "no worries, we'll just borrow a stand-in from Madame Tussaud's." And hello? Bella? I know your own house is nothing to brag about, but do you think you could maybe TRY not to get blood all over the carpet? Esme puts a lot of time into decorating, you know.

I'm a fangirl, she's a fangirl, you're a fangirl too!

I had to post this just in case you weren't sure who the dude below her is abusing. But - I have to defend her - because I was just as bad the other night when I first saw it. Think Tom Cruise-jumping-up-and-down-on-Oprah's-couch bad. Yeah. I should have taped myself. I'd be all over youtube by now. And not in a good way. PS - this is SO for my niece, Caitlin. I can't wait to watch her emulate this at the next family party.

I love this guy!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Totally cute interview

How sweet is Peter Facinelli? I swear to god he's got a Leave it to Beaver vibe happening. I half expect him to excuse himself to run off to church. Or a little league game.

Monday, June 1, 2009

~ Shudder ~

I truly feel bad for this guy. He had zero clue how Twilight was going to explode and take over his life. I am willing to bet he'd say "no thank you" if he had it to do all over again, and someone told him how bad it would get. I just realized he's this mega star; but he hasn't made a ton of money from acting yet. It's not like he can hop on his private jet. He's stuck taking commercial airlines like the rest of us.
You can see all the photos of Rob P. looking slightly terrified - and taking his shoes off at security - at Celebrity Gossip. Truly unfrigginbelievable.

Great video interview with Taylor Lautner

He says that his "breakup scene" with Bella is the most intense scene he shot. Remember it was raining and Billy and the pack were looking out the window? Ugh. It was almost as torturous as Edward in the woods when I read it the 2nd time. Watch it!

Sigh. Just look at all the pretty.

Everything looks better in the morning!

OK so this AM both Jenn M. and Kim H (who I don't even know but she's friends with cool Kim from the shore so she must be cool) pointed out that Bella is wearing a different jacket in the "Jake run!" scene than she is in the Laurent scene. Soooo....they DIDN'T mess with the Laurent scene. And for this, I am eternally grateful. AND - I just watched the breakup scene again and almost cried - but this time for Edward. After reading Midnight Sun - and that 4 pager blurb when he was in the attic in South America in New Moon - can you even IMAGINE what was going through that poor guy's head when he dumped her? Oh man. Bringin' the crazy. Stephenie Meyer - please - don't make me beg more (but you know I will).

PS - Hope you liked my erratic posting last night during the awards. Which only goes to show that I truly do live in p-u-r-g-a-t-o-r-y over the Twilight series. It just ain't right. They will commit me before this is all over and Breaking Dawn comes out. I just hope they let me watch it in the rubber room.