Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Fun with Eclipse!

So Jenn D was visiting from Erie over the weekend (we're not WORTHY, oh subject of PFach's Tweets!) and of course we had to see Eclipse again to produce some new blog fodder.  And we made some interesting observations (which Jenn refers to as "Mega Eclipse Blog Points" which I thought was pretty dang amusing) regarding everyone's favorite Twi-film:

1.  The wigs.  LORDDDDDD THE WIGS!  What the hell HAPPENED in Eclipse?!  Have you noticed that not only does Kstew wear a wig, but she wears multiple wigs. They are:

* Christian Rock Wig (borrowed from Jacob)
* Pageant Wig (very full, wavy and 80s)
* Wednesday Adams Wig (flat-ironed on the top and sides)
* Victoria's Secret Wig (wavy but not quite as big as Pageant Wig)

I'll have to see it again to remember when each wig was worn... but I do know the Pageant wig was from the last scene in the meadow. It was like Ken Paves came in and said "Quiet on the set, people! I need to CREATE!"

Then there is Carlisle's horrendous lemon, yellow wig... and Rosalie's "perfectly quaffed but still obviously a wig" wig.  And lord... why didn't they dye her eyebrows to match?!

2.  Rob Pattinson is like the light from the arc of the covenant in Indiana Jones. At one point, during the "bed scene",  Tracey says to me "Kristen doesn't even look into Rob's eyes" to which I reply "Dude he's ROB PATTINSON. No mere mortal can look him directly in the eyes."

3. Robstank. While discussing the aforementioned RPattz, Jennifer decides she thinks he smells lovely. I then remind her about Catherine Hardwicke's commentary about him picking up his buddy's shirt off the floor and wearing it to an awards show, after said buddy wore it drumming at a gig the night before. Jenn proceeds to tell me that even if Rob smelled "musky and spunky" she would still love him. I cannot remember the last time I giggled so profusely.

4.  Why don't they ever let Esme talk?

5.  Carlisle's New British Accent.  Lorddddd the accent!  Why don't I remember quite such an over-the-top accent from Twilight or New Moon?  They're creating an AHHHHHMY! What is THAT all about?? That must be the new direction. Not that I don't like it. I am just not used to Carlisle from Yorkshire. It's funny because I said I couldn't remember where Carlisle was from.. and asked if he was from Italy. Jenn then said "Italy? Hello?! His NAME is CARLISLE CULLEN!" I had a giggle fit at this and almost drove off the road.

6. Rosalie Cullen. Mafia Princess.  Seriously. Tracey was giggling during Rosalie's little Royce story because Nikki Reed is from NYC... and Tracey thought it came through loud and clear.  I had to tell her to pipe down because the people a few rows behind us might get upset. And please - again - DYE HER EYEBROWS to match her (bad) wig!

7. Action Figure Cullens. You have to LOVE that scene where they're waiting for the fight - clad all in black - waiting for Victoria's minions. And then the wolves all jump into the action and it's way cool... and Tracey says to me "how do the wolves know which vampires to kill?" to which I reply "the Cullens are all wearing their black, action figure suits. The wolves will know."

And Jenn D wants to know why the wolves don't have any "junk". And how they all show up clad in their denim manpri's when none of them tie their shorts around their legs like Jacob did in the book. And don't get me started on Leah. Somehow she's able to produce a shirt and bra out of thin air.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Went with my Twi-Buds, Jenn and Shannon. My apologies to my friends who haven't seen it yet. We realized last minute that we had an open window - and ran with it - which is a necessary evil when you have young kids who need babysitters. The husbands are home to watch 'em? "GO GO GO!" (yelled like a S.W.A.T. team outside Tony Soprano's house.)

Anyway - I have every intention of going back - so just say the word, and I'm there.

OK - Here is my synopsis: 

I. Loved. It!!!  SO much. To the point where I had tears in my eyes during the credits - because I was so happy it was so good. David Slade is a god ("no God").  I was pretty sure of this going INTO the film....but was convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt when I came out. It was beautiful. And it truly worked.  Here's how good it was:  My favorite parts of the book were NOT in the movie... and yet... I loved it. How's THAT for good direction???

So many comments... so little time...

Credit where it's due:

KRISTEN STEWART WAS GREAT!  She hit it right out of the ball park. No sniveling...no loud breathing...no whining. Just Bella. A little down in the dumps and in desperate need of a laugh once in a while... but just Bella. And she doesn't a) write the script or b) direct  - so I have nothing but love for her today. Nothing but love.

JACKSON RATHBONE WAS BEYOND!  He was awesome. I have been waiting for 3 films for that man to get his comeuppance... and boy does he in this film. He looks great - his acting is superb (I think I cried for him at one point) and he is just a star in the making. It's wonderful to watch.

JULIA JONES aka Leah Clearwater. The GREATEST casting in the history of casting. She was FANTASTIC. She made me happy to have read an entire series of Twilight books. She restored my faith in the bringing life to these characters. THAT'S how good she was.

