Am I seeing Eclipse tonight? No way in hell.
Am I seeing it tomorrow night? NOT.
I am a self-professed pain in the ass. I MUST wait a good, solid week or so. By then all the crazy will die down and I won't be in danger of dealing with the following:
Someone with a big head/hat sitting in front of me.
Tweens talking loudly to each other while I'm trying to hear Edward being funny.
A sold-out theatre (which makes for a loud and hot theatre.)
Twi-Freaks (snicker. I know what you're thinking and you're probably right.)
Refer back to #3 (also makes for various, indescribable odors.)
It's all about the experience, y'all. And a theatre that's half-full (or less) makes for a very good Twi-Experience for Carol. My love of Edward Cullen leaves little room for hype. Not that hype is bad. I absolutely get the desire to be a "part of it all". So if you are going tonight - ENJOY!!!!! :)
Check out this video and then check out my commentary below. I'd LOVE to hear your thoughts.
Heard about this video from Thomas over at Newsy. Great video! Did I not tell you it's a little nutty camping out like this? Nothing against the Twihards who did it (yeah yeah, I've gone to a Twilight Convention) but seriously. It gets pretty crazy when they're giving out a ridiculous number of wristbands and they can't hold even half as many people! And really, what for? To catch a glimpse of a bunch of actors who - while appreciative of your support - think it's pretty damned creepy that you're doing it in the first place. THEY DO! Except maybe PFach. He seems to dig all this hysteria. ;)
Now sit back on your lil' pillows children, because I'm going to tell a story. Last year when Robert Pattinson was filming "Remember Me" in NYC, my friends and I thought it would be fun to go into the city and watch some filming. I had the ridiculously naive idea that we were going to go to an open air cafe... have a little lunch... stop by and quietly watch a little RPattz making his magic... and then have a lovely ride home on the New Jersey Coastline - back home to the other Jersey Shore (the one without Snooki and the Situation). Nice day out among friends, right? COME TO FIND OUT little girlies were flooding the filming areas...chasing Rob down the street,,, and - ew - trying to touch him. I took one look at the footage... felt SO BAD for the guy (and the terrified look on his face) and said "You know how we can best show our support? By STAYING THE HELL HOME."
Rob, I hope you realize there are cool fans out there who do right by you, dude. When all the little girlies are all "I want to marry Rob", you'll only hear ME saying "That guy seems like he would be a hell of a lot of fun to meet down at the pub for a pint." Maybe that's because I'm old enough to be your older sister. I really don't know...
THIS is just such wonderful/hilarious/SPOT ON commentary on the ensems seen at the Eclipse premiere this week. If you aren't reading Tom and Lorenzo; you really should be.
PS - JLove - I love you. I support your career. I think you're adorable. So please... no more orange, girl! Don't get me wrong, I single-handedly keep the tanning lotion market in business. But play around. Experiment. You'll find the shade that's right for you.
You. Couldn't. Pay. Me. I love me some Edward Cullen but there is a line and I have no problem drawing it. Something tells me Rob Pattinson - while flattered - would be somewhat bothered by all the crazy.
I am not even planning on going to see Eclipse until July. Yup. You read that right. I am a movie ho and I refuse to see it in a packed theatre with little girlies talking about RPattz loudly to their BFFs on their cellphones.
Sigh. Channel surfing.. and Twilight is on. God I love this movie. I could watch this movie over and over again. What's with that? Why have I watched this about 56 times... and I've only watched New Moon once since I bought the DVD (uh.. the day it came out)?
Random questions:
Why did Bella have a MacBook Pro in the movie when the book Bella had an old, rusty computer with a horrendous connection like 28K?
Why was Edward such a douche when Bella told him she knew he was a vampire? Why not the meadow scene from the book? Because it was better cinema?
Why was Kristen Stewart so much better in Twilight than New Moon?
