Sunday, September 13, 2009

Things I have to say

I cannot stop watching the new trailer. Is there something wrong with me? Not only do I get chills, but I get them at multiple and different places within the video. Charlie in the woods... Laurent and the wolves... Dakota Fanning... That eerie music that all the fan trailers use... Ugh. I'm exhausted. I need to take a month's sabbatical at one of those rehabs all he celebs go to when they need some "down time". But really... could a spa strip me of this obsession? I think not. (OK now my neighbors who have recently found my blog totally and completely thing I am a freak. And you know who you are, Liz and Greg!)

OK so everyone has had something to say about Ashley's acting in this trailer... but I maintain the feeling that we have to wait for the movie. The trailer is incredibly spliced and all over the place. Bella's truck pulls up - and Alice and Bella are talking in a vehicle. But it's not the truck - it's Carlisle's Mercedes. They show Bella walk up a hill in one (bad) outfit - but she jumps off the cliff in another (bad) one. At any rate, we have to remember that Ashley is narrating in a way. She's not just being Alice, she's telling the non-book-reading audience what's going on. I think that's why she's sounding so desperate for Viva Glam at the mall. (See comments of the below post for an explanation.) She also sounds very Marge Thompson (Nancy's mom) in Nightmare on Elm Street. "He can't get you anymore. Mommy killed him." But again - let's wait for the film. I think we'll be surprised. (Also - she's M'GIRL ALICE and I can't do anything but love her.)

OK - here's the most important thing I have to say. Ready?

Dear Stephenie,
Taylor Lautner's acting in this short clip makes me realize you absolutely - positively - MUST continue this series. It is an incredible disservice to the fans to not let us see Jacob fall in love with the RIGHT girl - aka Renesmee. (Much like that meanie Shonda Rhymes robbed me of seeing Denny and Izzie walk out of the hospital on their way to dinner, but I digress.) Please find it in your heart to continue this series (right after finishing Midnight Sun, writing "The Carlise Chronicles" and giving us an in-depth look at Edward's life before being made Vampire.)
Thanks bunches!

And last but not least, after seeing this itty-bitty trailer, I have to state the following:

Rob who? I'll take one of Felix, please.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Dying. Dying. Dying. Dying. Dying.

I cannot speak. I may have to go to some type of halfway house to wait out my insanity while waiting for November 20th. Stephenie Meyer is a deity of some sort. I truly believe that. (Oh shut it, I do not. She's just really, REALLY cool.)
The Twilight Saga: New Moon Trailer in HD

Friday, September 11, 2009

Vampire Diaries Interview

THIS is as far as I got in this interview with Kevin Williamson, writer of the SHOW - Vampire Diaries (not the book series which was written by L. J. Smith) because I didn't want to see any spoilers. (Thanks to Jenn M. for sending me the link!!)  Since first seeing this trailer online, I've been saying that although it started out very Twilightesque, I was willing to bet it wouldn't continue on that path.

Now from reading the following; I think I was right:

And then I read the first book and said, no way, because it was just like "Twilight." But Julie Plec was already on book three by then, because she reads faster, and she was just like, keep reading it, so I kept reading it, and I went, you're right, it's not [like "Twilight"]. I said, if we can get to the other stuff sooner, than yes, let's do it. And so we sort of rearranged things, so even though the first episode and the set up are the same -- the guy comes to school, she meets him, all of that is the same in the pilot -- once you get past that... as soon as Damon shows up, it's totally different.

Holy ^%$# - New Moon is COMING!

Have you seen this? Fan made...WhatEV! Just WATCH IT!!!

Twilight vs True Blood

Now...I loves me some Eric Northman. I really do. Anyone who has read the Sookie Stackhouse books knows books 4 and 9 are Ericlicious. COMMA HOWEVER - these photos of RPattz as Edward Cullen are S-T-U-N-N-I-N-G. Srsly peeps. Check em out and take the In Style poll. Edward is winning (duh) because there are way too many Twi-loving tweens to make the contest even. Either way, I am looking forward to Sunday's True Blood finale with great eagerness. Word.

Eclipse footage

I kindof loathe posting video like this because it includes a bunch of Hollywood crap that I don't care about. But - it's got a quick glimpse of Eclipse filming from afar. And that's pretty cool.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


The Vampire Diaries starts tonight on the CW - 8:00 Eastern. Which is in about 5 minutes if you're on the East Coast! Squeeeee!

Photos from the Eclipse set (insert nervous laughter here!)

Every once in a while I get a little giddy when I come across photographs from a Twilight saga movie set. Today, Ladies and Gentlemen, is one of those days. Just check out these photos from INF Daily of filming on the Eclipse set. How is it possible for me to be in such anticipation of this film when I haven't even seen New Moon yet! It's unreal!
And PS - Mother of god. Just how does one get THIS JOB?!?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bowling for Vampires!

We interrupt this Twilight blog to tell you that you just MUST go and check out this new True Blood blog.  Jenn - the blog's creator - has read all the Sookie Stackhouse books and has never missed a True Blood episode. She knows her stuff and she's got great insight into the world of Sookie.  The blog is really good. And very Ericlicious!

Say hello to my little friend

I really just thought "My Edward" needed to be seen today. Isn't he dreamy?

If anyone can find out who this guy is and score me more pictures, you'll get a HUGE mention on My Twilight Purgatory. Snicker. C'mon. It's a high honor in some third world countries...