XAVIER SAMUEL - holy crap, kid. Where'd YOU come from??? Talk about seeming like a seasoned professional. Hollywood better not eff this up. This kid is a star.

I have to see the film again (and see it again, I will), because so much of it has left my brain already... but a few of the odder things I do remember:

Ugh. Carlisle. Poor Carlisle. What have they done to you, my lemon-haired friend? Why have they turned you into a caricature with a bad Madonna-esque British accent?  Who stole my beautiful Carlisle and left Liberace in his place?! Why?? WHY?!?! (screamed like Nancy Kerrigan.)

The Cullens - waiting for Victoria and standing in formation like the A Team. What was that all about?  I guess it was done to make the guys happy. That's the only reason I can possibly attribute to that weirdness.

And speaking of Victoria. All I can say is a big, fat MEH!  She was horrible!!! No offense to Bryce Dallas Howard because she's a great actress. But she was SO miscast. She was way too cute to be Victoria. An the wig was so god awful, I didn't know what to do with myself. Rachelle Lefevre was robbed... and moreso the AUDIENCE was robbed of her beautiful portrayal of such an evil character. It didn't work at all - but would have been golden with Rachelle. Epic Summit FAIL.

That's it for now. Until 15 minutes from now when I think about something new. See y'all soon!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Friggin Twilight

Since I live at the Jersey Shore - and am 1/2 Italian,  I have never warmed up to these kids; until now. This. Is. HYSTERICAL. Go Team Snooki.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Am I seeing Eclipse tonight? No way in hell.
Am I seeing it tomorrow night? NOT.

I am a self-professed pain in the ass. I MUST wait a good, solid week or so. By then all the crazy will die down and I won't be in danger of dealing with the following:

  1. Someone with a big head/hat sitting in front of me. 
  2. Tweens talking loudly to each other while I'm trying to hear Edward being funny.
  3. A sold-out theatre (which makes for a loud and hot theatre.) 
  4. Twi-Freaks (snicker. I know what you're thinking and you're probably right.)
  5. Refer back to #3 (also makes for various, indescribable odors.)
It's all about the experience, y'all. And a theatre that's half-full (or less) makes for a very good Twi-Experience for Carol. My love of Edward Cullen leaves little room for hype. Not that hype is bad. I absolutely get the desire to be a "part of it all". So if you are going tonight - ENJOY!!!!! :)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Twilight Mahem in LA - Newsy Report

Check out this video and then check out my commentary below. I'd LOVE to hear your thoughts.

Heard about this video from Thomas over at Newsy. Great video! Did I not tell you it's a little nutty camping out like this? Nothing against the Twihards who did it (yeah yeah, I've gone to a Twilight Convention) but seriously. It gets pretty crazy when they're giving out a ridiculous number of wristbands and they can't hold even half as many people!  And really, what for? To catch a glimpse of a bunch of actors who - while appreciative of your support - think it's pretty damned creepy that you're doing it in the first place. THEY DO! Except maybe PFach. He seems to dig all this hysteria. ;)

Now sit back on your lil' pillows children, because I'm going to tell a story. Last year when Robert Pattinson was filming "Remember Me" in NYC, my friends and I thought it would be fun to go into the city and watch some filming. I had the ridiculously naive idea that we were going to go to an open air cafe... have a little lunch... stop by and quietly watch a little RPattz making his magic... and then have a lovely ride home on the New Jersey Coastline - back home to the other Jersey Shore (the one without Snooki and the Situation). Nice day out among friends, right? COME TO FIND OUT little girlies were flooding the filming areas...chasing Rob down the street,,, and - ew - trying to touch him. I took one look at the footage... felt SO BAD for the guy (and the terrified look on his face) and said "You know how we can best show our support? By STAYING THE HELL HOME."

Rob, I hope you realize there are cool fans out there who do right by you, dude. When all the little girlies are all "I want to marry Rob", you'll only hear ME saying "That guy seems like he would be a hell of a lot of fun to meet down at the pub for a pint." Maybe that's because I'm old enough to be your older sister. I really don't know...

Tom and Lorenzo Dish up the Red Carpet at the Eclipse Premiere

THIS is just such wonderful/hilarious/SPOT ON commentary on the ensems seen at the Eclipse premiere this week. If you aren't reading Tom and Lorenzo; you really should be.

PS - JLove - I love you. I support your career. I think you're adorable.  So please... no more orange, girl! Don't get me wrong, I single-handedly keep the tanning lotion market in business. But play around. Experiment. You'll find the shade that's right for you. 

Robert Pattinson is Related to Vlad the Impaler (aka Dracula!)

Coolest. Story. Ever.

(Getty/Handout photo)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Robert Pattinson is BOTHERED by the World Cup. (That makes two of us.)

People Camp out in LA for "Eclipse" Premiere

You. Couldn't. Pay. Me.  I love me some Edward Cullen but there is a line and I have no problem drawing it. Something tells me Rob Pattinson - while flattered - would be somewhat bothered by all the crazy. 
I am not even planning on going to see Eclipse until July. Yup. You read that right. I am a movie ho and I refuse to see it in a packed theatre with little girlies talking about RPattz loudly to their BFFs on their cellphones.

