Thursday, August 27, 2009

1st shot of Edward in Eclipse! Squeee!

Hmmm. Double hmmm. Once I got finished fangirling over the first shot of Rob Pattinson made up as "Edward Cullen" on the Eclipse set, I took a good, hard look at the emsem. AND the makeup. And three words came to mind: The. Village. People. Did they fly RPattz's sisters in to make him up like they used to when he was 12? Cuz he's looking pretty feminine in these pictures. Now don't get me wrong here. I mean him ZERO disrespect. It's a movie - and they have to use makeup. I get that. But between the hair color, the red lips, the white face and the stellar jean jacket (Edward Cullen in a jean jacket?! yikes) I'm getting "Macy's catalog girls section" instead of "vampire who single-handedly snuffs the life out of Victoria". But hey... that's just me. *Thanks to socialiteslife for the photo.

Lots and lots of Volturi goodness!

Totally ganked this from Zap2it. (Love ya! Mean it!)

Did I not CALL this???

Death Cab for Cutie is the first band on my New Moon playlist. And they've written a new song for the New Moon soundtrack. Which makes me squeeeee with delight. Their sound is soooo perfect for this movie. The song I wanted was Summer Skin. When you listen to it, you just feel the end of the summer approaching... and that pain you feel when you're a kid and all the fun is ending. Just like the pain you could feel when you knew Edward was leaving Bella; you just didn't know how much time you, whoops, I mean SHE had left with him. Sigh.

I read that Death Cab for Cutie was on the soundtrack and almost fell off my chair. Wonder if any of my other bands/singers will make it?! Give a listen to Summer Skin.

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dear Gil, You rock. Love, Carol

If you check out Gil Birmingham's Twitter page, you'll see he had to do some rearranging of his schedule to get to Parsippany for the convention this weekend. Is it me or is that VERY cool of him? Yeah. Thought so. Gotta love Billy Black. Just keepin' it real. ;) Check out his IMDB page, too.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bait and Switch in NJ

The first ever "Official Twilight Convention" has had a lot of recent celebrity appearance changes and I have to say... I'm none too happy.

Appearances by the celebs who play "Carlisle", "Emmett", "Alice", "Jasper", "Charlie" and "Mike" have slowly but surely been canceled over the last few months.

The celebs who play these characters have been replaced by the celebs who play "Billy Black", "Sam", "Paul", "Embry", "Laurent", "Angela" and "Eric". And add to that list Twilight's Director - Catherine Hardwicke.

Don't get me wrong - I am thrilled to hang with anyone affiliated with the Twilight saga. I'm looking forward to hearing what the wolf pack has to say. And I love Gil Birmingham. And who wouldn't want to hear Catherine Hardwicke speak? But the entire original appearance list has been changed.

Not a Cullen in the house.

That is really NOT cool. Especially when we've all purchased tickets months in advance - and we've all rescheduled our lives to be at this convention.

Official Twilight Convention THIS weekend in NJ!

So I'm not sure I mentioned it but I'll be attending an Official Twilight Convention in Parsippany, NJ this weekend. We are going to see "Emmett", "Alice", "Sam", "Embry" (Um, Hello? YUM!), "Angela" (Oh. My. God.) , "Eric" (La Push, baby, LA PUSH!) and the person I am STOKED to see: Catherine Hardwicke.

Jenn M., Shannon, Tracey and I will be Twittering Friday and Saturday from the event. I am setting up a Twitter account for the occasion: MyTwiPurgatory. I'll keep you posted!

"Victoria" and "Riley" on the Eclipse set

Seeing as I am a curly girl, I love this new photo of BDH and her new curly Victoria 'do. And Xavier Samuel isn't looking so bad, himself.

Check out all the photos over at Lainey Gossip.

