Saturday, September 19, 2009

Good Twi-dish

Loved this Marc Malkin article with comments from Melissa Rosenberg. She shares my "whatev" sentiments on the conglomeration that is Robsten. She's also got some good dish here - specifically the "Riley" character in Eclipse... and how things in New Moon will be "expanded on" in the film. And there is some great, positive commentary from Rachelle LaFevre (who I totally love and am actually getting sadder over as the weeks go by.)

And it is only fair that I point out that Kristen Stewart looks FABU in this shot. I am really proud of her for stepping up to the plate and playing the movie star for her fans at the VMA's. I love Joan Jett even more than the next guy but it was time for Kristen to put her away for a little while. So kudosamundo, Kstew. Long live Bella Swan.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Mark reads Twilight

O.M.G. I am slowly becoming obsessed with this website, Mark Reads Twilight. He's some dude who is reading the series (I haven't yet delved into his reasons why) and he's pretty funny. He abuses Bella a lot, which means he totally reminds me of me whilst I was ranking on Bella and some of her moronic decisions. And today he became "Team Jacob" while on chapter 5 of New Moon...and hilarity ensued. 

I want to be Edward Cullen

Holy crap this is funny! Thanks to for bringing this hilarity to my attention!

It's him. It's always been him.

Cool Fanbolt article with Kristen Stewart about filming New Moon and having to show tons of emotion over not being with Edward. (Hell... I do that every day!)

My Eclipse Playlist

OK so my Eclipse playlist is coming along nicely. That New York Times article about the Twilight series soundtracks got my juices flowing to work on it a little more... so I should have more tuneage up soon.

Has anyone noticed my double "Ain't No Sunshine"s? The Eva Cassidy version represents Bella's perspective when Edward keeps going away to hunt and making Alice hold her hostage. Le sigh. (Sorry. Just got a little lost in thought about Edward's new iron bed that the wench won't even sleep in.) The Bill Withers version represents Edward's perspective every time Bella trots off to La Push to hang with her hairy pack-o-friends.

Am I a genius or what? How cool would that be to hear two versions of the song representing the two characters?

Here's another thing that bugs me. Joe Hedges should be on that soundtrack. Guaranteed none of you know who he is, and the NYT article said most of the New Moon music is very indie. He's a guy from Ohio who has a band and has written some really beautiful songs. One is called Mitral Valve Prolapse (that's his own artwork above) and I wanted it on the New Moon soundtrack so badly. He wrote it because he has MVP, which is a leaky mitral valve in your heart. I have it too, and I just thought it would be SO cool from Bella's perspective. The lyrics say "I try but nothing ever fills me up" which is SO CLOSE to what Bella was always saying about the hole in her chest when Edward was gone. Another song is called "Pray the Stars" and it's gorgeous and I could hear it as Bella's feelings toward both Edward AND Jacob. I emailed him a while back and told him to submit Mitral Valve Prolapse for New Moon. He was good enough to email me back and ask about New Moon (he had no clue what it was) but that was it. So I'm sure he didn't submit. Then I read that article - and it bugs me because his band could have gotten some serious recognition, even from just submitting a song and having it get into the right hands. Maybe they don't want to go the "to the masses" route, though, which I can understand. Kings of Leon turned down a chance to be on the soundtrack, as well. I don't agree, mind you....  but I understand.

Record Labels Develop a Taste for Vampires

Tremendous New Moon soundtrack article from Ben Sisario at the New York Times. Including the name of the Music Supervisor for both Twilight and New Moon. She's the person you send your music to for consideration for a Twilight film. Her name is Alexandra (I can't tell you her last name, because that would be indiscreet) Patsavas.

Peter and the Wolves

Holy CRAP this is a hot picture. PFach and the boyz of the pack. I'm telling you, I am so stoked we got to see the pack in Parsippany because they are going to be so huge after New Moon comes out. Rob who?! PS - Snort. How easy was that headline?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sense and Sensibility

Just caught the last half of Sense and Sensibility on HBO. Jane Austen is something I cannot resist. Ever. If I find a Jane Austen movie on TV, I simply cannot turn it off. And when it's over, I am compelled to speak and type as if I am a character in a Jane Austen novel, and I use words like "cannot" and "simply".

If you haven't seen Sense and Sensibility; see it. I cannot say "read it" as I have not. I am embarrassed to admit I have never read a Jane Austen novel; I have only watched every single one on film. Actually reading the novels may be my next project, as I have just finished "Dead and Gone", the 9th and most recent Charlaine Harris novel and now have nothing to read. (You all know it as a little show on HBO entitled "True Blood". But that's another blog.)

