Am I the only one avoiding the latest New Moon stills like the plague?! I can't stand it anymore. It's everywhere. I remember the day the Edward-with-his-shirt-off-in-Italy shots came out; I didn't know what to do. I called Beth and said "I want to look. But I don't want to look. But I have to look. But I can't look. What do I do?!" to which she replied "Oh for the love of god JUST LOOK!!!" Then I talked to Shannon and Jenn M - on a conference call (snicker) - and we looked. And looked. Oh holy CRAP, did we look. And as much as I was upset that the Italy scene with Bella and Edward reuniting wouldn't be a visual surprise, I was still glad I looked. Lord have MERCY was I glad I looked.
But now I am to the point where I just have to save something for the film. Hell, I am even starting to avoid Eclipse set shots!
What about you? Are you looking?!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
I <3 Twihearts
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Meet Me on the Equinox video
I cannot breathe. I just watched the very beginning of this "Meet Me on the Equinox" video from Death Cab for Cutie - until Edward walks out of the woods in that STUNNING coat. And I forgot to breathe for a moment. And without taking a breath, I turned it off.
I don't know about you - but I have NOT looked at any of the new photos from the New Moon Illustrated Companion.
And I will not watch this.
As much as it is KILLING me. My god....he looked absolutely beautiful. But I've seen enough. I don't want to see anything else until I see the movie. I almost want to shut down my computer for 42 days and not look at another picture or video until November 20th. Holy shit, People. I am acting like NuttyMadam in one of her fangirl reaction videos ("The beach! The truck!") But I can' That vision...holy was perfection. Edward Cullen hallucinatory perfection.
Kudos to Robert Pattinson. When it comes to Edward Cullen, the man can BRING IT.
I don't know about you - but I have NOT looked at any of the new photos from the New Moon Illustrated Companion.
And I will not watch this.
As much as it is KILLING me. My god....he looked absolutely beautiful. But I've seen enough. I don't want to see anything else until I see the movie. I almost want to shut down my computer for 42 days and not look at another picture or video until November 20th. Holy shit, People. I am acting like NuttyMadam in one of her fangirl reaction videos ("The beach! The truck!") But I can' That vision...holy was perfection. Edward Cullen hallucinatory perfection.
Kudos to Robert Pattinson. When it comes to Edward Cullen, the man can BRING IT.
Know what's funny?
Y'all know I'm not big on posting the totally stalkerific paparazzi shots of the Twilight actors engaging in ho-hum tasks. (Not that I don't do it. I just try not to make a habit of it.) It's so stupid and invasive... they can't let one rip without someone printing something about it.
So I found it so funny last week when this photo started circulating. And circulating. And circulating. I can't stand it anymore; I have to comment. These websites (some of them wonderful sites - don't get me wrong) post a headline like "KStew and RPattz spotting having dinner together in Vancouver!" Now aren't you picturing Kristen and Rob at a beautiful, candle-lit dinner... sitting at a private table in the corner....all dressed up (I snicker at the mere thought).... "sipping cabernet and munching on foie gras" (as In Style magazine loves to say).
And instead we get this. They're leaving some casual spot - with an assistant or manager. That's it. No mystery. No intrigue. No spectacular restaurant only the beautiful people can get into. Hell, RPattz is in a baseball hat. And he's opening the door for god's sake. Hell - even FRIDAYS will open the door for you!
OK that's all. Just had to make mention. It's no fun laughing about these things all alone. I have to bring you all into my sick mind to share the fun!
So I found it so funny last week when this photo started circulating. And circulating. And circulating. I can't stand it anymore; I have to comment. These websites (some of them wonderful sites - don't get me wrong) post a headline like "KStew and RPattz spotting having dinner together in Vancouver!" Now aren't you picturing Kristen and Rob at a beautiful, candle-lit dinner... sitting at a private table in the corner....all dressed up (I snicker at the mere thought).... "sipping cabernet and munching on foie gras" (as In Style magazine loves to say).
And instead we get this. They're leaving some casual spot - with an assistant or manager. That's it. No mystery. No intrigue. No spectacular restaurant only the beautiful people can get into. Hell, RPattz is in a baseball hat. And he's opening the door for god's sake. Hell - even FRIDAYS will open the door for you!
OK that's all. Just had to make mention. It's no fun laughing about these things all alone. I have to bring you all into my sick mind to share the fun!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
More Michael Sheen goodness...
