Went with my Twi-Buds, Jenn and Shannon. My apologies to my friends who haven't seen it yet. We realized last minute that we had an open window - and ran with it - which is a necessary evil when you have young kids who need babysitters. The husbands are home to watch 'em? "GO GO GO!" (yelled like a S.W.A.T. team outside Tony Soprano's house.)
Anyway - I have every intention of going back - so just say the word, and I'm there.
OK - Here is my synopsis:
I. Loved. It!!! SO much. To the point where I had tears in my eyes during the credits - because I was so happy it was so good. David Slade is a god ("
no God"). I was pretty sure of this going INTO the film....but was convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt when I came out. It was beautiful. And it truly worked. Here's how good it was: My favorite parts of the book were NOT in the movie... and yet... I loved it. How's THAT for good direction???
So many comments... so little time...
Credit where it's due:
KRISTEN STEWART WAS GREAT! She hit it right out of the ball park. No sniveling...no loud breathing...no whining. Just Bella. A little down in the dumps and in desperate need of a laugh once in a while... but just Bella. And she doesn't a) write the script or b) direct - so I have nothing but love for her today. Nothing but love.
JACKSON RATHBONE WAS BEYOND! He was awesome. I have been waiting for 3 films for that man to get his comeuppance... and boy does he in this film. He looks great - his acting is superb (I think I cried for him at one point) and he is just a star in the making. It's wonderful to watch.
JULIA JONES aka Leah Clearwater. The GREATEST casting in the history of casting. She was FANTASTIC. She made me happy to have read an entire series of Twilight books. She restored my faith in the bringing life to these characters. THAT'S how good she was.
XAVIER SAMUEL - holy crap, kid. Where'd YOU come from??? Talk about seeming like a seasoned professional. Hollywood better not eff this up. This kid is a star.
I have to see the film again (and see it again, I will), because so much of it has left my brain already... but a few of the odder things I do remember:
Ugh. Carlisle. Poor Carlisle. What have they done to you, my lemon-haired friend? Why have they turned you into a caricature with a bad Madonna-esque British accent? Who stole my beautiful Carlisle and left Liberace in his place?! Why?? WHY?!?! (screamed like Nancy Kerrigan.)
The Cullens - waiting for Victoria and standing in formation like the A Team. What was that all about? I guess it was done to make the guys happy. That's the only reason I can possibly attribute to that weirdness.
And speaking of Victoria. All I can say is a big, fat MEH! She was horrible!!! No offense to Bryce Dallas Howard because she's a great actress. But she was SO miscast. She was way too cute to be Victoria. An the wig was so god awful, I didn't know what to do with myself. Rachelle Lefevre was robbed... and moreso the AUDIENCE was robbed of her beautiful portrayal of such an evil character. It didn't work at all - but would have been golden with Rachelle. Epic Summit FAIL.
That's it for now. Until 15 minutes from now when I think about something new. See y'all soon!