Photo courtesy of Eclipsemovie.org.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Watching Twilight... Again

Sigh. Channel surfing.. and Twilight is on. God I love this movie. I could watch this movie over and over again. What's with that? Why have I watched this about 56 times... and I've only watched New Moon once since I bought the DVD (uh.. the day it came out)?

Random questions

Why did Bella have a MacBook Pro in the movie when the book Bella had an old, rusty computer with a horrendous connection like 28K?

Why was Edward such a douche when Bella told him she knew he was a vampire? Why not the meadow scene from the book? Because it was better cinema? 

Why was Kristen Stewart so much better in Twilight than New Moon?

Holy shit I am TEARING UP at the "lion fell in love with the lamb" lines. This movie is so incredibly powerful. I don't know why people can't see that. It taps into the emotions of the book so incredibly well. I fear none of the other movies will ever do this.

Kudos - once again - to Catherine Hardwicke. SHE GETS IT.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The "Leg Hitch" Scene

Oh LORD I hope it's good. Can it come anywhere close to the book?! Can't wait to find out!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Bad Hair Day

Yikes. It's like a goth Carol Brady meets... well a really hot guy with some hairdressing issues. Poor Jacksper. What have they done to you, you minty, calming manpire?!  Then again, at least they used his own hair and not a lemon wig like Carlisle and Rosalie.

Summit Announces Two Breaking Dawn Films

BIG SHOCKER! Wow - never expected THIS!

Ya know what? SCOOP OF CHOCOLATE, SCOOP OF VANILLA! DON'T WASTE MY TIME!!! We've all known for months. Just like we've known Robsten are a couple. Yawn.

Here's what Twilight fans REALLY want to know:

WHERE will the book be cut? Jenn D has suggested (quite brilliantly) that it will be right smack in the middle of Bella birthin' that baby. Talk about a cliff-hanger. If I hadn't read the books... but seen the movies? I'd be PISSED if they did that. Either way, I'm going to be annoyed. And here's why: THERE IS LITTLE TO NO EDWARD CULLEN in the second half of Breaking Dawn! WHAT is the second film even going to BE about?? OK let's see - she'll squirt out Renesme... (ew) Jacob will imprint... (cute but icky)... Edward and Bella spend the night in their new cottage (IT'S ABOUT TIME, Y'ALL)  and then it all goes tragically downhill from there. Lots of frolicking in the grass with Bella The New Vampire... and Renesme the Sortof New Vampire... and then the houseguests from hell arrive. ZZZZZ. And then they will train for the big fight that never happened... only it WILL happen in the movie because - for some reason - Summit digs showing us fight scenes that never happened in the books! (I repeat: Edward Cullen never got his ass kicked!!!) So we'll come to a crescendo with the Volturri... and the fight that never happened... and then all will be right with the Twilight universe. The End.

Kinda makes you want to shoot your eye out, doesn't it, kid?

PS - Oh c'mon. You know I'll be all full of "squeeee" and girly giggles when the shit comes out.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Rob Pattinson Interview with New Eclipse Trailer

So many comments... so little time.  Not sure how to describe this new scene... but "hot, tranny mess" does come to mind. OK - here we go:

1) Squeeeee!
2) Oh Carlisle. Sweet Carlisle. What have they done to your coif? LORDDDDD that's a bad shade of lemon.
3) What's with Bella's constant agony? I keep expecting Esme to say "Bella, dear, do you have to go to the bathroom?"
4) I LOVE how Jacksper saunters in all "hey dudes, just act natural and don't nobody mention my nifty new 'do.
5) Rosalie. The most beautiful vampire chick on the planet? Survey says: NO!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Thank you, Girl!

So this girl was found  hiding with her camera in the bushes near Robert Pattinson's "Water For Elephants" set in Cali on Friday....in hopes she'd get to meet him. Apparently she was 16 and the police gave her a "stern warning" and drove her to her house after finding her. (That would never happen to me. It's not like I ever drove around with my friends looking for John Taylor's house in Cali back in the 90s or anything. Nope. Not me.)

You know what? I SO want RPattz to go visit her like when Davy Jones visits Marcia on The Brady Bunch. Would that not be hilarious?! 

Sunday, June 6, 2010

MTV Awards Tonight!

I'm at Jenn M's waiting for the MTV Movie Awards to start so we can see our Twilight pals up close and personal. Hopefully they'll win everything like last year. And maybe Rob and Kristen actually WILL kiss this year.

Do I sound like I'm 14? Survey says "YES!"  When I told my husband I was going to Jenn's tonight he said "You're going to your girlfriend's house to watch the MTV Awards?"  Yeah. It was pretty damned funny.

We are SUFFERING through this hideous Jersey Shore bullshiz in order to get to the awards. UGH. When you actually LIVE at the Jersey Shore and know it's NOTHING LIKE THIS (except in Seaside and Wildwood)... it's really offensive. (And no offense to Seaside and Wildwood - you guys get inundated with people like this. Most of them AREN'T EVEN FROM NEW JERSEY!

