Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Twilight... with cheeseburgers

Oh holy hell this made me laugh my ass off. Am I the only one who hasn't seen this yet?!

Awesome Bella Song

Whoa. I just got back from yoga and heard this AMAZING New Moon-worthy tune during shavasana. If you've never taken yoga, shavasana is the "cool down" portion of your practice, where you get to lie down on your mat, relax every muscle in your body, and listen to whatever calming tune your instructor has chosen. Today, my instructor chose a cover of Aerosmith's "Dream On" by Kelly Sweet. Holy COW this would be tremendous in New Moon. I was lying there, trying to figure out where it would fit best, instead of calming my mind like I was supposed to. Whatevs. This is too important, right?! I am thinking this would work either a) during a hallucination or b) during a dream sequence. Give it a listen and let me know what you think. And make sure to listen to the whole song, because some of the cooler parts are halfway through or at the end...and they usually only play chunks of songs in movies. (I will be adding more to my New Moon playlist soon. I am working up to that as it will fry my brain to get it exactly right, a la Jane working her magic on Edward.)

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Channing Tatum as Riley in Eclipse?!

This little Channing Tatum/Eclipse tidbit was sent to me by my cousin, Jenn, who I love for scooping me! I love any and all info, whenever you get it, people! Keep it coming! :)

Monday, April 27, 2009

When Freaky Worlds Collide

I just realized the actor playing Marcus in New Moon - Christopher Heyerdahl - also played "Alastair" on my other favorite supernatural series, aptly titled "Supernatural".

I now have four words: This guy is FREAKY.

He used this eerie voice on Supernatural and I remember wondering if it's anything close to his own regular speaking voice. It was fun watching Dean - aka Jensen Ackles - aka hunk-o-burnin'-love-from-Texas - torture him.... since he was a demon from Hell and all. I now know Marcus is perfectly cast. See for yourself.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Midnight Sun Playlist

Am I the only dope who didn't know Stephenie Meyer has a PLAYLIST for Midnight Sun on her website? DUH! Wow - tremendous tuneage. Hemorrhage from Fuel is played on my iPod about once a week. Love Glycerine from Bush, too.

Imagine seeing this in the theatre:
The Twilight Saga: Midnight Sun".

The thought alone makes me need to go lie down.

You know what else makes me need to go lie down? Listening to Stephenie Meyers' playlist for New Moon - and listening to the songs from Edward's perspective. I have said it many times and will continue to say...that Stephenie Meyer is Edward Cullen. She is the closest thing to Edward Cullen any of us will ever get. So when you listen to a song that she has chosen to represent Edward's thoughts... Wow. Just... Wow. And don't get me started on her picks for Bella. "My Immortal" from Evanescence? Holy crap. Did she write the book WHILE LISTENING TO THIS SONG? It's incredibly perfect.

OK Lastly... because I am surely rambling at this point (which is pretty much the effect Edward Cullen has always had on me) I am listening to this song on SM's New Moon playlist and having a bit of a moment. I've previously mentioned a boyfriend from years ago who died when we were 17. Blah blah blah I won't go into my 23 year old pity party right now. But I *will* tell you that there is a song I've heard a few times over the past couple years that has always paralyzed me for a minute or two because it sounded like something he'd sing to me after all was said and done. And damn if it isn't on this list, as a song from Edward's perspective. I am... speechless. "Hate Me" from Blue October. Give it a listen.

Insert Crazed Look and Nervous Laughter Here

So I DVR'd Thursday's Entertainment Tonight, only to be disappointed that we were DUPED and the New Moon coverage was really starting on Friday. Then I had some friends over to watch Twilight on Friday (big shocker) and totally forgot to tape ET. No worries, because I knew it would all be available on the ET site as well as youtube within hours.