At any rate, the reason you must see Sense and Sensibility is that Hugh Grant plays Edward Ferrars. Why is this significant on a Twilight blog? Well, funny you should ask. I'm about to tell you. Something about Robert Pattinson reminds me of a young Hugh Grant. The hair? Maybe. The humor? Quite possibly. OK so he's way prettier than Hugh Grant was at that age, but something tells me he'd rather be known for his acting than his looks, don't you agree? Anyway, I don't know what it is, but I think it would be delicious if Rob P. starred in a remake of Sense and Sensibility and played Hugh Grant's character, Edward Ferrars. For starters, he's already got the name down. And Stephenie Meyer sites Edward Ferrars as a character who led her to naming Edward Cullen. She also sites Jane Austen as "probably her favorite - favorite author".  And you can see why when you find yourself staring at the television on a Wednesday night, listening to the wind outside and hoping upon hope that Edward and Elinor will get together (even though you've seen it multiple times and already know they will.) It's all so Twilight-esque in the romance department. Absolutely delicious. (It's my blog and I'll use "delicious" twice if I want to.) I caught Rob Pattinson's deleted scene in Vanity Fair and have been wishing for a while that he'd do a Jane Austen film remake... or at least another 19th century period piece with tons of romance and angst. Does that description not scream "Jane Austen"?? I believe it does.

OK. That is all for now. I simply cannot keep my eyelids upright. Farewell...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

And speaking of Kanye...

Lauren's BACK!!!!

Carol's fav Twilight blog is BACK in all its' glory! LAURENSBITE is back!!! I am so excited I am just squeeeeing with delight!  And might I point out that I am advertising a Twilight blog that is not my own right now. taboo! Not sure if y'all know, but some in the Twilight blogosphere are really pissy about sharing. For some reason, they don't think there is enough Twi-lurve to go around and they refuse to give a little mention to a silly little blog like mine that like 7 people read. At any rate, RUN, don't walk, to I heart her hilarity BIG time! Today she is breaking down the New Moon trailer in her own special way. She also gives a lovely synopsis of that other vamp show - Vampire Diaries.  PS - I keep typing "Laurent". Tee.

Kanye aint got nuthin' on Stephenie Meyer

My response to this E! article which pondered the possibility of Kanye West's stunt on the VMAs actually being staged. Um, yeah. What-EV. Anyway - they mentioned the viewership was the highest in five years. Gee. Wonder why:

The VMAs got so many viewers because of the New Moon trailer. Same reason The Proposal did so well in its first weekend; they were showing a New Moon trailer. Same reason Stephenie Meyer has held the top 4 spots in US book sales for all of 2009. Trust me, all those 30 and 40-somethings weren't tuning in to see Kanye! 


Monday, September 14, 2009

My VMA synopsis

Yeah. I'm once again going to recycle some of my comments on another website. In this case MTV (although I closed the page and can't find it again to save my life, sorry).  Basically the MTV article was asking how we thought Kristen looked last night. Here is my response, where I commented on some other commenter's comments. Say that five times fast.

Kristen looked fabu. Doesn't matter if the dress was right for her (I dug how flirty it was) or if we liked her half-up 'do (which I thought was an ingenious way to mask the Joan 'do.) Bottom line - she put forth effort and dressed up and got pretty for an appearance and showed the fans she gives a sh*t. That's what matters. Loved that Rob let loose and had some fun with the crowd. He was a crack-up. Wonder where he got his shirt? (Catherine Hardwicke said his shirt at the TCA's came from his buddy's floor after his buddy wore it out the night before. NICE!) Taylor is a class act through and through at every single appearance. He deserves every bit of praise he gets.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Points for Robsten!

OK you all know I don't love gushing about the actors and I don't usually talk about their personal lives. It's all about EDWARD CULLEN - not anyone who plays him on TV.

COMMA HOWEVER - I just have to say that I LOVED the VMA "performance". For so many months we've watched Rob Pattinson literally shit his pants when cameras were around. NOT TONIGHT! When he came out on that stage all sauced and disheveled and CRACKING UP I was thrilled! It's ABOUT TIME this guy actually enjoy the ride!!! I give props to Kristen for the dress - very cute. And I dug the Victoria Beckham-esque do she was sporting. Honestly I'd rather she suck it up and get the extensions for the good of Eclipse - but if she won't, that is the best they're going to do with her Joan Jett growing-out do. And trust me - I'm not abusing her do because I got a totally over-layered do a few years back that took me 2 YEARS to fully grow out. Ugh. Not goin' back to THAT unhappy place. NEXT!!!!!

Lastly - Taylor Lautner - once again - STUPEFIES me with his maturity and great attitude. That's all. More tomorrow...

Watching VMA pre show

I am cracking myself up. I am having visions of Robsten sitting in their hotel room (you know, the one they must be sharing in NYC because we've heard ad nauseam that they're sharing a room in Vancouver). I am seeing them both rocking back and forth in some type of nervous trance over the thought of actually getting out of their car at the VMAs because it's simultaneously nerve-wracking and beneath them. Can't you just hear them now?