OK gotsta go! KThxBye!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Kristen Stewart Flips the Bird

Really Kristen, really? And on Memorial Day, no less. C'mon. I know it's a pain in the ass when the photogs are following you 24/7. But show a little class, please. No one ever got further in life by giving the finger wave. (And a double, no less!) So be a lady and keep those middle fingers in check. KThxBye.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

MTV Awards Commercial: Tom Cruise aka Les Grossman and Rob Pattinson

This will make you tinkle. If you haven't seen Tropic Thunder,  Tom Cruise is playing his character from the film - Les Grossman; a douchebag Hollywood producer.

Warning - Tom Cruise floats the f-biscuit once or twice in this video and a whole lotta times in the link. LOL

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Eclipse Clip: "Give You More"

I need to see this movie already.  Because if I go by the trailers, I won't be happy. This little clip makes Edward sound like a whiny little wussy man. It's bad enough they let him get his ass kicked in New Moon. How many times can I say it? EDWARD CULLEN IS NOT A WUSSY MAN! HE'S A BADASS VAMPIRE WHO HAPPENS TO LOVE A HUMAN!  ENOUGH OF THE WHINING!!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

New Eclipse Trailer

This got me giddy just because Edward says "It's starting". Seriously. I miss Edward Cullen. I need a reread. PS - is it me or do the Cullens look like action figures in this shot? Especially Carlisle. They look like Pocket Cullens!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Eclipse Video Clip: BELLA AND ROSALIE!

Squeee! Squeee! Squeee! I've always loved the Bella/Rosalie dynamic... and now we get to see it up close and personal (in this person's yellow living room.) I'm a little nervous about the fact that from what I can see of Kristen Stewart's reactions, this might as well be a scene from New Moon... but we'll reserve judgment until Eclipse comes out. (Except Jenn D. She'll have plenty to say, I'm sure. LOL)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Stephanie Meyer's Eclipse Press Junket... FOR FAN SITES!!!!

DO go to Stephenie Meyer's website and read the LATEST!

Am I a horrible, HORRIBLE person if I'm hoping one of these sites "can't make it" (YEAH RIGHT) and Stephenie just happened to pick MYTWILIGHTPURGATORY.COM as a backup???

A girl can dream... right???

Young Hollywood Vampires

Honestly - I'm mostly posting this because Paul Wesley looks stunning... and I'm going through Vampire Diaries (TV) Withdrawal until September (SOB!)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Rob, Kristen and Taylor on Oprah.

Watching Rob, Kristen and Taylor on Oprah. Hilarious. They are all doing a great job (I know it's not live but work with me people!) And I have to say that Kristen looks gorgeous. Kudos, girl!

Happy Birthday Rob Pattinson!

Had to throw a "Happy Birthday" out there to the lovely 24 year-old who has done such a bang-up job playing our favorite vampire, Edward Cullen, on the big screen. I wish him much success... and hope he doesn't end up on Page 6 too often like he did this morning. Giggle.  (Can a nigga get a table dance?!)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Do NOT FORGET to set your DVRs for tomorrow - May 13th - to watch Rob Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner on Oprah! I am dying to see the segment where Rob Pattinson walks into some fan's house; unannounced. As if you wouldn't fall over? I know I would. Jenn M have discussed exactly what we'd all do if that happened to us. It ain't pretty, folks... it ain't pretty.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Eclipse Reshoots: Is Robert Pattinson Not Working and Playing Well with Others? I'm Not Buyin' it!

Check out this article. We keep hearing rumblings of problems. Which is believable since they're doing reshoots so late in the game. BUT - I've always read how extremely professional Robert Pattinson has been on set - on pretty much any film he's ever worked on.

Bottom line - I don't believe he'd play Diva in the slightest. BUT where there is smoke, there is fire.... and I DO believe he won't do something if he strongly disagrees with it. Remember what Catherine said about him refusing to wear the extensions for Twilight?? (Thank GOD because that would have been horrible and Fabio-esque!)  And he went so far as to sit in the chair for 5 hours and get them - but when he saw them he said "No way!"

GOOD FOR YOU, ROB! Stick to your guns! He seems to be pretty in tune with Edward Cullen, don't you think? I think I trust him. I really do.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bill Condon to Direct "Breaking Dawn".

OK so... it's official. Bill Condon will direct Breaking Dawn.  Not sure how to feel about this. The jury's still out here in Purgatory. I'm going to sit back and see what transpires.

Frankly, I'm just happy Summit FINALLY made an announcement. I was beginning to think Edward and Bella were going to remain eternal boyfriend and girlfriend in movieland.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Final Eclipse Trailer on Oprah

As someone said on youtube, OMFG!!!!!!  This looks so good I can't CONTAIN myself. When the vampire army comes out of the water I kept thinking "NO GOD!!"  Oh my god I love David Slade and I think bringing him in was the SMARTEST thing Summit has done to date. Let's review:


Carlisle - where'd that British accent come from? You been hanging out with Madonna? Either way - it doesn't matter. You sound as hot as you look.