Check out this little blurb from Michael Sheen's interview in Parade:
I totally agree. I found Aro to be so totally not scary - and yet I was terrified of him. It was so peculiar. I kept waiting for the ball to drop with him - but he gave Edward the big, ol' pardon in New Moon...and he did the right thing and let the Cullens go in Breaking Dawn. I am looking forward to seeing Chris Weitz' vision in New Moon, because the trailers have made it obvious we're going to get to see Aro's nasty side in the movie. To which I say: BRING IT ON!
Speaking of blood, taking on Aro in New Moon.
"There's so much expectation about the sequel. People who are hooked on the stories have very definite ideas about the character from the second book. So it's a dilemma. You want to give them what they expect, what they want to see, but you also want to surprise them. My biggest concern has been that everyone would remember that I played a werewolf in Underworld. So it would be a stretch for me to become a vampire. But I just love Aro. I think he has a gentle side even though he's pretty scary. And I'm just very pleased to have a whole new generation of people I can scare."
His daughter got a literal kick out of the news.
"I was excited about being in New Moon mainly because I thought it would make my daughter Lily very happy since she loved the books and the first movie. But, she was a bit overwhelmed. It was like when I was kid--if there was something I was really into, the last thing I wanted was my mom and dad to be into it as well. So, at first, Lily got upset and sort of cried when I told her. I think it was just like her fantasy imaginative world suddenly colliding with reality. She did punish me a bit. When she kicked me, I think that was sort of acting out her frustration."
Cool Vampire video from PopSugarRush
Check out this vampire video from PopSugarRush. Thanks to for the find!
Michael Sheen on Craig Ferguson
This is ESPECIALLY for Tracey R. Holy COW is she going to flip when she sees this. It's Michael Sheen (Aro - New Moon - where he'll be sans white hair and papery skin. Don't get me started) on Craig Ferguson last SKINNY PANTS and a few days worth of beard on his cutie pie face. Wow Trace, he might have actually surpassed Tony Blair! (Tracey and I have a thing for slightly nerdy Brits.) *Thanks to Twilight Moms for the heads up!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Rob or Robsessed?
This EW PopWatch article is GREAT. Thanks to Tracey for sending it to me. I totally agree with this Mandi Bierly on this. I'd much rather watch a documentary on RPattz' nutjob fans than RPattz, himself. (Wait - scratch that - I'm not sure I'd want to watch that, either. Hell, I might be in it.) But I LOVE this comment about Alexander Skarsgard (Eric - aka the minty fresh Sheriff of Area Five from True Blood):
"any time I see a link on Twitter to a fan’s story of meeting True Blood’s Alexander Skarsgard in Shreveport, where he’s filming Straw Dogs, I click on it. Yes, I’m curious as to whether the shirt he’ll be wearing in the accompanying picture is sleeveless or sheer (either is acceptable), but I’m even more eager to know what lie the fan told to an employee or family member to hide the real reason for her trip; how she determined the best time and location for a possible sighting; why she chose a particular outfit or opening line; who she dragged along with her and what directives that person was given. It’s like watching a TV show with great sexual tension — all about the build up."
Jenn M, Shannon, Tracey and Jenn D and I have been discussing "Eric's" mesh shirt ALL WEEK! This just CRACKED me up!!
"any time I see a link on Twitter to a fan’s story of meeting True Blood’s Alexander Skarsgard in Shreveport, where he’s filming Straw Dogs, I click on it. Yes, I’m curious as to whether the shirt he’ll be wearing in the accompanying picture is sleeveless or sheer (either is acceptable), but I’m even more eager to know what lie the fan told to an employee or family member to hide the real reason for her trip; how she determined the best time and location for a possible sighting; why she chose a particular outfit or opening line; who she dragged along with her and what directives that person was given. It’s like watching a TV show with great sexual tension — all about the build up."
Jenn M, Shannon, Tracey and Jenn D and I have been discussing "Eric's" mesh shirt ALL WEEK! This just CRACKED me up!!
How many times have YOU read Twilight?
Srsly. Please comment on this. I MUST know. I have read each book twice and will be starting again soon. (Right after I read "Outlander" which my sister Tracey has been talking about longingly for 24 straight hours.)
How many times have YOU read Twilight?!
How many times have YOU read Twilight?!
CafePress Community - New Moon Design Contest
Check out the CafePress Community New Moon Design Contest. Um,'s kinda cool. If you've ever seen my very own Twilight shirt shop, you know how much fun you can have designing TwiShirts. And it's really easy. And you can win some moolah. Who doesn't love moolah? Only one catch - the contest is only available to those in the US, UK, Canada and Australia. So my apologies to those of you in other areas of the world. But - you could start your OWN Twishirt shop! Yeah! Your TwiShirt ideas are just as any other Twihard's, right?! Get out there and show 'em whatcha got!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Edward Cullen Pumpkin Carving Stencil
Oh this... is rich. I luvs it. I want one. Something tells me hubster won't agree. Get the deets over at Pink Raygun where I got the lovely photo. Enjoy!
