Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Robert Pattinson is BOTHERED by the World Cup. (That makes two of us.)

People Camp out in LA for "Eclipse" Premiere

You. Couldn't. Pay. Me.  I love me some Edward Cullen but there is a line and I have no problem drawing it. Something tells me Rob Pattinson - while flattered - would be somewhat bothered by all the crazy. 
I am not even planning on going to see Eclipse until July. Yup. You read that right. I am a movie ho and I refuse to see it in a packed theatre with little girlies talking about RPattz loudly to their BFFs on their cellphones.

Photo courtesy of

Monday, June 21, 2010

Watching Twilight... Again

Sigh. Channel surfing.. and Twilight is on. God I love this movie. I could watch this movie over and over again. What's with that? Why have I watched this about 56 times... and I've only watched New Moon once since I bought the DVD (uh.. the day it came out)?

Random questions

Why did Bella have a MacBook Pro in the movie when the book Bella had an old, rusty computer with a horrendous connection like 28K?

Why was Edward such a douche when Bella told him she knew he was a vampire? Why not the meadow scene from the book? Because it was better cinema? 

Why was Kristen Stewart so much better in Twilight than New Moon?

Holy shit I am TEARING UP at the "lion fell in love with the lamb" lines. This movie is so incredibly powerful. I don't know why people can't see that. It taps into the emotions of the book so incredibly well. I fear none of the other movies will ever do this.

Kudos - once again - to Catherine Hardwicke. SHE GETS IT.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The "Leg Hitch" Scene

Oh LORD I hope it's good. Can it come anywhere close to the book?! Can't wait to find out!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Bad Hair Day

Yikes. It's like a goth Carol Brady meets... well a really hot guy with some hairdressing issues. Poor Jacksper. What have they done to you, you minty, calming manpire?!  Then again, at least they used his own hair and not a lemon wig like Carlisle and Rosalie.

Summit Announces Two Breaking Dawn Films

BIG SHOCKER! Wow - never expected THIS!

Ya know what? SCOOP OF CHOCOLATE, SCOOP OF VANILLA! DON'T WASTE MY TIME!!! We've all known for months. Just like we've known Robsten are a couple. Yawn.

Here's what Twilight fans REALLY want to know:

WHERE will the book be cut? Jenn D has suggested (quite brilliantly) that it will be right smack in the middle of Bella birthin' that baby. Talk about a cliff-hanger. If I hadn't read the books... but seen the movies? I'd be PISSED if they did that. Either way, I'm going to be annoyed. And here's why: THERE IS LITTLE TO NO EDWARD CULLEN in the second half of Breaking Dawn! WHAT is the second film even going to BE about?? OK let's see - she'll squirt out Renesme... (ew) Jacob will imprint... (cute but icky)... Edward and Bella spend the night in their new cottage (IT'S ABOUT TIME, Y'ALL)  and then it all goes tragically downhill from there. Lots of frolicking in the grass with Bella The New Vampire... and Renesme the Sortof New Vampire... and then the houseguests from hell arrive. ZZZZZ. And then they will train for the big fight that never happened... only it WILL happen in the movie because - for some reason - Summit digs showing us fight scenes that never happened in the books! (I repeat: Edward Cullen never got his ass kicked!!!) So we'll come to a crescendo with the Volturri... and the fight that never happened... and then all will be right with the Twilight universe. The End.

Kinda makes you want to shoot your eye out, doesn't it, kid?

PS - Oh c'mon. You know I'll be all full of "squeeee" and girly giggles when the shit comes out.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Rob Pattinson Interview with New Eclipse Trailer

So many comments... so little time.  Not sure how to describe this new scene... but "hot, tranny mess" does come to mind. OK - here we go:

1) Squeeeee!
2) Oh Carlisle. Sweet Carlisle. What have they done to your coif? LORDDDDD that's a bad shade of lemon.
3) What's with Bella's constant agony? I keep expecting Esme to say "Bella, dear, do you have to go to the bathroom?"
4) I LOVE how Jacksper saunters in all "hey dudes, just act natural and don't nobody mention my nifty new 'do.
5) Rosalie. The most beautiful vampire chick on the planet? Survey says: NO!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Thank you, Girl!

So this girl was found  hiding with her camera in the bushes near Robert Pattinson's "Water For Elephants" set in Cali on hopes she'd get to meet him. Apparently she was 16 and the police gave her a "stern warning" and drove her to her house after finding her. (That would never happen to me. It's not like I ever drove around with my friends looking for John Taylor's house in Cali back in the 90s or anything. Nope. Not me.)

You know what? I SO want RPattz to go visit her like when Davy Jones visits Marcia on The Brady Bunch. Would that not be hilarious?! 

Sunday, June 6, 2010

MTV Awards Tonight!

I'm at Jenn M's waiting for the MTV Movie Awards to start so we can see our Twilight pals up close and personal. Hopefully they'll win everything like last year. And maybe Rob and Kristen actually WILL kiss this year.

