Sunday, November 1, 2009

New Moon video: Bella's Birthday aka "What the EF is THIS?!"

As my good friend Rocky Balboa from Philadelphia says: "I'm afraid, alright. For the first time in my life I'm afraid."

Is it me or is this CREEPY with a capital CREEP?! I don't even know where to start! They're like... STEPFORD CULLENS. This is the most uncomfortable scene on the planet! Friggin Edward doesn't say a word; he just looks at Emmett like he's so constipated he can't stand up straight. And what's that music playing in the background?! (Clearly I haven't gone near the soundtrack, as I don't want to ruin my auditory experience). And Alice is soooo bee-boppy. Not... flitting... like Tinkerbell...just... bee-boppy! Like a 4th grader! And Jasper. Oh...poor, deranged, crazy-assed Jasper. I will say this: Rosalie = GOOD. Emmett = even better. He's the only one in the whole damn scene who comes off as REAL. Oh and Bella, too - gotta give her props. It's like she's acting totally normal while dealing with a bunch of RITCHIE CUNNINGHAM VAMPIRES. I'm totally freaked out.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Not-so-deep thoughts on RPattz

I haven't given any views on RPattz lately... and I think we're overdue. So come along to circle time, children...and I'll fill you in on my thoughts. Ready? 'sgo...

Some pictures surfaced today...  or yesterday... I'm a little behind since my sister forced me to read the Outlander series and now I'm mental over it... but I digress. Rob and Kristen at the airport... Rob, Taylor and Kristen at a photo shoot in LA...  Rob coming out of a RiteAid. RITEAID for god's sake. As if I care?! "Oooh he might use Speed Stick!" God can we not give these people a little room?! Maybe he needed something a little personal! Is that our business? UmNO. Can you imagine if that were you or me? Let me set the scene. You're sitting around and all the sudden you realize you need tampons - pronto. And not just tampons, but Kotex Super Plus tampons because there is major hemorrhaging going on in your nethers. OK that was a little obnox - but bear with me. So you trot yourself on over to RiteAid to pick up the aforementioned feminine products. And you're feeling a little uncomfortable while you're standing at the counter - gawking at Rob Pattinson on the cover of People as inconspicuously as possible - and the male check-out kid is trying soooo hard not to look at you. And you walk out the door... and BAM! 10, no 15 photogs are in your face, taking photos of you and, more importantly, your RiteAid bag full of Super Plus tampons. As if!!! Would you not DIE?!

OK so now I'm going to do something totally contradictory and I am going to send you to this pretty cool article over at Lainey Gossip about Robsten finishing filming and heading back to LA. You'd think Lainey Gossip would be full of - well, just that - gossip. But this post is actually what I'd call anti-gossip, where they're dissecting all the gossip out there and picking it apart to show us how completely moronic and false it all is. I'd think Rob and Kristen would be thankful that someone is defending them. But that's just me....

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Another Twilight Cake Wreck!

THIS is hilarious.Thanks to for the hilarity - and to Linda M. for sending it to me!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

New Moonstruck! Movie Mashup Posters

I. Love. This. And I love my bro in law, John for alerting me to this hilarious website! Enjoy!

Pete and Repeat

How long have I been saying this?  Oh... that's right... FOREVER.

Lord... WHO is dressing Edward Cullen?!

Could someone please explain this ENSEM Edward is unfortunate enough to be standing in among the ferns? When did he become "Blazer Guy"?! Not that I have a problem with blazers... not at all. But I just don't get this look - at all. Let's start from the bottom, shall we? What's with the brown shoes he seems to wear throughout the entire movie? They look like he's going to bust some moves - Fred Astaire-style. I mean, seriously. "Hi...Edward? Gregory Hines called. He wants his shoes back." (Thank you, Mr. Hines, for being OK with that joke, seeing as you passed on a few years back. I LOVED you in History of the World, Part 1...and White Nights "We're landing in RUSSIA!") OK next - the pants. THE PANTS. What in GOD'S NAME are the pants?! They look like something my orthodontist wore in 1981!!! OK next - the sweater. With the nice, WIDE, ribbed waistline. OK maybe the sweater - paired with some jeans and the right shoes - might look somewhat minty. And a little more Edwardesque. But with the blazer? THE BLOODY BLAZER?! I just don't get it at all when put together. On Edward! OK that's all. Thanks for reading my rantlicious commentary. Buh Bye.

New Moon People Magazine

Lookie what I finally found today! Squeee! And it's not a minute too soon. I've been all wrapped up in Outlander this week (which I finished and there just are no words. READ IT) and have been neglecting my poor Twilight blog. So I plan to read this now and have some commentary shortly. PS - RPattz on a leash. Too bad he's only 2...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Twilight vs. Outlander

I know what you're thinking. If you've never met me, you're thinking "Why should I listen to this kooky girl with the Twilight website and read Outlander"? And if you have met me, you're thinking "Why should I listen to this kooky girl with the Twilight website and read Outlander"? (snicker. I crack m'self up.)