New Moon soundtrack sample!

CHECK IT OUT - you can listen to a sample of "Meet Me on the Equinox" by Death Cab for Cutie over at Twilight the Soundtrack. I still love Summer Skin and wished they'd used it on the New Moon sountrack - but I will absolutely take this. I like it! I love these guys!
*Thanks to for the photo!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Twilight Twitter

Cool little fact sheet PFach posted on Twitter. It shows the Twilight who's who in the world of Twitter, so you'll know you're following the real deal.

New Moon Corn Maze photo

Check out this photo of the New Moon corn maze I mentioned last week. VERY cool. Except for the whole Team Jacob thing. Whatevs! ;)

New Moon at Burger King. Hmmm...

New Moon merchadise is coming to Burger King, which will surely make me head in for a Whopper Jr. with cheese. Um... but... Has anyone at Burger King even read New Moon? Do they know what the book is about?

Let's review. A high school girl gets dumped by her boyfriend and sits around in a catatonic state until hanging out doing dangerous things with a friend. All so she can hear voices in her head. Then she hurls herself off a cliff and almost dies which causes her boyfriend try to commit suicide.

C'mon kids! Let's blow off Pre-K and head to Burger King!

OH and PS - if I haul my ass all the way to Burger King (McDonald's and Wendy's are much closer), that crown had BETTER say "Team Edward"!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

New Edward and Bella Graphic. Wait, what?

All the Twisites are flipping out over this new graphic. But I just have to throw in my .02.  Here goes:


Why does Edward's head look so big? It looks photoshopped. And what's with the claw? RPattz usually reserves that for his hair. I don't understand the shot, other than to say it's some weird parallel to that odd scary vampire photoshoot with the apple.

I just never really understood this photo shoot, seeing as it made Rob Pattinson look like Egor. Which the new graphic seems to do quite nicely as well.

Actually... what I think they're trying to accomplish, is to make Edward look scary like this photo from the Twilight marketing campaign. And we all know how Carol feels about the remaking of Edward Cullen into some scary creature, when really he was just a nice guy from a good background who drove a Volvo and set his girlfriend's friend up with the guy she liked. What we DON'T know is why I'm referring to myself in the third person. THAT is the real oddity in this post.

OK so to undo all this negative TwiKarma I've thrust upon myself, I must post a couple pictures I love that involve Edward AND Bella, lest anyone think I am ripping on Kstew or Rpattz. Cuz I am SO not.

Here is a FANTASTIC photo of KS and RP holding someone's baby. I wonder if this baby will grow up an Rpattz fan and think "Damnit if I had only been a few years older!!!"

*Thanks to inmortal for this HILARIOUSly altered photo. If I knew who took it; I'd thank them too.
And here is another graphic that curls my toes:

*Thanks to Lampoona for this awesome graphic.

Wowwy McWowwy. That. Is. SMOKIN'. Hot. Moreso than feathers. Well... maybe not feathers...

Friday, September 4, 2009


I. Love. This!  It's Children of the (New Moon) Corn!!!  I would so travel from New Jersey just to see the finished product.

SYRACUSE — The second "Twilight" movie is arriving early in northern Utah, sort of.
*Photo at right is NOT the New Moon maze but I found it on this website. Pretty cool with the wolf, if I do say so, myself.

Utah's largest corn maze is themed this year to "New Moon," the sequel in the popular Twilight saga.

Although the new movie doesn't arrive in theaters until Nov. 20, this 24-acre corn maze opens Sept. 24 and continues through Oct. 31.

Located at Black Island Farms, 3178 S. 3000 West, aerial photos show that two separate maze patterns have already been cut into the corn — a "Team Jacob" and a "Team Edward." (In the movie, Bella can choose Edward or Jacob as her lover.)

The lettering "New moon 11-20-09" is also a part of the maze.
A side design in the corn depicts a KUTV reporter or anchorman holding a microphone.
GPS technology is used to cut the intricate patterns into the corn.
The idea of a corn maze is to enter and then eventually conquer the labyrinths by finding the lone exit. Getting "lost" is part of the fun.
Black Island is a working vegetable farm, with about 400 acres in cultivation, growing carrots, onions, cabbage, corn, pumpkins, squash and gourds.

Each Fall, the farm hosts a Harvest Festival and Cornfield Maze — Utah agri-tourism at its best, with hayrides, bonfires, and a haunted maze. The farm also offers a tour for school children and has a farmers market.
Last year's corn maze featured a Ronald McDonald House theme.
For more information on the Black Island Farms Corn Maze and its related "Harvest Festival," go to:, or call 801-774-MAZE.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Just curious

Has anyone ever seen Robert Pattinson and Robert Smith in the same room at the same time?

Why...can't... you?


Have you seen the hilarious Twilight comics from the Stick Man Theatre people? Hysterical. Thanks to Tracey for the laughs!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ugh. Gag me.



(These two must just sit around and laugh at this bullshiz. I know I do.)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The beach! The truck! The HAIR!

Thank you, Jebus! Kstew is all Bellafied again with a new cute wig. Or piece. Or whatever it is they use in Hollywood to make one look less Joan Jett and more Bella Swan. It looks like her own hair has been dyed to look like the aforementioned fake piece of hair. (Shannon has something cool like this that she calls her "phony pony" and I totally want one.) Bottom line - she looks great. (Note the Kstew compliment. I hope to provide more of them over the coming months.) *Thanks to Radar Online for the photo.