Sunday, July 12, 2009


Why do we have to wait for stuff like this...while Indonesians don't???
*Thanks Twifans!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Help me November 20th... you're my only hope!

Thank you TwilightMoms! Bok Bok!

Hi Edward.

Have you ever put Edward in your window when you were having a barbecue, just to freak out your friends? Cuz I have...

Funny shot

Love it. Ganked it from Laurens Bite. Her blog is my fav. Check it out because she went to Forks recently with her hub, Tedward, and has some key shots. Even the mushroom ravs in Port Angeles. As for RPattz - I have no comment for this photo, I just loved it and felt compelled to post it. (Forget the hands; I am captivated by the teeth.) At any rate, I'd love to hear your thoughts on possible captions...

Friday, July 10, 2009

Breaking Dawn and Dirty

Apparently Summit is confirming they are going to keep Breaking Dawn exactly how it is - a novel filled with grown-up stuff - when they film (this winter?) Which is a good thing because I NEED to see Robert Pattinson with feathers on his head. NEED IT! At any rate, you can take my word for it, or watch this ridiculously annoying video from Ted Casablanca, filled with absolutely NOTHING but a bit too much innuendo and includes more nothingness about Michael Jackson, Anna Farris and Tyra Banks. Yawn. And Ted's rendition of Mr. Rogers changing his clothes and putting on new shoes is old. Been there, seen that. Although I somehow don't remember Mr. Rogers actually coming out of the closet, do you?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Stephenie's still on top!

The USA Today Best Selling Books list came out for the 2nd quarter and - oh gee - look who is STILL ON TOP. (I love this so much because it allows me to get very brazen with the book snobs I know who refuse to read Twilight because their book snob friends won't allow it - while drinking their half caf - half splenda - half chi - half cap - grande espresso at whatever snobby book store they will allow themselves to frequent.) Gee. Stephenie Meyer is. With her four Twilight series books. DIDN'T SEE THAT ONE COMING! (Sarcasm rules, does it not?)

This also reminds me to share with y0u the amusing thing that happened to me at Costco today. While perusing the book section (snort - the "book section" at Costco - see the above coffee comment for why that's funny), I saw a woman standing in front of the Twilight books. She thought quietly to herself for a moment - and then tried to appear as if she were taking a nonchalant look around - before diving headfirst into Breaking Dawn. Truly it happened so fast I thought she might break a nail. Upon realizing she was reading well into the 2nd half, I felt compelled to come to her rescue and make sure didn't read any further if she a) hadn't read the series and b) was planning on reading the series. So I said "Have you read them?" extremely quietly, as many of us over-rabid Twilighters do while we're accosting a possible new follower in public. Naturally, though, she had read them. And I was thrilled to meet yet another TwiBud in the universe. Her exact words were "Yes - I've read them all!" She then scanned the crowd before admitting, "Twice". We had a good giggle before she leaned in even closer and said "if you go to the author's website you'll see (snort - "the author" - as if I haven't been using Stephenie Meyer's name for months as if we grew up next door to each other) at which point I shot her secret offering down from sheer excitement and exclaimed "MIDNIGHT SUN!" At that point we both had the "sigh, she HAS to finish it!" conversation. And - might I say it was her lucky day as she had no idea about the 4 page blurb in the New Moon extras section....where Edward talks about being in that horrible attic in South America and gets the call from Rosalie. I guarantee you she read it upon reentering her dwelling and has alerted all her Twifriends by now.

Ahhh yes. Another day...another Twilight education of strangers. It's great to pass-on the Edward love. *Thanks to USA TODAY for the photo.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A possible Edward for Tracey?

Christian Bale? Like it! On screen, of course. He's one guy I definitely wouldn't want to piss off on the job!


We interrupt this Twilight blog...

While perusing some of my usual Twilight sites, I came across a blurb about Diane Sawyer being on the "Remember Me" set to meet with Rob Pattinson. Apparently she brought her daughter to meet him, too. I guess those of us with homemakers for mothers are just SOL. But I digress. Anyway - while perusing the site, what did appear to my wandering eyes but a photo of a man who is as much my senior as RPattz is my junior. And I was momentarily verklempt - because he is just as much the hottie - if not moreso - than Rob Pattinson, himself. Ladies and Gentle... wait...OK - Ladies, I give you, one of the hottest man on the planet; Pierce Brosnan. Feast thine eyes. *Thanks to for the photo.

FEAST your eyes

Check out this graphic I just found on Amanda Bell's Twilight Examiner. (She's good, by the way, you should check her posts out. She actually discusses the books. You know how I love that.) I don't know where it came from - probably one of those sites where people manipulate the graphics. Edward has been flipped and given a white tshirt. Whatev. I was absolutely blown away by this. I am still a bit verklempt. Talk amongst yourselves. I'll give you a topic. The NOVEMBER 20th showdown CAN'T COME FAST ENOUGH!!! Discuss!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Can you help Tracey find her Edward?

So my sister, Tracey has read all the books - and Midnight Sun - and every awesome blurb on (Edward's knees three inches from his face, much?!) And she STILL doesn't have her very own Edward. I cannot possibly fathom how this could be, since I kept having flashes of a guy I briefly dated in highschool while reading about Edward (Andy Rosenberg; anyone know him?) At any rate - it is now up to us to find Tracey her very own Edward. Here's my first suggestion. None other than Henry Cavill - Stephenie Meyer's alleged pick for Edward Cullen. How about you? Can you suggest an Edward for Tracey??? *Thanks to for the photo!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

New Moon. With Guinea Pig.