Hmmm. Have you read "Outlander"?
OK so I just got this from my sister who flew home from her vacation in Puerto Rico this AM. What do y'all think?
Ladies, I never thought I would ever, EVER say this, but here goes:
Edward, Schmedward.
That's right girls. There's a new Sheriff of Library 5. His name is Jamie Fraser. And he will rock your ever-lovin' world.
Do the following:
1) Go to your local library or bookstore. No, forget library. You must purchase, not borrow. You won't want to return.
2) PURCHASE "Outlander" by Diana Gabaldon.
3) Lock yourself away.
4) Begin reading.
Now, Jenn M. has a bit of a head start here, as she started reading on my recommendation. So as she knows, it is a slow start. For the first 30-40 pages, you feel like you're reading a Noel Coward play: "Dahling, would you like a spot of tea? Fancy a brandy on the terrace before retiring?" Yawn. (Tho I warn you, you will need to go back and read these pages once you realize that they are in fact incredibly important to the plot.) Even the next 100 or so pages aren't exactly riveting--lots of exposition, trying to figure out exactly what the narrator's deal is (it's told by Claire, a late 20s British nurse just after WWII), lots of characters that are easy to confuse. We actually meet Jamie and, while he's certainly an interesting character, he's no Edward/Bill/Eric.
But then the plot starts to get going. And long around page 200, you find that it's hard to put down. And then....hold on to your hats, ladies.
I'm on page 706 right now. I read straight through on the plane for 4 hours--beginning at 6 a.m. I haven't been able to put it down for three days. I'm been like, EFF PUERTO RICO--I NEED TO READ!!!!!! Read on the beach. Read in the car driving around. Read well into the night. Will probably finish tonight. And the best part is that there are AT LEAST four more in the series to read!!!!!!!
Trust me, ladies--the Claire/Jamie relationship is astounding. And it's better than Twilight in one important aspect: the narrator is actually NOT annoying. Though for a long while, Claire and Bella would fight to a draw in a dope-off, Claire gets it together midway through the book and actually does some kick-ass rescuing. And Carol, you are especially loving this book because Jamie is--get this--a Scottsman. He talks in a brogue that seems like it might be annoying to read at first, but ends up not being. And he is HAWT. And gentle. And HAWT. And funny. And HAWT. And endearing. AND. HAWT.
Jenn M--back me up here, if you've read more. Everyone else, get started so we can discuss. TRUST ME!!!!!
UPDATE - she just emailed me THIS little diddy, so don't be 'spectin' any vamps:
FYI, no vamps in this. Just some witchtrials. And fairies (maybe). And time travel. And kilts.
Ladies, I never thought I would ever, EVER say this, but here goes:
Edward, Schmedward.
That's right girls. There's a new Sheriff of Library 5. His name is Jamie Fraser. And he will rock your ever-lovin' world.
Do the following:
1) Go to your local library or bookstore. No, forget library. You must purchase, not borrow. You won't want to return.
2) PURCHASE "Outlander" by Diana Gabaldon.
3) Lock yourself away.
4) Begin reading.
Now, Jenn M. has a bit of a head start here, as she started reading on my recommendation. So as she knows, it is a slow start. For the first 30-40 pages, you feel like you're reading a Noel Coward play: "Dahling, would you like a spot of tea? Fancy a brandy on the terrace before retiring?" Yawn. (Tho I warn you, you will need to go back and read these pages once you realize that they are in fact incredibly important to the plot.) Even the next 100 or so pages aren't exactly riveting--lots of exposition, trying to figure out exactly what the narrator's deal is (it's told by Claire, a late 20s British nurse just after WWII), lots of characters that are easy to confuse. We actually meet Jamie and, while he's certainly an interesting character, he's no Edward/Bill/Eric.
But then the plot starts to get going. And long around page 200, you find that it's hard to put down. And then....hold on to your hats, ladies.
I'm on page 706 right now. I read straight through on the plane for 4 hours--beginning at 6 a.m. I haven't been able to put it down for three days. I'm been like, EFF PUERTO RICO--I NEED TO READ!!!!!! Read on the beach. Read in the car driving around. Read well into the night. Will probably finish tonight. And the best part is that there are AT LEAST four more in the series to read!!!!!!!