Bella's Wedding Dress

OK so THIS is pretty cool. Apparently In Style mag asked a bunch of designers to try their hand at designing Bella's wedding dress. It's cool to see their interpretations, although it's clear some of them must have been Twittering when they should have been paying attention to the instructions for the design. Anyway... I l loved Lela Rose's and Max Azaria's - but neither are "the dress" in my mind. OK so here is where I get my inner Twi-goober going. Pay attention.

Bella's ring is Victorian - because Edward's father gave it to her mother in the Victorian era. BUT - Edward was born into the Edwardian era (hence his glorious name that I now hear at playgrounds thanks to Mrs. Stephenie Meyer). And because the dress was designed for his taste - I believe Bella's dress should be Edwardian - NOT Victorian.

COMMA HOWEVER - Bella's mother did say that she looked like she was right out of a Jane Austen novel.. so I have to assume the dress was more Victorian than Edwardian.

At any rate, I have posted this photo before (while I was reading the books) but I love it sooooo friggin much that I'm going to post it again. I would love it if this is what Bella's dress looked like. It's just so understated and pretty. *Thanks to for the photo.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I. Love. THIS!

This.... is....AWESOME! It's simple and yet it gets the point across beautifully. Thanks to Melissaisatwilightlover on Twifans!

Boo Boo made a boo boo

Gee... didn't see THIS one coming. Oh wait... yes I did. But it doesn't change anything. His rep confirmed it. Retract...Deny...blah blah blah. Something is coming down the pike after Eclipse... we'll just have to wait for Mr. Summit to tell us what.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Wuthering Heights

OK so I've never read Wuthering Heights. In New Moon, it was easy to compare it to Romeo and Juliet. Been there - read that - AND watched that. But in Eclipse - I didn't understand the conversations between Edward and Bella about Wuthering Heights. And I've been trying to get it from my local library for months - and it's never available. So I finally gave in and rented a very recent and fabulous adaptation. But frankly, I'm still trying to decide if Edward considered himself Heathcliff or Edgar. Edgar is married to Cathy - so you'd think he'd be Edward. But she had this overwhelming love for Heathcliff - so you'd think HE'd be Edward. But I have to suppose Edward considered himself Edgar because Cathy's unbelievable pull to Heathcliff was like Bella's unexplainable pull to Jacob? Oh somebody shut me up already...

Gianna freaks me out

Cool article on popeater (that I originally found on Twilight Examiner) about Justine Wachsberger who is playing Gianna in New Moon. That character freaks me out to no end. I can understand why Bella wants to be a vampire (LORD do I understand why Bella wants to be a vampire: Edward. No Sleep. Every Night. le SIGH!) but who knows why Gianna wants to. She watches those creepy Volturi kill and eat people, day in and day out. Where's the attraction, there? If I were her, I'd have made a play for Edward while he was all nekkid from the waste up (with his abs of steel), writhing around in pain on the floor. But that's just me.

Friday, August 21, 2009

TWO Breaking Dawn movies?!

OK you KNOW I've been blogging too much when I'm so tired I copy my comment on and paste it on my own blog. At any rate, check out the Twilight Lexicon article where they talk about Boo Boo Stewart - aka Seth Clearwater - mentioning that he will be in the next THREE installments of the Twilight series. What I find is interesting is that his REP confirmed it by saying “Boo Boo Stewart will play the character Seth Clearwater in the next three installments of the wildly popular ‘Twilight’ film franchise based on the best-selling novels by Stephenie Meyer,” So DAY-UM. I am all kinds of flustered over this new news.

Here's my comment on Twilight Lexicon, where they're asking how people think Breaking Dawn will be broken up (if it IS in fact going to be broken up. He just said there would be another one after Breaking Dawn. Hmmm):

Wow. Would they do a “to be continued”? That’s the only way I can see doing this. I think it would have to be first movie shows the wedding and honeymoon… and then the cliff-hanger being that Bella is pregnant. (Can’t you just see them ending with Edward’s face upon realizing this news? Remember how freaked out he was? Oh my god it would be classic.) Then movie two starts with her on the couch with Rosalie guarding her…and continues on to the end of the book. Un-LESS they’re going to shove wedding, honeymoon, pregnancy and birth into one film… and do a 2nd film based on the visiting vampires and the Volturi. Um, I’m thinking “yuck” on this because it would lose the central “Bella and Edward” theme that is so present in all the books. But no complaints here. I’ll take my Cullens any way I can get them.