So I thought I'd share with you some of the parallels between Twilight and Outlander.

Not so much the story - because, let's face it - one involves vampires - and one involves Scottish clans. Apples and oranges, right? But - if you look at the way you behave while reading both, clearly there are similarities:

1)You start to carry Outlander everywhere, just like you did with Twilight. I just sat in the doctor's office with my son, watching Casper and wishing I had my book. PINING for my book. And a certain clansmen.

2) You find yourself looking for Outlander themes in the songs you're hearing on the radio, just like you did with Twilight. Songs that have zero to do with this book, yet all the sudden seem like they have everything to do with the book.

3) You miss the main male character when you're not reading. Like he's your boyfriend and you're (im)patiently waiting for him to call you when he gets back from Pep Boys with his dad.

4) You see the book lying on a table and an instant sense of simultaneous calm - and excitement - comes over you.

5) You find yourself looking up maps of Scotland... planning your summer vacation in Scotland... and being incredibly jealous of all those who actually live in Scotland. Or at least near it, which means they can visit whenever they want. LUCKIES.

6) You can't stop thinking - or talking - about the book.

OK - if that isn't a glowing recommendation, I don't know what is. And for some reason, I'm really curious about whether Stephenie Meyer has read the Outlander series - and if so, if she loved it.

That's all for now. More Edward later. Right after I trek around the Highlands a bit more...

New Moon Parking Lot Scene

9 seconds. It's only 9 seconds! I'm sorry. Can't...stop...posting....New Moon... videos!!!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009


I think I might be cheating on Edward Cullen.

I am slightly more than 1/2 way through "Outlander" by Diana Gabaldon - a story that takes place mainly in the Scottish highlands in 1743 - and it's tremendous. If you fell hard for the intensity between Edward and Bella, you will fall OVER when you experience the relationship between _____ and _____.  (Dinna want to spoil anything, Lassies. You'll just have to read and find out.) It's just like Twilight in that you'll want to experience it all yourself - and you won't want to talk about it too much with anyone who has read it. And - if that weren't enough, you'll carry the thing around with you - just like you did with Twilight. Even to the Halloween store with your family, so you can read it in the car.

Have to mention - it's not "Young Adult" reading in the slightest. So if you are under 18 - head on over to this none-too-shabby Amazon list of best Young Adult books after Twilight.

New Moon Volturi Fight Scene

As my sister keeps pointing out, look at the floor tile at the very end of this video - and keep your eye on Edward's left cheek. KEWL.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

PFach lookin' all kinds of yummy

More thanks to my sister, Tracey R. for finding this lovely PFach ad. Just look at all the pretty. Her comment was "Now this is a Carlisle Mama can get on board with." I had a major giggle-squee at that commentary. I'm thinking I have to work THIS PFach into my Outlander casting at some point. Dougal, perhaps?!

People Magazine New Moon edition

My sister just found "the mag" at the Shoprite in Short Hills. So clearly my Shoprite needs to get on the ball. Our new friend Deb from Connecticut found it in Barnes and Noble... so I'll be heading there. I've gone from "I don't want to look at any more New Moon stuff until Nov 20th" to a frantic "I must  have this NOW!!!" PS - Ummmm what's JFK doing in it? That's a little weird, no? OK that's all. Later. I'm off to read more Outlander. It's getting good, y'all...

New Moon Exclusive TV Spot


Why are Edward's eyes yellow?

Something has been nagging at me for a while...and I haven't been able to put my finger on it. But now I have. Can someone please explain why Edward's eyes are bright yellow while he's fighting with the Volturi? Shouldn't they be black? What, did he hunt the royal Maltese while they were shuffling him down the dark, underground hallways? Confused, party of 1!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Edward Cullen Mask

Oh this is rich. Thanks to Jenn D. from Bowling for Vampires - and all the peeps at Thinking of Rob for the find!

AWESOME interview with Chris Weitz

Thank you Tracey R. for sending me this amazing interview with Chris Weitz on THR (Hollywood Reporter). It's a tremendous interview. Chris Weitz just exudes class. He's brills. I cannot WAIT to see this film. I already know I'm going to love it because he directed it. Hell the TRAILERS are awe-inspiring.

PS - Check out what he said about us bloggers. Awww shucks, Mr. Weitz. Thanks for the kind words:

I think it's great that there are fan sites that are not there to make money but to express enthusiasm for these books and the movie and they are happy to share information with one another. 

This is amusing seeing I have been thinking a lot lately about advertising on the blog.  Hey, a girl's gotta eat!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Bella's truck

So... just curious. Do you do warp speed U-turns and stalk Bella's truck when it happens to show up in your town? Cuz I do.