Rob:  (claws hair) Why do we even have to go? I mean, I don't really understand it (claws hair again)'s just like....these girls....just....screaming...all of them just screaming....I...I...don't really get it because it's just (claws hair yet again)...I don't know, you know? Just crazy....and you wonder why it even happens's like....

Kristen: (interrupts Rob while dually clawing her own hair) "Ugh. I...I....What...I....NO! NO! What? I...I...What are you....what are you even TALKING about?! what I do...just hold on to yourself and look confused." 

OK guys - I'll be back at 10. MUST watch the season finale of True Blood. PS - Clearly the word "Amazing" is to Ashley on MTV as "Exactly" is to Carol on QVC. I might have to dig that video out of the archives just to show y'all that I can abuse myself just as much as anyone else.

Things I have to say

I cannot stop watching the new trailer. Is there something wrong with me? Not only do I get chills, but I get them at multiple and different places within the video. Charlie in the woods... Laurent and the wolves... Dakota Fanning... That eerie music that all the fan trailers use... Ugh. I'm exhausted. I need to take a month's sabbatical at one of those rehabs all he celebs go to when they need some "down time". But really... could a spa strip me of this obsession? I think not. (OK now my neighbors who have recently found my blog totally and completely thing I am a freak. And you know who you are, Liz and Greg!)

OK so everyone has had something to say about Ashley's acting in this trailer... but I maintain the feeling that we have to wait for the movie. The trailer is incredibly spliced and all over the place. Bella's truck pulls up - and Alice and Bella are talking in a vehicle. But it's not the truck - it's Carlisle's Mercedes. They show Bella walk up a hill in one (bad) outfit - but she jumps off the cliff in another (bad) one. At any rate, we have to remember that Ashley is narrating in a way. She's not just being Alice, she's telling the non-book-reading audience what's going on. I think that's why she's sounding so desperate for Viva Glam at the mall. (See comments of the below post for an explanation.) She also sounds very Marge Thompson (Nancy's mom) in Nightmare on Elm Street. "He can't get you anymore. Mommy killed him." But again - let's wait for the film. I think we'll be surprised. (Also - she's M'GIRL ALICE and I can't do anything but love her.)

OK - here's the most important thing I have to say. Ready?

Dear Stephenie,
Taylor Lautner's acting in this short clip makes me realize you absolutely - positively - MUST continue this series. It is an incredible disservice to the fans to not let us see Jacob fall in love with the RIGHT girl - aka Renesmee. (Much like that meanie Shonda Rhymes robbed me of seeing Denny and Izzie walk out of the hospital on their way to dinner, but I digress.) Please find it in your heart to continue this series (right after finishing Midnight Sun, writing "The Carlise Chronicles" and giving us an in-depth look at Edward's life before being made Vampire.)
Thanks bunches!

And last but not least, after seeing this itty-bitty trailer, I have to state the following:

Rob who? I'll take one of Felix, please.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Dying. Dying. Dying. Dying. Dying.

I cannot speak. I may have to go to some type of halfway house to wait out my insanity while waiting for November 20th. Stephenie Meyer is a deity of some sort. I truly believe that. (Oh shut it, I do not. She's just really, REALLY cool.)
The Twilight Saga: New Moon Trailer in HD

Friday, September 11, 2009

Vampire Diaries Interview

THIS is as far as I got in this interview with Kevin Williamson, writer of the SHOW - Vampire Diaries (not the book series which was written by L. J. Smith) because I didn't want to see any spoilers. (Thanks to Jenn M. for sending me the link!!)  Since first seeing this trailer online, I've been saying that although it started out very Twilightesque, I was willing to bet it wouldn't continue on that path.

Now from reading the following; I think I was right:

And then I read the first book and said, no way, because it was just like "Twilight." But Julie Plec was already on book three by then, because she reads faster, and she was just like, keep reading it, so I kept reading it, and I went, you're right, it's not [like "Twilight"]. I said, if we can get to the other stuff sooner, than yes, let's do it. And so we sort of rearranged things, so even though the first episode and the set up are the same -- the guy comes to school, she meets him, all of that is the same in the pilot -- once you get past that... as soon as Damon shows up, it's totally different.

Holy ^%$# - New Moon is COMING!

Have you seen this? Fan made...WhatEV! Just WATCH IT!!!

Twilight vs True Blood

Now...I loves me some Eric Northman. I really do. Anyone who has read the Sookie Stackhouse books knows books 4 and 9 are Ericlicious. COMMA HOWEVER - these photos of RPattz as Edward Cullen are S-T-U-N-N-I-N-G. Srsly peeps. Check em out and take the In Style poll. Edward is winning (duh) because there are way too many Twi-loving tweens to make the contest even. Either way, I am looking forward to Sunday's True Blood finale with great eagerness. Word.

Eclipse footage

I kindof loathe posting video like this because it includes a bunch of Hollywood crap that I don't care about. But - it's got a quick glimpse of Eclipse filming from afar. And that's pretty cool.