That Edward Cullen really gets around...

OK this video is pretty funny. Go Kelly Clarkson. Everyone should have an "Awesome Edward". It's great fun to move him around in your house and scare the bejesus out of your family. I believe mine is going to live at Shannon's for a while... and then when she least expects it he's going to show up at Jenn M.'s house. I'm thinking before school.. leaning against her car...


OK now I know I'm a huge Stephenie Meyer fan and I pray at the shrine of Stephenie and she can do no wrong and and and yada yada yada. So my opinion probably isn't the most unbiased. I get it. But I just cannot see something like this and not think someone is trying to make herself some moolah off Stephenie Meyer's fame and fortune. What do y'all think? (There I go saying "y'all" again when I'm not even from the South. I'm crazy like that sometimes.) Oh and might I say that Jenn M. totally scooped me on this. I had no clue this legal nonsense was going on until she told me. Go ahead, Jenn. Yell it: "FIRST"!

What would Anna Wintour say?!

GREAT new shot of m'girl Alice Cullen from New Moon. Not sure about the ensem, though. Espech if she's wearing it at school. The mean girls are going to get all OVER her shiz for this little number. (And Jessica, you know who you are.) Hmmm. Let's break this down, shall we?

We've got the little, um, jacket. We'll call this little gem "housecoat chic". Then we've got knit, flashdance gloves (that we know Esme sure as hell didn't make for her) on top of a tight fitting white shirt. The short-sleeves-over-long-sleeves look is soooo very Movie Bella (and so very Manasquan High School).... but I can't imagine Alice would sport it. Maybe it's "Dress like John Bender Day" at Forks High. At any rate, we're finishing this look off with a lovely double-wrapped scarf, the point of which I would normally assume is to hide a nasty hicky, but I'm kindof thinking Cullens can't get them. Or can they?! :::sucks in air::: JASPER! Oh beHAVE!!!

Royce was rolled. Ba dum bum.

OK so this is pretty cool. Check out Jack Huston - aka Royce King II - on the Eclipse set. Remember him? He was days away from marrying Rosalie, and then decided to rape and murder her with his buds for kicks. You know, a typical night out on the town for rich folk. Never really understood that storyline, but I digress... So anyway, I wasn't expecting him to look like this. He looks cool - but I was expecting him to have short hair and look like a rich dude from a wealthy family in the midst of the Great Depression. Not a hobo looking to hop the nearest boxcar to find his next meal. Either way - he's pretty. Just like all the chillens on the Eclipse set. Check out Twilightchick's post on for all the photos. And thanks to my online TwiBud, Kim for alerting me to such good Twiblog fodder this AM!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hot or Not?

Is it me... or is this just a truly erotic photo? (Jenn D, please come out of your self-induced Alexander Skarsgard coma for just a second or two to look at this. I promise you can go right back when you're finished.)

PS - Why is Edward dressed like he's on the bomb squad?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Check this out. FOR THE WIN!!! You guys are great. Kudos to you for all your hard work on a great site. Clearly it's paying off!

Breaking Dawn question. We MUST know.

So I got together with Jenn M. and Shannon tonight... and we brought up a topic we've all tortured ourselves over at one time or another. It's a little R-rated, so if you're not even in high school yet, please skip this post.

Did Edward and Bella consummate their marriage in the water during their midnight swim? Or did they wait until they got back to the house?

I'm dying. I have to know. Don't you? What do YOU think happened? Please comment.

And check out this article over at because it touches on this topic. They're pondering whether Breaking Dawn will be made into a movie and talking about their PG vs R audience. We all know how I feel about this, so I won't beat a dead horse.