Holy SHIZZLE you have GOT to see this interview with Robert Pattinson about his New Moon scenes. (see below) I am so utterly and completely juiced up over this movie I cannot CONTAIN myself. New Moon was my favorite Twilight book and... I'm... VERKLEMPT over the possibilities. Taylor Lautner is so perfectly cast and confident in his role of Jacob, it's so obvious when you watch him in these scenes (aka little bits of CHUM they're throwing at us.) And hello? Both Rob P. and Chris Weitz say Edward is going to be S-C-A-R-Y in his dream sequences. SCARY!!!! What more could a girl ask for than a SCARY MOFOing EDWARD CULLEN?!? It's Twilight NIRVANA!!!

Here is another awesome clip with Rob P. and Taylor L:

I find this really irritating..

I just read an article in the NY Post entitled "Sells Like Teen Spirit" - and has the tag line "Why are so many adults addicted to reading books meant for kids?"

Mere seconds into the article (in the third of fourteen paragraphs, to be exact) it says: "Though Meyer has said she wrote the series without a demographic in mind, her publisher positioned the books to appeal to the traditional young adult audience, kids aged between 12 and 18."

The article goes on to talk about other teen books, but uses Twilight - and a huge photo of Robert Pattinson and Kristin Stewart - to reign in readers. (But kudos to "Lisa Hansen" from who gives a good interview.) AND there is a massive typo: "Fork, Washington". (Hello? Editing?! Now where'd you run off to?)

Bottom line - Stephenie Meyer did not write a bunch of teen novels. She wrote a book that was positioned by her publisher as a teen novel, most likely because she didn't fill it with a bunch of cheesoid, porno nonsense which would have totally and completely marred the love story. And don't forget, I'm the one who bitched up a storm when we went from swimming to feathers during the honeymoon. But honestly, I think the books would have lost something had she gotten too detailed.

I am just getting really sick of being labeled a bored mom who reads silly teen novels. Bored mom? Yeah - I'll give you that. But silly teen novel? No way. I don't even know how old I'll insist my daughter is when she reads Breaking Dawn. I'm thinking 12 is a little young.

Why does everyone have to make something negative of something so positive? A woman writes a book that sells and is loved by millions - and all the sudden she's a bad writer....and it's a silly teen novel that us silly women are addicted to... I just find it really "irritating".

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The BEST Fan-made New Moon Trailer. Ever.

I have probably posted this before but I just cannot get enough of this fan-made New Moon trailer. (Made by Tiffanyd666 on youtube.) What makes it so good? Probably the music.... and Bella jumping off the cliff... and Jacob turning around, just at the point where you're like "Hello? Where's Jacob?!" The Porsche flies... the bell tolls... it's just got EVERYTHING! Honest to god it really seems like the real deal. Kudos, Tiffany!


Do you know anyone who has read Twilight - but hasn't yet finished the series? Isn't it maddening to talk in front of them and have to watch everything that comes out of your mouth? I totally slipped for the first time last night - and I feel terrible! My friend Teresa has only read Twilight. She saw the movie first and went back and read the book afterward (no, I didn't bug her to do it...noooo) which I found totally cool. She could've just skipped to New Moon but she never would have truly gotten the series. And now she's hooked because of Stephenie Meyer's writing style. (You know, that woman who wrote these books we love, who gets a ton of undeserved CACA because she's supposedly not a good writer? SNORT. 16% market share in the first quarter of 2009 indeed...but I digress.)

Fast forward to last night, when I had an impromptu neighborhood showing of Twilight at my house since my hubs was away - complete with wine and gossip - and a few major points accidentally slipped out of my mouth. Most likely due to the aforementioned wine. (oops) My girlfriends were complimenting my recently redecorated living room, and my dumb ass says "I spent 3 hours on this couch one night, reading all about the birth and the turning"...and then realized what I said. HOLY CRAP that's not cool. If anyone had done that to me when I was reading, I'd have gone all kinds of Christan Bale on their ass. And the worst was my recovery, or my lame ass attempt to do so. First I tried to be funny and say "oh that's a different book". Then I said "Listen - you think you know what I'm talking about - but you don't". And that seemed to settle her brain a bit. But here's what I'm thinking about doing to really try and "fix" things.