Dear Cousin Jenn,

Thank you so much for bringing this New Moon hilarity to my attention. I saw a blurb about this the other day but skipped it, thinking the whole thing involved guinea pigs.

Dang. It is funny. (said remotely with no feeling like the "Bella" in the video.)

Your crazy-assed, Twilight-addicted cousin Carol
PS - Watch Edward while Bella's bleeding from the paper cut. Spot-on, Rob Pattinson "pained" look. Priceless.


Breaking Dawn dirt

Apparently Ashley Greene recently told an interviewer that they are going to start filming "Breaking Dawn" right after they finish "Eclipse". She also said she has yet to see an Eclipse script yet. I am not putting a ton of credence into anything unless it comes from Summit or Stephenie Meyer. But it's still exciting to hear the talk and start considering the possibilities. Check out this awesome article from Nadya Vlassoff over at Deadbolt. She is saying Stephenie Meyer is slated to co-write the screenplay. Holy crap - I BET THAT'S WHAT SHE'S DOING NOW! (yelled in that aggro-but-endearing British fangirl's voice) Remember what I said? She skipped the MTV Awards. She took down her Myspace page. She wants no distractions. Because she's WRITING, people. SHE'S WRITING! Anyway - Nadya also says that it is rumored that Kristin Stewart has NOT signed on. That is MOST interesting, don't you say? I don't know how to feel about that. Love me some Kstew... but I don't think I'd cry in my cornflakes if she wasn't Bella. I think I'm going to like her better as Joan.

SO - this post BEGS THE QUESTION: If Kstew didn't sign on to play Bella Swan in Breaking Dawn (which we all know she will, but humor me people)... WHO SHOULD REPLACE HER? And WHY AM I SCREAMING?! (The beach! The truck!!!)

I couldn't help it!

I had to post this! I just... HAD to. I felt COMPELLED to. I have no excuse. There is no excuse for my shameless behavior in posting gratuitous video of Rob Pattinson looking hot. None. None whatsoever. But it DOES have an "Eclipse" mention, right? I'm not all bad!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Andrew vs Edward

Check out what my (little shit) nephew did to my sister. He is going into the 8th grade and says he loathes Twilight. (As if!)
He has been having a little fun with us - AT EDWARD'S EXPENSE!!! He thinks Tracey has turned to the dark side by reading Twilight. (OK clearly she was making fun of it before she read it, but I'll let that one slide as she has since made up for this blasphemous abuse.) From here on out, I plan on spending every waking moment I am at his house discussing Twilight until he runs off screaming and yelling "I love you, Edward!" It'll happen. Just wait.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Hey you have until tomorrow at midnight to enter the Suvudu "Get Read to Roadtrip to Comic-con with Stephenie Meyer" contest. which was mentioned on the other day. The winner will receive the audio version of all four Twilight novels on CD. NICE!

You have to answer the following question. My (quite stupid) entry is below.

If you were on a road trip with either a vampire or werewolf what would your itunes playlist be and what snacks would you pack to ensure you’re not the snack?

Travel partner? Definitely vampire. And definitely Edward Cullen. And seeing as Edward is alllll about the 50s music, I'd have to fill the iPod with songs like "Don't Be Cruel"... "In the Still of the Night"... "Breathless"... and of course, "Young Blood"! And maybe "Sexy and 17" by the Straycats... because Edward digs an 80s tune once in a while, right?

As for snacks, I'd bring along my nasty neighbor's even nastier cats, Jane and Alec, just in case he got hungry. And possibly some True Blood, too. (Yeah, yeah... wrong series, but it's a long trip, right?!)

"My Edward". sigh...

My sister just finished the Twilight series and is pretty much as addicted as I. (Or is it "me"? I forget. Sister Ann Cecilia would not be happy with me right now.) We have been having Twiscussions for days... and Edward seems to come up the most. (snicker - duh!) I think Tracey is as taken with Edward as I am. But she can't say what her Edward looks like. She says she doesn't really have an Edward. Nonsense, I say. No self-respecting Twihard would dare not have an Edward. I think she'll think her own up eventually. And I realize it's been too long since I've posted a photo of "my Edward".... so here you go. Isn't he pretty?

How cute is this?

Check out this adorable shot of Peter Facinelli - aka Carlisle - hugging and kissing a TwiMom on . Apparently she was covering the bikini show on Hollywood Boulevard the other day. What a nice guy.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Interview with a vampire-stalker

Great interview with a Robert Pattinson stalker.

a) I love this girl
b) I love this interview
c) Who is willing to let me interview you and post it on the blog?
d) I have like 10 readers - aka no one will see it.
e) Did he really hook up with the whole cast?
f) Email me or leave a comment if you're in the mood to be my Twilight science experiment.

Peter Facinelli; IT'S ON!

Today is the day that Peter Facinelli's buddy Rob has to dance down Hollywood Blvd, wearing a bikini and singing "All the Single Ladies" from Beyonce. Check out Rob (not ROB, just Rob) trying on bikinis for the big day while Peter watches. Very funny. And if you want to be updated on this stuff, you can follow him on Twitter.

Cool Volturi Video

Found this on youtube. Shows the Volturi cast. Love. it.
PS - Um. Go Team Demetri!