Alice - why oh why do we have to have the mousy soundbite in every trailer? It's getting comical.

The music in this trailer is AWESOME! It's the music all the fans always use when they make fan trailers. It's so much more in line with Twilight! I love it!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


LOOK AT ALL THE PRETTY!!! I CAN'T WAIT FOR ECLIPSE!!! OK sorry for the melt down but I'm getting excited. LOOK at Edward. He's DRESSED like Edward! A v-neck sweater! I'm swooning! Even something about Bella - she LOOKS like Bella should look. Mousy. Apprehensive. Jacob's not really doing it for me because he's supposed to look scary when really he just looks like a guy who's pissed because he missed the train to the gay pride parade. But I'm Team Edward anyway - so SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

Carlise Cullen Top's Forbes' Fictional 15 List!

THIS might be the coolest Twilight-related article I've ever seen. CARLISLE is NUMBER 1 on Forbes' "Fictional 15" list! That means he's the richest fictional character at a worth of a whopping 34 BILLION! Did you know Carlisle had that much money?! DAY-UM. Who knew? And if that's the case, why is Alice dressing in housecoats?!

Hey Carlisle! Can I borrow $450K for the 2nd question on the school budget vote? Thanks!

PS - EAT IT, OPRAH!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Vancouver Reshoot Update and Clarification (thank god!)

OK so some of the info from the link in my last post is true - but a lot is not (thank you Jesus). And I'm cracking up at the commentary from Eclipsemovie.org. Apparently they're not big fans of Lainey Gossip.

Eclipse reshoots in Vancouver WITHOUT David Slade?!?

HOLY CRAP! I'd think this said "APRIL FOOL!" if it wasn't the 14th!!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

ECLIPSE: 7 Minute Behind the Scenes Video

GREAT video. Although they might as well call this next flick "Eclipse: The Bad Hair Day" WOW. Don't even get me STARTED on the wann-be-ness of Victoria. And Carlisle. Ohhh Carlisle... what have they DONE to your pretty noggin?? My god the wig is so awful! Couldn't Showtime have made Nurse Jackie dye your hair blonde for shits and giggles??? C'mon! Edie Falco is no stranger to hair dye! Carmella LIVED for that shit! And poor Bella. She went from having the most gorgeous hair in school to having the most Marcia Brady-esque wig at school. Come on! She looks like Neil from "The Young Ones"!  OK - karma, Carol... I better say something nice: Jacksper's hair is fantastico! WAY better than Twilight and New Moon. Jenn D - we have to discuss this further!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

M. Night Shyamalan Would Love to Direct Breaking Dawn!

I. Love. This. Not because I think M. Night Shyamalan is necessarily the best choice for the job... but because I love M. Night Shyamalan. He's a good Philly 'burbs kid like me and I support everything he does - good or bad. Here's the thing - he has the heart. He's not your typical male director in that he's able to get to the heart of the story and make you feel it. And he liked Twilight. He called Catherine Hardwicke to compliment her! I can't believe it but I think I love him even more!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Wax RPattz: I So Totally WON'T Have What She's Having...

YUCK! Can you IMAGINE how many Tweens, Teens, Tri-Delts, Moms and Cougars have slobbered on this thing??? BLECH! Strep throat is going around our school.. I can get it THERE without having to deal with the Lincoln Tunnel, thankyouverymuch!  PS - Poor Rob. They made him look like a life-sized Ken doll. Wonder if he's sporting a big void downtown, too...

*Thanks to Getty Images for the photo.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Edward's Red Eyes in Eclipse?

THIS is an interesting little tidbit I found over at Eclipsemovie.org. Apparently someone realized Edward has RED eyes in the trailer? What's up with that???

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Eclipse Trailer Parody

Oh holy god this is so friggin funny I don't know what to do with myself. I. Love. This. Guy. Thanks to Diana (a friend to both of my blogs!) for posting this on Facebook!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Edward and Bella Bedroom Scene from Eclipse

SPOILER ALERT: Don't watch if you don't want to see scenes from Eclipse before the movie comes out.

Ho. Ly. CRAPOLA. Between the music, the tragic subject matter and the general feeling of creepiness (thank you, David Slade!).... I'm thinking this might be the best Twilight movie yet. Cross your fingers.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I...I...I... oh god just WATCH IT!!!!!!  PS - LORDDDDD....Bring back Rachelle!!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010



I've never been so happy in my whole life! (whimpered like Long Duck Dong)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Artist on Artist Interview with Rob Pattinson and Pierce Brosnan

Jenn M suggested I watch this days ago... and I just got around to finishing it. Wow - it's a great interview. It was really done to promote "Remember Me" but they talk a good deal about Twilight - or Breaking Dawn, rather, toward the end. Rob says they're filming at the end of the year and that it may be split into too films. (Um "may". Right. It's SO going to be two films. Can we say "Ca-ching"!)

Enjoy. (And might I say Pierce Brosnan is a god. Seriously. Rob who?)