Do I sound like I'm 14? Survey says "YES!"  When I told my husband I was going to Jenn's tonight he said "You're going to your girlfriend's house to watch the MTV Awards?"  Yeah. It was pretty damned funny.

We are SUFFERING through this hideous Jersey Shore bullshiz in order to get to the awards. UGH. When you actually LIVE at the Jersey Shore and know it's NOTHING LIKE THIS (except in Seaside and Wildwood)... it's really offensive. (And no offense to Seaside and Wildwood - you guys get inundated with people like this. Most of them AREN'T EVEN FROM NEW JERSEY!

OK gotsta go! KThxBye!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Kristen Stewart Flips the Bird

Really Kristen, really? And on Memorial Day, no less. C'mon. I know it's a pain in the ass when the photogs are following you 24/7. But show a little class, please. No one ever got further in life by giving the finger wave. (And a double, no less!) So be a lady and keep those middle fingers in check. KThxBye.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

MTV Awards Commercial: Tom Cruise aka Les Grossman and Rob Pattinson

This will make you tinkle. If you haven't seen Tropic Thunder,  Tom Cruise is playing his character from the film - Les Grossman; a douchebag Hollywood producer.

Warning - Tom Cruise floats the f-biscuit once or twice in this video and a whole lotta times in the link. LOL

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Eclipse Clip: "Give You More"

I need to see this movie already.  Because if I go by the trailers, I won't be happy. This little clip makes Edward sound like a whiny little wussy man. It's bad enough they let him get his ass kicked in New Moon. How many times can I say it? EDWARD CULLEN IS NOT A WUSSY MAN! HE'S A BADASS VAMPIRE WHO HAPPENS TO LOVE A HUMAN!  ENOUGH OF THE WHINING!!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

New Eclipse Trailer

This got me giddy just because Edward says "It's starting". Seriously. I miss Edward Cullen. I need a reread. PS - is it me or do the Cullens look like action figures in this shot? Especially Carlisle. They look like Pocket Cullens!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Eclipse Video Clip: BELLA AND ROSALIE!

Squeee! Squeee! Squeee! I've always loved the Bella/Rosalie dynamic... and now we get to see it up close and personal (in this person's yellow living room.) I'm a little nervous about the fact that from what I can see of Kristen Stewart's reactions, this might as well be a scene from New Moon... but we'll reserve judgment until Eclipse comes out. (Except Jenn D. She'll have plenty to say, I'm sure. LOL)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Stephanie Meyer's Eclipse Press Junket... FOR FAN SITES!!!!

DO go to Stephenie Meyer's website and read the LATEST!

Am I a horrible, HORRIBLE person if I'm hoping one of these sites "can't make it" (YEAH RIGHT) and Stephenie just happened to pick MYTWILIGHTPURGATORY.COM as a backup???

A girl can dream... right???

Young Hollywood Vampires

Honestly - I'm mostly posting this because Paul Wesley looks stunning... and I'm going through Vampire Diaries (TV) Withdrawal until September (SOB!)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Rob, Kristen and Taylor on Oprah.

Watching Rob, Kristen and Taylor on Oprah. Hilarious. They are all doing a great job (I know it's not live but work with me people!) And I have to say that Kristen looks gorgeous. Kudos, girl!

Happy Birthday Rob Pattinson!

Had to throw a "Happy Birthday" out there to the lovely 24 year-old who has done such a bang-up job playing our favorite vampire, Edward Cullen, on the big screen. I wish him much success... and hope he doesn't end up on Page 6 too often like he did this morning. Giggle.  (Can a nigga get a table dance?!)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Do NOT FORGET to set your DVRs for tomorrow - May 13th - to watch Rob Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner on Oprah! I am dying to see the segment where Rob Pattinson walks into some fan's house; unannounced. As if you wouldn't fall over? I know I would. Jenn M have discussed exactly what we'd all do if that happened to us. It ain't pretty, folks... it ain't pretty.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Eclipse Reshoots: Is Robert Pattinson Not Working and Playing Well with Others? I'm Not Buyin' it!

Check out this article. We keep hearing rumblings of problems. Which is believable since they're doing reshoots so late in the game. BUT - I've always read how extremely professional Robert Pattinson has been on set - on pretty much any film he's ever worked on.

Bottom line - I don't believe he'd play Diva in the slightest. BUT where there is smoke, there is fire.... and I DO believe he won't do something if he strongly disagrees with it. Remember what Catherine said about him refusing to wear the extensions for Twilight?? (Thank GOD because that would have been horrible and Fabio-esque!)  And he went so far as to sit in the chair for 5 hours and get them - but when he saw them he said "No way!"

GOOD FOR YOU, ROB! Stick to your guns! He seems to be pretty in tune with Edward Cullen, don't you think? I think I trust him. I really do.