Trust me, ladies--the Claire/Jamie relationship is astounding. And it's better than Twilight in one important aspect: the narrator is actually NOT annoying. Though for a long while, Claire and Bella would fight to a draw in a dope-off, Claire gets it together midway through the book and actually does some kick-ass rescuing. And Carol, you are especially loving this book because Jamie is--get this--a Scottsman. He talks in a brogue that seems like it might be annoying to read at first, but ends up not being. And he is HAWT. And gentle. And HAWT. And funny. And HAWT. And endearing. AND. HAWT.
Jenn M--back me up here, if you've read more. Everyone else, get started so we can discuss. TRUST ME!!!!!
UPDATE - she just emailed me THIS little diddy, so don't be 'spectin' any vamps:
FYI, no vamps in this. Just some witchtrials. And fairies (maybe). And time travel. And kilts.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Stop me before I read Twilight - again!
Just a quick blurb to tell you I've decided to read Twilight - again. For the third time. One part of me is saying "What is WRONG with you?!" I have a book club book to finish by the 16th and I haven't even STARTED it yet! But the other part of me completely understands the gravitational pull toward Edward Cullen. I am a magnet and he is steel. Tonight I picked up my copy of Twilight - opened to a random page - and started reading. 10 minutes later I had to tear it out of my own hands. It was crack and I was hooked. AGAIN. Seriously. I feel like I just ran into my old boyfriend at a party and have decided I'm too weak to stay away from him anymore. It's wrong, wrong and more wrong. And yet - here I go - again. Wish me luck...
Blog maintenance!
Forgive me of the blog looks funky from time to time this weekend. I'm playing with the style and layouts but it's only temporary!
OFFICIAL New Moon Playlist
Here is the official New Moon playlist (just for you, "Anonymous"!) As of right now, the only song available is "Meet Me on the Equinox" by Death Cab for Cutie. I'll add the others as they become available.
Kristen Stewart in Interview Magazine
OK so here's a pretty cool article with Kstew in Interview magazine where she talks a lot about filming the Twilight series and being Bella Swan. What is SO cool about it is that she was interviewed by Dennis Hopper. (If you don't know how unbelievably awesome he is, go watch his "I'll take one of those Chesterfields now" scene with Christopher Walken in "True Romance".) And below is a photo shoot the mag did with her. It's pretty telling. She looks like she'd rather be getting a root canal, which tells me she's pretty cool in the humility department. (Actually the hair pretty much gave that away long ago.) I have a few comments to the fans - and to Kstew, herself:
Dear Kstew fans,
Want to show Kristen how much you love her? How about leaving her alone when you see her out in public? I don't know about you but I would lose my shit if I was held hostage in a hotel room for months on end. Even WITH RPattz.
Kay thanks,
Dear Kstew,
Please don't float the F-biscuit so readily whilst chit-chatting with Dennis Hopper. Dude, he's DENNIS HOPPER. He kicks it old school. Respect your elders.
Dear Kstew fans,
Want to show Kristen how much you love her? How about leaving her alone when you see her out in public? I don't know about you but I would lose my shit if I was held hostage in a hotel room for months on end. Even WITH RPattz.
Kay thanks,
Dear Kstew,
Please don't float the F-biscuit so readily whilst chit-chatting with Dennis Hopper. Dude, he's DENNIS HOPPER. He kicks it old school. Respect your elders.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
3-for-1 New Moon Special!
Um, yeah. Have you ever seen this 6+ minute trailer for New Moon? It's all three trailers merged together in sequence. I've heard about it but haven't really bothered with it until tonight. Holy crap. No, I didn't mean that. What I meant was, HOLY CRAP!!! I have tears streaming down my face. (And hello, why don't I remember the post-Italy bedroom scene in the trailer?!) HOW many times have I seen these?! But to see it all together...Wow. HOW am I going to get through 2 hours without being a complete blithering idiot?! And I never realized it before, but I don't really feel bad for Bella apart from the nightmare scene. I don't cry for Bella; I cry for Edward. In the breakup scene, when she's sprawled out on the forest floor getting god knows WHAT in her hair, do you know why I'm crying? Because I know it's killing Edward to leave her. And when she's running through the sea of red in Volterra, trying to get to him, do you know who my heart is bleeding for? Edward. Because he's upset. The books just come flooding back to you when you see this, which is good, because lately I've been feeling a little disconnected to the series since it's been so long since I've read it. le sigh. Watch this. Now. And PS - Liz, I SO CAUGHT YOU reading Eclipse in your car today! That is so great. I'm so jealous that you still have two full books to devour. ENJOY!!!