Artist on Artist with Robert Pattinson and Pierce Brosnan

Artist on Artist | MySpace Video

Sunday, March 7, 2010

jedecec Meets Peter Facinelli!

jedecec is my very awesome cousin JENN D who follows us as JeDeCe! BOW DOWN! She has met CARLISLE CULLEN, Y'ALL!!!  And I have no IDEA how she did it, but girlfriend actually got PFACH to TWEET about her. (scroll down)


Sunday, February 28, 2010

Kellan Lutz Has Gas

You know you've hit the big time when they're snappin' ya at the gas-n-sip. Srsly.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Twiligiht Verizon Ad

Have you seen this? It's funny... It's cheesy... It's funny... It's cheesy...It's...


OOOOhhhh Kstew and TLaut will be presenting at the OSCARS! That's pretty huge, y'all. I didn't really expect any Oscar nods - but it's cool that they're being included. WORD.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

New Eclipse Stills

Well... since I'm such a teeny tiny operation... I figured no one would mind if I posted a still from Eclipse. There are more where this came from. Do let me know if you'd like to see them...

Breaking Dawn in 3D?

This would make me throw in my mouth a whole lot more than a little. I am vehemently against Breaking Dawn being in 3D. I don't even know if I could see it.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Rachelle LeFevre was Thrown to the Wolves

Could someone please remind me again why this gorgeous woman who has a big heart and played "Victoria" to perfection was kicked to the curb? I'll never understand it.

She was awesome in Twilight and even better in New Moon. That scene with her running in the woods (RIP Harry Clearwater) was one of my top three favorites in the film.

I hope she gets some tremendous roles in the very near future. I know she'll kick ass.. and  she doesn't need Summit. 


*Thanks to NewMoonMovie.org for the photo.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Mother of god. New Eclipse stills. Lots of them.

There are no words. I cannot speak. THANK YOU to ROBsessed for these unbelievable shots. THANK YOU to my cousin, Jenn D. for alerting me to them. THANK YOU to David Slade for staying TRUE TO THE STORY and giving us the ever-loving "leg hitch" scene on Edward's bed. THANK YOU to Stephenie Meyer for writing the series. And THANK YOU to all of you who are reading this. This is the equivalent of one of those nights when you've had too much to drink and start telling everyone who walks by how much you love them because you're so unbelievably happy...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

What do YOU want to do with Rob?

The Details article and spread came out - with those stunning photos of Rob and some scantily clad women. That's a nice way of saying "naked". (So if you're one of my grade school-aged nieces, you're not allowed to click the link, mmmkayyy?)

The following quote is in the Details article... and I got to thinking: I wonder how my blog buds would answer this. So what do you say, peeps? What's YOUR answer?

"Complete strangers want to fuck you, shoot you, be you, buy you, sell you, run their fingers through your hair, watch you have sex, hear you pee, eat chips with you, and kidnap you and stuff you in the trunk of their car."     

My answer?  Chips. Definitely chips.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Happy 18th Birthday, Taylor Lautner!

Thank GOD this kid is finally legal, right?!

Photos of Robert Pattinson in Bel Ami

OK you know I don't usually post random actor shots on the blog when they have nothing whatsoever to do with Twilight. But... well... today, I feel I must.

I mean really, people. LOOK AT HIM! He was made for period pieces. In fact,  have I not been bitching for months about wanting to see Robert Pattinson in a period piece? Oh  yes I have. And now he is busy working on the film adaptation of Bel Ami by  Guy de Maupassant... about a 19th century journalist's rise to power by sleeping with various wealthy women (most or all married, I might add). Uma Thurman? Hello. She's turning 40. Kristen Scott Thomas? 48, I believe. This is quite a bold on RPattz's part. I LOVE IT. So much so that I may just have to read Bel Ami - right after I'm finished reading the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. (Is that a shameless plug or what?)

*Thanks to Robert Pattinson Life via Eclipsemovie.org for the photo.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Why Twilight Just "Worked"

This is why Twilight worked. Look at this photo. I pulled this up (on Latchkey Wife) and my first thought was "EDWARD!" Not "Rob".... Not "What's with the Casual Friday ensemble?!" just... "EDWARD!"

I've been waiting patiently for New Moon to come out on Video. But honestly - I'm not nearly as excited as I thought I'd be. It's not the same. Nothing against Chris Weitz or any of the actors... I just... truly think I liked Twilight better. Why?

Because of Catherine Hardwicke.

They can call her quirky all they want. But the woman captured the essence of Twilight. She gets it. She understands and is able to project it properly onto the screen. She brings across the novel. I'm no feminist, but I can honestly say I think this is because she has boobs. She's a female; we're wired differently. We understand the emotion and realize it's more important than sometimes even visuals - like "blowing up stuff"... know what I mean?

So if you're still hunting for Breaking Dawn directors, oh Summit... you might want to consider a female. Just sayin'...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Great new Midnight Sun video from Tiffanyd666

WAIT until you see this. It's a Twilight/Midnight Sun video with lots of Edward. It's from Tiffanyd666 who - in my opinion - makes the best fan videos for Twilight. Period.

