Thursday, July 16, 2009
Check this out
Great article with video from Amanda over at Twilight Examiner. She's got video of Kellan and Ashley at a TwiTour appearance...(we'll be in Parsippany in August!) and a very cool and artsy video interview with Taylor Lautner.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Inhale. I'm having a Twi-moment.
So last week my sister suggested I submit my blog to I am all kinds of shy about it - probably because my Catholic upbringing pretty much drilled it into my head that everything I do basically sucks. But I digress. So anyway... I found some guts - and emailed Seth, Stephenie's brother and webmaster. And when I didn't get a response I figured they're closed to new links... or they think my blog is silly... etc, etc. Today, however, I happened upon via a google search for something Twilated... when what to my wandering eyes did appear but MY BLOG LINK - on Stephenie's website. So because of that I say THANK YOU, SETH!! and THANK YOU, STEPHENIE!! I cannot tell you how thrilled I am that my lil-ol blog link is on your fan sites page!!
TAKE A LOOK BELOW EVERYONE! My link is in green! PS - yes - you can see from my screen capture that I actually had to google how to do a screen capture. LOL
TAKE A LOOK BELOW EVERYONE! My link is in green! PS - yes - you can see from my screen capture that I actually had to google how to do a screen capture. LOL

WAY cool New Moon footage
OK this is the most bloggable thing to come down the pike in a while. Check out this footage of Kstew and Ashley Greene filming the scene where Bella jumps out of the Porsche and starts running through Volterra. Very, very cool. I don't really get why she stops outside the car and yells "Where?" though. Wouldn't all those details have been worked out while driving through the streets? Whatev. I'm thrilled to see this. Makes me stoked for my "100 Days til New Moon" party in August and even MORE stoked for November 20th! Woot!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Hi Edward.
Funny shot

Friday, July 10, 2009
Breaking Dawn and Dirty
Apparently Summit is confirming they are going to keep Breaking Dawn exactly how it is - a novel filled with grown-up stuff - when they film (this winter?) Which is a good thing because I NEED to see Robert Pattinson with feathers on his head. NEED IT! At any rate, you can take my word for it, or watch this ridiculously annoying video from Ted Casablanca, filled with absolutely NOTHING but a bit too much innuendo and includes more nothingness about Michael Jackson, Anna Farris and Tyra Banks. Yawn. And Ted's rendition of Mr. Rogers changing his clothes and putting on new shoes is old. Been there, seen that. Although I somehow don't remember Mr. Rogers actually coming out of the closet, do you?
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Stephenie's still on top!

This also reminds me to share with y0u the amusing thing that happened to me at Costco today. While perusing the book section (snort - the "book section" at Costco - see the above coffee comment for why that's funny), I saw a woman standing in front of the Twilight books. She thought quietly to herself for a moment - and then tried to appear as if she were taking a nonchalant look around - before diving headfirst into Breaking Dawn. Truly it happened so fast I thought she might break a nail. Upon realizing she was reading well into the 2nd half, I felt compelled to come to her rescue and make sure didn't read any further if she a) hadn't read the series and b) was planning on reading the series. So I said "Have you read them?" extremely quietly, as many of us over-rabid Twilighters do while we're accosting a possible new follower in public. Naturally, though, she had read them. And I was thrilled to meet yet another TwiBud in the universe. Her exact words were "Yes - I've read them all!" She then scanned the crowd before admitting, "Twice". We had a good giggle before she leaned in even closer and said "if you go to the author's website you'll see (snort - "the author" - as if I haven't been using Stephenie Meyer's name for months as if we grew up next door to each other) at which point I shot her secret offering down from sheer excitement and exclaimed "MIDNIGHT SUN!" At that point we both had the "sigh, she HAS to finish it!" conversation. And - might I say it was her lucky day as she had no idea about the 4 page blurb in the New Moon extras section....where Edward talks about being in that horrible attic in South America and gets the call from Rosalie. I guarantee you she read it upon reentering her dwelling and has alerted all her Twifriends by now.
Ahhh yes. Another day...another Twilight education of strangers. It's great to pass-on the Edward love. *Thanks to USA TODAY for the photo.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
A possible Edward for Tracey?
We interrupt this Twilight blog...

FEAST your eyes

Monday, July 6, 2009
Can you help Tracey find her Edward?

Saturday, July 4, 2009
New Moon. With Guinea Pig.
Dear Cousin Jenn,
Thank you so much for bringing this New Moon hilarity to my attention. I saw a blurb about this the other day but skipped it, thinking the whole thing involved guinea pigs.
Dang. It is funny. (said remotely with no feeling like the "Bella" in the video.)
Your crazy-assed, Twilight-addicted cousin Carol
PS - Watch Edward while Bella's bleeding from the paper cut. Spot-on, Rob Pattinson "pained" look. Priceless.
Thank you so much for bringing this New Moon hilarity to my attention. I saw a blurb about this the other day but skipped it, thinking the whole thing involved guinea pigs.
Dang. It is funny. (said remotely with no feeling like the "Bella" in the video.)
Your crazy-assed, Twilight-addicted cousin Carol
PS - Watch Edward while Bella's bleeding from the paper cut. Spot-on, Rob Pattinson "pained" look. Priceless.
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Breaking Dawn dirt

SO - this post BEGS THE QUESTION: If Kstew didn't sign on to play Bella Swan in Breaking Dawn (which we all know she will, but humor me people)... WHO SHOULD REPLACE HER? And WHY AM I SCREAMING?! (The beach! The truck!!!)
I couldn't help it!
I had to post this! I just... HAD to. I felt COMPELLED to. I have no excuse. There is no excuse for my shameless behavior in posting gratuitous video of Rob Pattinson looking hot. None. None whatsoever. But it DOES have an "Eclipse" mention, right? I'm not all bad!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Andrew vs Edward

He has been having a little fun with us - AT EDWARD'S EXPENSE!!! He thinks Tracey has turned to the dark side by reading Twilight.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

You have to answer the following question. My (quite stupid) entry is below.
If you were on a road trip with either a vampire or werewolf what would your itunes playlist be and what snacks would you pack to ensure you’re not the snack?
Travel partner? Definitely vampire. And definitely Edward Cullen. And seeing as Edward is alllll about the 50s music, I'd have to fill the iPod with songs like "Don't Be Cruel"... "In the Still of the Night"... "Breathless"... and of course, "Young Blood"! And maybe "Sexy and 17" by the Straycats... because Edward digs an 80s tune once in a while, right?
As for snacks, I'd bring along my nasty neighbor's even nastier cats, Jane and Alec, just in case he got hungry. And possibly some True Blood, too. (Yeah, yeah... wrong series, but it's a long trip, right?!)
"My Edward". sigh...

How cute is this?
Check out this adorable shot of Peter Facinelli - aka Carlisle - hugging and kissing a TwiMom on . Apparently she was covering the bikini show on Hollywood Boulevard the other day. What a nice guy.
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