Be warned, I'm about to get serious on you.
I have to thank for posting this heartwarming story and letter. A simple note and signature from Robert Pattinson gave this woman a tremendous amount of joy - and that is truly what's it's all about. If this story doesn't make you think twice about your life, nothing will. My husband, Tom (Tomward? LOL) is a kidney donor and I cannot tell you how important organ donation is. If it weren't for him, his brother, John would not have lived through diabetes, a very invasive disease that causes so many other problems in the body. It's been 10 years and we feel very blessed to have them both.
I hope and pray that Ms. MS gets her transplant and lives to a ripe, old age. She is inspirational in her fight - and even in her love of Twilight. Getting a message to Rob. P....going to see Peter F.... All while in a wheelchair and on constant oxygen. Hell, I was too embarrased to wear my "Bite Me" shirt today because I figured it would be overkill between my Converse, Raybans and "Be Safe" bumper sticker on my car. I might be "found out" in the parking lot at school. God forbid, right? MEH. It's all a bunch of nonsense compared to what this courageous woman is going through.
I'll get off my soap box now. Carpe Diem.
I hope and pray that Ms. MS gets her transplant and lives to a ripe, old age. She is inspirational in her fight - and even in her love of Twilight. Getting a message to Rob. P....going to see Peter F.... All while in a wheelchair and on constant oxygen. Hell, I was too embarrased to wear my "Bite Me" shirt today because I figured it would be overkill between my Converse, Raybans and "Be Safe" bumper sticker on my car. I might be "found out" in the parking lot at school. God forbid, right? MEH. It's all a bunch of nonsense compared to what this courageous woman is going through.
I'll get off my soap box now. Carpe Diem.
How long have I been saying I want to see RPattz in a period piece? Check out this article from zap2it. Dune? Meh. I think I walked out of that when STING was in it. I hope this is true that he turned it down. And hello? His "harem of mistresses"? Yeah. I think I can handle Bel Ami.
'Twilight: New Moon's Robert Pattinson chooses dark 'Bel Ami' over 'Dune'
Robert Pattinson won't be tasting the spice anytime soon.
Despite reports that the star of "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" would be headlining Peter Berg's upcoming adaptation of Frank Herbert's famous sci-fi novel, sources tell Gossip Cop those rumors are untrue.
What is true is that Pattinson is set to star in a version of Guy de Maupassant's 1885 novel "Bel Ami." He'll play amoral journalist Georges Duroy, who uses his harem of mistresses to move up the social and professional ladders.
Pattinson is currently filming "The Twilight Sequel: Eclipse." His non-vampire romantic drama "Remember Me" will be in theaters in time for Valentine's Day 2010.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Where's Carlisle?
I saved this one for the end of the day, hoping I'd find some better things to say about it. Let's review. I'll do the best I can. We all know how I feel about Edward sporting a look of Cro-magnon Chic in this shot. What have they done to RPattz?! His head is the biggest thing in the poster. And the claw freaks me the hell out. Srsly. And hello? Um, Edward? Deney Terrio called. He wants his shirt back. OK moving on. Bella looks good, albeit cozied up to Cro-magnon Man...but the breeze blowing through her hair is reminiscent of a Jordache add from the 80s. Wait. Scratch that, make that Calvin Klein.
But again, she looks great, so we'll overlook the supermodel hair. Again - moving right along... Has anyone noticed that Carlisle is teeny-tiny and in the background? What's with that?! He's like Waldo! Doesn't seem right for a guy with one MILLION followers on Twitter. He should be like, 3rd in line, after Bella. OK - maybe 4th, behind Alice, since M'GIRL has a much larger role this time around. And speaking of Alice - she looks great - as do Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett. So "Yey!" for them, because they definitely seem to have won this round of TwiPoster Goodness. Unlike poor Esme who is stuck on the back of the bus with Carlisle. Maybe they kept her in the back just in case she had to run off set to the bathroom. You never know.
But again, she looks great, so we'll overlook the supermodel hair. Again - moving right along... Has anyone noticed that Carlisle is teeny-tiny and in the background? What's with that?! He's like Waldo! Doesn't seem right for a guy with one MILLION followers on Twitter. He should be like, 3rd in line, after Bella. OK - maybe 4th, behind Alice, since M'GIRL has a much larger role this time around. And speaking of Alice - she looks great - as do Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett. So "Yey!" for them, because they definitely seem to have won this round of TwiPoster Goodness. Unlike poor Esme who is stuck on the back of the bus with Carlisle. Maybe they kept her in the back just in case she had to run off set to the bathroom. You never know.
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