AND - check out the scene at 59 seconds. It's a deleted scene that they should have kept in. Edward is standing at his car with Emmett and Bella walks down the stairs behind him - and he grips the car hard because he can smell her behind him. He never even sees her before she walks by; just knows her scent. Check out the LOOK on his face. It's way better than the look on his face from the first day they met in biology class (when he looks like someone passed gas). Why they cut this scene out is beyond me. What is it, all of a 15 second scene?? I'm sure Catherine had a good reason but wow - wish they could have just added more time to the film. As if we'd have a problem with a 3 hour Twilight film????

Friday, January 22, 2010

Stephenie Meyer talks about the Twilight Graphic Novel

From StephenieMeyer.com:

January 20, 2010
Here is a press release from Hachette Book Group which was released just a few minutes ago:
NEW YORK, NY (January 20, 2010) — Yen Press, the graphic novel imprint of Hachette Book Group, announced that it will publish the highly-anticipated first volume in the graphic novel adaptation of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight on March 16, 2010. Twilight: The Graphic Novel, Volume 1 will be released in hardcover for $19.99 ($22.99 CAN) with a first printing of 350,000 copies. As is typical in graphic novel publishing, due to the length of the prose novel, the book will be divided into two volumes and the release date for the second volume is forthcoming.
Twilight: The Graphic Novel contains selected text from Meyer's original novel with illustrations by Korean artist Young Kim. A rare fusion of Asian and Western comic techniques is reflected in this black-and-white graphic novel with color interspersed throughout. Meyer consulted throughout the artistic process and had input on every panel.
"I've enjoyed working on this new interpretation of Twilight," said Meyer. "Young has done an incredible job transforming the words that I have written into beautiful images. The characters and settings are very close to what I was imagining while writing the series."
Kurt Hassler, Yen Press Publishing Director, said, "Few American publishing properties are better suited to introduce a vast readership to the medium of graphic novel than the phenomenon that is Stephenie Meyer's Twilight. Yen Press will certainly continue to expand this audience with the help of Bella and Edward."
In four years, Stephenie Meyer has become a worldwide publishing phenomenon. The Twilight Saga̢۪s translation rights have been sold in nearly 50 countries and 85 million copies have been sold worldwide.
Below I have posted the cover image. Click to pre-order on Amazon and reserve your copy now!

A little RPattz hilarity for a Friday afternoon...

So Jenn D, Jenn M and I were having an amusing little email convo about RPattz. It involved our thoughts on how we'd like to spend an evening with him... and Jenn D sent some lovely photos to capture the fantasy. Enjoy.

From Jenn D:

This is the look I expect us to get when Rob intercepts this email thread (because you know he stalks me):


Followed soon by the second pic, after we've plied him with whiskey & ale.

Then the third pic, which I will just call "The Morning After" 

Jenn D: And lastly?  When we remind him we'll see him the same time next week.  ;)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Kristin Cheoweth New Moon Audition

DYINGDYINGDYING. Jenn M sent me this fanTASTIC video of Kristin Chenoweth  spoofing Kristen Stewart in New Moon. She's truly got KStew's enthusiasm and emotion nailed in this clip, does she not?!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Taylor Lautner Gets Talked Over at the Golden Globes

Am I the only one who was appalled to hear people talking while Taylor Lautner was speaking tonight at the Golden Globes? Totally rude and inconsiderate. Guess he hasn't been around long enough to warrant courtesy. *Thanks to Celebrity Gossip for the photo.

Why I Blog

"Art in the blood is liable to take the strangest forms." 

~ Conan Doyle, by way of Robert Downey Jr. at the Golden Globes

New Eclipse Fan Made Trailer

WOW - THANK YOU Tiffanyd666 for giving me Twilight Chills for the first time since I sat in the theatre, waiting for New Moon to start. YOU. ROCK!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Breaking Dawn Movie(s): Stephenie Meyer Says "No Drama"

From Stephenie Meyer's website:

January 12, 2010
Just a quick note on the subject of the Breaking Dawn film: there is no drama over whether the book should be one movie or two. My personal feeling is that it would be very difficult to cram the whole story into one movie (as I've said in many interviews previous to this), but if a great way of doing that surfaces, I'm all for it. Two or one, whichever way fits the story best is fine by me, and everyone I've spoken with at Summit seems to feel the same way. We're all excited to move forward on this, and we are slowly and surely getting there. I know people are anxious for news, and so sometimes gossip gets fabricated to stir things up, but there's no basis to this particular story.

Twilight: Modern Warfare from X-Play

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Access Hollywood Interview with Peter Facinelli

What a sweetie. I dig that he's cool about Twitter and isn't spewing to the masses about a bunch of nonsense. Go team Carlisle!  OH and how about him talking about the WIG?! I admit - I abused it. But only because he's way too sexy for his wig...right? I appreciate the fact that it was job-related. Once again - PFach just keeps bringin' the classy.