Holy shit I am TEARING UP at the "lion fell in love with the lamb" lines. This movie is so incredibly powerful. I don't know why people can't see that. It taps into the emotions of the book so incredibly well. I fear none of the other movies will ever do this.
Kudos - once again - to Catherine Hardwicke. SHE GETS IT.
Yikes. It's like a goth Carol Brady meets... well a really hot guy with some hairdressing issues. Poor Jacksper. What have they done to you, you minty, calming manpire?! Then again, at least they used his own hair and not a lemon wig like Carlisle and Rosalie.
Ya know what? SCOOP OF CHOCOLATE, SCOOP OF VANILLA! DON'T WASTE MY TIME!!! We've all known for months. Just like we've known Robsten are a couple. Yawn.
Here's what Twilight fans REALLY want to know:
WHERE will the book be cut? Jenn D has suggested (quite brilliantly) that it will be right smack in the middle of Bella birthin' that baby. Talk about a cliff-hanger. If I hadn't read the books... but seen the movies? I'd be PISSED if they did that. Either way, I'm going to be annoyed. And here's why: THERE IS LITTLE TO NO EDWARD CULLEN in the second half of Breaking Dawn! WHAT is the second film even going to BE about?? OK let's see - she'll squirt out Renesme... (ew) Jacob will imprint... (cute but icky)... Edward and Bella spend the night in their new cottage (IT'S ABOUT TIME, Y'ALL) and then it all goes tragically downhill from there. Lots of frolicking in the grass with Bella The New Vampire... and Renesme the Sortof New Vampire... and then the houseguests from hell arrive. ZZZZZ. And then they will train for the big fight that never happened... only it WILL happen in the movie because - for some reason - Summit digs showing us fight scenes that never happened in the books! (I repeat: Edward Cullen never got his ass kicked!!!) So we'll come to a crescendo with the Volturri... and the fight that never happened... and then all will be right with the Twilight universe. The End.
Kinda makes you want to shoot your eye out, doesn't it, kid?
PS - Oh c'mon. You know I'll be all full of "squeeee" and girly giggles when the shit comes out.
So many comments... so little time. Not sure how to describe this new scene... but "hot, tranny mess" does come to mind. OK - here we go:
1) Squeeeee!
2) Oh Carlisle. Sweet Carlisle. What have they done to your coif? LORDDDDD that's a bad shade of lemon.
3) What's with Bella's constant agony? I keep expecting Esme to say "Bella, dear, do you have to go to the bathroom?"
4) I LOVE how Jacksper saunters in all "hey dudes, just act natural and don't nobody mention my nifty new 'do.
5) Rosalie. The most beautiful vampire chick on the planet? Survey says: NO!
So this girl was found hiding with her camera in the bushes near Robert Pattinson's "Water For Elephants" set in Cali on hopes she'd get to meet him. Apparently she was 16 and the police gave her a "stern warning" and drove her to her house after finding her. (That would never happen to me. It's not like I ever drove around with my friends looking for John Taylor's house in Cali back in the 90s or anything. Nope. Not me.)
You know what? I SO want RPattz to go visit her like when Davy Jones visits Marcia on The Brady Bunch. Would that not be hilarious?!
I'm at Jenn M's waiting for the MTV Movie Awards to start so we can see our Twilight pals up close and personal. Hopefully they'll win everything like last year. And maybe Rob and Kristen actually WILL kiss this year.
Do I sound like I'm 14? Survey says "YES!" When I told my husband I was going to Jenn's tonight he said "You're going to your girlfriend's house to watch the MTV Awards?" Yeah. It was pretty damned funny.
We are SUFFERING through this hideous Jersey Shore bullshiz in order to get to the awards. UGH. When you actually LIVE at the Jersey Shore and know it's NOTHING LIKE THIS (except in Seaside and Wildwood)... it's really offensive. (And no offense to Seaside and Wildwood - you guys get inundated with people like this. Most of them AREN'T EVEN FROM NEW JERSEY!