How about if I tell her about Victoria in Eclipse. I just say "Listen - Victoria's back in Eclipse - and she turns a lot of people (thus, taking care of my "turning" comment) and when they're recently made vampire, they're called Newborns" (thus taking care of my "birth" comment)? Will that work to repair some of my thoughtless damage? I am beyond mortified at my slip. But she left with my copy of New Moon (which has been read twice and has underlines and various notes in margins; my god I'm so pathetic!) so that's got to count for something, right?!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

How awesome are these?!

I. Love. These. My friend and fellow Twihard - Shannon - brought these over for me today. (Although she prefers to refer to herself as a "Twerd". Tee hee.) I want to open them and read all the little messages, but I don't want to mess with the box! You can get them at Walmart, while you're there buying one of their Twilight shirts.

Talk About Motivation!

Oh No I Di'nt!

Just curious. Do you stop in mall parking lots, trying to inconspicuously take photos of yellow Porsches after following them in and out of rows, just because they remind you of New Moon? Cause I do. And I'm beyond mortified. But it seemed like a good idea at the time!

Twilight Bunnies

I. Love. This! So funny!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

David Slade to Direct ECLIPSE!

It's official. Straight from the Summit Entertainment website: David Slade will be directing Eclipse. David Slade directed a tremendous movie - "30 Days of Night" with Josh Hartnett. I loved that film. The suspense was SICK. For the first time, I am really excited about the Eclipse film. RIGHT ON!

Stephenie Meyer on Ellen Last Year

I never saw this episode of Ellen from last fall. It's really good. Hell, I had no interest in reading Twilight last fall, let alone starting a blog about it. I was way too into Vampire Bill from True Blood, who now seems a little too cheesy and un-Edwardlike. Guess we'll find out in June when True Blood starts Season 2. (Oh who am I kidding? I'll be all up in that shizz again. Watch me.)

I love hearing Stephenie Meyer in her own words instead of the latest rumor or gossip about her or the stars of the movies. Her husband retired last year because of her success. Yowsa. And all I'm writing is this blog that, like, 4 people read. It's mind-blowing how productively un-productive I am when it comes to making money. My husband should be so lucky!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Team Jasper?!

"Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win."

(That quote is from Stephen King, who I am currently thoroughly annoyed with for dissing Stephenie Meyer. But it's topical... and hits a little too close to home.)

Finally getting around to watching Jackson Rathbone - aka Jasper - on Criminal Minds from two weeks ago (that's where I got the above quote!) WOW. I have given this guy a hard time for his hair in Twilight but he is absolutely adorable. WHY WHY WHY do they make his hair look like Phyllis Diller on crack in the movie?! When you see his new 'do in New Moon, it's a little more fitting for the time period Jasper's character was turned. But still. It's... big. And bouffant. And generally not hot. But wow is he minty in this episode of Criminal Minds. AND HIS ACTING IS TREMENDOUS! Not that we'd know from Twilight, since he had about 2 lines. I assume he'll get his chance to shine in Eclipse when he has to be all Jasper-the-Civil-War-Soldier-Vampire. Go Team Jasper!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Gaps. Lots of Gaps.

Am I the only one who would sell my soul if Stephenie Meyer would just fill in some gaps? Don't you ever get curious about things that were skimmed over in the books? Like...Edward's return. Don'tcha want to know what happened on his and Alice's first day back at school? I'd love it if they worked that into the New Moon movie. Mike Newton just absolutely soiling his pants when he sees Edward walk in the door. Oh that would be priceless. I was never happy with the "summer mention" early on in New Moon, either. Bella said it was the best summer of her life. Um, why? What did she do? More meadow visits? Something tells me Edward's not a mall guy... not that Bella strikes me as the Macy's type, either. And I know they weren't having picnics. Unless they were in the forest and Bella didn't mind getting deer blood on her good gingham table cloth.