PASADENA, Calif. --
Peter Facinelli plays an eccentric doctor in Showtime’s “Nurse Jackie,” but in Season 2, Dr. Fitch Cooper ends up having something in common with the actor himself – a Twitter account.
And when asked about the difference between Coop’s Twitter account and his own at the Television Critics Association “Nurse Jackie” panel on Saturday in Pasadena, Calif., Peter said it was all about the numbers.
“He doesn’t have nearly as many people following him,” Peter, who has nearly 1.5 million devotees, said.
The star said he enjoys the social networking site, but unlike some stars, he has no plans to make his personal space commercial.
“It’s a great way to share information with them and it’s also a great way to entertain,” he said. “I like being able to put a smile on people’s faces and I like being able to also mix that up with sharing information with them that’s important and also letting them know what I’m doing. I mean I’ve had people come to me and say, ‘Hey, will you Tweet this out?’ There’s like paid advertisement stuff. I’m not into that. I like to keep my Twitter pure. I don’t want to sell my followers anything.”
One thing Peter’s Twitter follower already know is that the star was traveling from Vancouver to New York on a regular basis over the fall to filmThe Twilight Saga: Eclipse,” the third film in Stephenie Meyer’s vampire novels-turned-movies, and “Nurse Jackie.” But he revealed on Saturday that because the two characters – Carlisle Cullen and Coop – look so different, he had to go the Kristen Stewart way and use fake hair.
“Because I was doing both projects at the same time I wore a wig,” Peter said of changing into Carlisle’s light blonde coif for “Eclipse.” “I mean, there were days where I was literally running for hours in the forest and then I jump on a plane and I would be on the ‘Nurse Jackie’ set. I was going from Vancouver to NY every three days.”

Hilarious Twilight Parody

Oh holy shit. I have to thank robpattinsonphotos.blogspot.com for posting this UTTER HILARITY. (Not that I look at websites that show photos of Rob Pattinson or anything.) It's by some dude named PirateNolan on youtube. Enjoy!

Pattinson to get intimate with Thurman in Bel Ami

A love scene with Kristin Scott Thomas??? She's older than me! 8 YEARS older than me!! SQUEEEE!!!!!

TWILIGHT star Robert Pattinson is all set to film a love making scene with actress Uma Thurman in their upcoming movie Bel Ami.
The Hollywood's latest heartthrob is starring in the big screen version of Guy de Maupassant's 19th Century novel Bel Ami, where he plays an ambitious young journalist Georges Duroy who sleeps his way to the top, Contactmusic reported.
The 23-year-old actor's first on-screen conquest will be Thurman's character Madeleine.
Film fans could possibly see Pattinson get steamy with Christina Ricci and Kristin Scott Thomas, who star as Clotilde and Virginie respectively in the film.
The movie will be helmed by theatre director Declan Donnellan, who is making his celluloid debut, and three other actresses are to join the all-star cast.
Pattinson is hoping 'Bel Ami' is a success as he recently admitted he finds it "scary" taking on work outside of the 'Twilight' franchise.
The British actor, who plays vampire Edward Cullen in the hit movie series, said, "You get offered stuff that you would never dream of getting offered before, but that's also scary. You don't have to audition for anything.
"Before 'Twilight,' I did any movie that I got offered, and you'd try and make the best of it afterwards. But now, you're expected to come into the movie and provide not only economic viability, but also a performance as well," Pattinson said.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

"Damn the Sun for Shining its Glow All Over Rob"

I wouldn't have even posted this - but that is truly the GREATEST line I've heard in months. Definitely the first seriously decent line of 2010. Kudos to New Moon Movie for some serious hilarity.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Taylor Lautner's People's Choice Award Speech

Ya know... I wax on about RPattz too damn much on this blog and do not give nearly enough lurve to this CU-TIE-PIE of a TayLaut. Look at him - it's truly hard to fathom that he's only 17. (Um how long has he been 17? Srsly? Isn't he 18 yet? Jesus hurry up and have a birthday so we can all stop feeling so dirty and pervy.) He is looking very old world Hollywood. I couldn't be happier for this kid. (Oh and PS - Chris Pine was robbed. Did you see Star Trek? You should.)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Real Twilight Genius from Twi Soup

I have found the FUNNIEST friggin blog EVAH - thanks to my cousin and Edward Cullen FanFic fanatic, Jenn D. You MUST go check out Twi Soup. Holy SHIT they are friggin funny. I am peeing in my pantaLONes over their spoofs on Budweiser's "Real Men of Genius" - in Twifashion.  Why? Because I am a Real Men of Genius whore - with my FAVORITE being "Mr. Boneless Buffalo Wing Inventor" (hands off my drummies) Oh my god I HOWLED when I saw the following on their blog. Get your ASS to their site PRONTO!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Rob Pattinson Look-alike?

Do you think this dude looks like RPattz? Me neither.  
*Thanks to Jaime Green/The Wichita Eagle for the photo.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Johnny Lee Miller as Edward 10 Years Ago?

Watched the 1999 "Mansfield Park" the other night...  Is it me, or would Johnny
Lee Miller - in 1999, that is - have made a tremendous Edward Cullen? And what's
amusing is that he played "Edmund" in the movie. CoINcidenceeeee.