And...when Bella got the paper cut, the Cullens still seemed like her new boyfriend's family. Not like a family she's come to know and love. When I read all the extras on, I wish she'd write a few more. You know... in between making cookies for her kids' class parties and washing the kitchen floor. Couldn't she just sit down and type out 10 or so pages about Bella and Edward making out in the janitor's closet at school while Alice stood outside and kept watch? How about a little 5 page ditty about Esme showing Bella photos of Edward's 2nd graduation from med school? SOMETHING. Seriously. I need more cowbell.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

New Moon Soundtrack

Might I mention that I LOVE the Twilight soundtrack? "New Moon" and "Spotlight" make me giddy. I've thrown songs around this blog quite a bit, but I have to laugh because NONE of them would ever come close to being New Moon material. My problem is that I listen to too much 80s and Brit pop on Sirius. I need to broaden my horizon and actually venture into the 90s and 2000's once in a while.

Want a taste of possible (probable?) New Moon music? Check out Stephenie Meyer's personal New Moon playlist, complete with B's, E's and J's to denote whose perspective the songs are coming from. I. Love. This. Anything that comes from SM's mind IS Twilight. And I'm happy to report some of these bands/singers are already on my iPod. Right on!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

My New La Push Ring

I wonder if Jacob is looking
for this very stone right now!
OK so a couple weeks ago, I'm on and I come across a link to a website that sells Twilight jewelry, photographs, etc. I click the link and almost fall over when I see these GORGEOUS rings made by Georgia - aka Gypsy Wings - with stones from the beach at La Push. I immediately order one and go about my business....heading to Florida to visit my parents in a retirement development that can only be described as "Del Boca Vista" from Seinfeld.

So I got back last night and picked up my mail this morning... and what was waiting for me but this AWESOME ring which almost made me cry. Apparently Georgia was able to stop in to visit La Push and Forks when she was on vacation... and has made beautiful rings... pendants... necklaces... But that's not all. She also took the most amazing and ethereal early morning photos of the forest. I'm thinking one of these will definitely be my next purchase.

Check out this very cool blog post from The Danger Magnet... showing Ashley Greene - aka m'girl ALICE - wearing one of Georgia's pieces. Holy. Cow. Can you stand it? How cool is that? ALSO - check out the Gypsy Wings site on Etsy to buy your own little piece of La Push!

I am now a dork who reads Twilight novels twice.

Check out this Entertainment Tonight clip of the set of New Moon. This is why I love Twilight Moms. They have tremendous updates. Apparently, Entertainment Tonight is doing a story on New Moon starting on April 23rd. GET READY.

So I just finished New Moon - again - and I cannot tell you what a different ride it is the second time around. I couldn't have cared less about Jacob the first read. Now I feel SO bad for the guy. He and Bella were inches from dating when Edward decided to get all dramatic on us and go to Volterra. Now the poor guy is alone. Bella should have told her dad she had to go to La Push and see him when she got back from Italy. You know he would have let her. She owes Jacob a little more than "Sorry - Edward's back - later." In fact, how interesting would THAT have been, if she and Jacob had become a couple...and THEN Edward came back. Yikes.

I was away last week and could not have planned better. I started New Moon before I left - put it down to read my book club book for this month - and then went back to it. And I stopped right before Bella and m'girl Alice got on the I was able to read it on my plane home from FL. It was VERY cool to be sitting there, taking off, while they were taking off and Bella was bouncing up and down in her seat. I realize this is probably pretty stupid to those of you who are slightly less obsessed than I am....but work with me here. And I was writing in the margins to the point where I thought someone should start a Twilight class at a university somewhere...and I'd be sure to sign up. Hell, didn't they have a Sex and the City class somewhere? C'mon! Humor me!

One of my favorite lines this time around: "my hallucinatory Edwards were usually better fed." Oh man I howled when I read that. Almost as good as Bella's line about sleepovers being "the pinnacle of safety conscious behavior" in Eclipse. Just hilarious.

Another line I loved that I had forgotten about: "Just walk out into the sun". It reminds me of this line from Duran Duran's "Careless Memories":

I walk out into the sun I try to find a new day but the whole place it just screams in my eyes

I also paid a lot of attention to the Volturi this time around. Who is who - what they look like - what their powers are. I cannot tell you what perfect casting I think Dakota Fanning is. She is exactly who I pictured as Jane when I read New Moon the first time.

Sigh....something tells me I'll be rereading Eclipse this week!