Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Survery Says! No, Thank you!

I give you... the first original New Moon artwork. And I warn you; I'm not happy.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Forks or bust!

Check out this great article about Forks (in the Penninsula Daily News) from Marcia Bingham of the Forks Chamber of Commerce. I totally want to go to Forks and La Push. Let's just get that out on the table right now. The TwiTour will be fun - but how much would I love a girls' weekend in the Olympic Peninsula?! WHO'S WITH ME?!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Dear Nikki, You rock. Love, Carol

This is... in a word: awesome. I feel so much better, knowing we have an advocate in that cast who is pushing for them to stay true to the books. Check out this excerpt from an MTV interview with Nikki Reed:

"Reed did promise us, however, that she won't be going to Italy with hopes that Weitz will see her on set and decide he might as well interject Rosalie into some additional scenes. "Absolutely not," she promised. "No. I feel so strongly about them sticking to the books.

"In fact, there was a scene in a very early draft of the 'New Moon' [script] that they had invented that was not in the books," Reed revealed. "And there was a discussion, and that scene is no longer in the script.

"I don't want to be in more of the movie just to be in more of the movie — and I think if they do that with any of the other actors that it is ridiculous, because I think that the only way that we can succeed is to stick to the books," she insisted. "If you are worried about how to please the fans, you will fail if you don't stick to the books."

LOVE her! (said in my high-pitched voice). Forget what I said about the bad dye job they gave her in Twilight. It doesn't matter anymore. What matters is that she - and hopefully others in that cast - are working to make sure the films are as close to the books as possible. And that rocks.

Friday, May 15, 2009

The big Breaking Dawn re-read...

"Like a junkie with a limited supply, the day of reckoning was coming for me. The more hits I took now, the harder it would be when my supply ran out."

Dear Stephenie,

My supply will soon run out. Again. How many times can I re-read the Twilight series? (OK, don't answer that.) Please, oh please, won't you go to your quiet place and start writing something Twilight-related again? Whether you finish Midnight Sun... or continue where Breaking Dawn left off... or start a kick-ass prequel of Carlisle's turning or Edward's life before being turned... it's all good. All of it. You have lifetimes of material to work with. So please, for the love of all that's holy, work with it.

You most sincere and humble (addict) servant,

A Few Good Twihards

So I went out with some of my Twilight buds last night. Jen L, Shannon C, Jen M. Great women - who are just as over-the-top as me where Twilight is concerned. (Well, maybe not Jen L. She wouldn't take pictures of yellow Porsche's in parking lots.) Oh and note to self - COSMOS ARE THE DEVIL. But what's funny is that we feel like we have to whisper in the parking lot at school - or go out at night - to discuss Twilight. Because Twilight mania is going on everywhere - yet still a somewhat underground thing. And I have become a major supplier. A Twilight go-to girl, if you will. I feel like Jack Nicholson in "A Few Good Men", doing a dirty job that I love - in secret. My existence - while grotesque and incomprehensible to you - saves lives. The lives of women who just need an escape from kids or work. So I chat up Twilight or write a blog or buy the books for my friends and family, just to spread the word. And here's the bottom line. YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you WANT me on that wall. You NEED me on that wall. Yup. I deal Twilight. And I like it. PS - Guess who grew up in my little area of the Jersey shore? If you guessed Jack Nicholson, you are correct. He came back a few years ago to go to his 50th high school reunion. Once a local, always a local.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Eclipse Trailer

Oooh dang. Pretty darn good.

Happy Birthday, Rob!

Of all days for a Twilight blog owner's internet connection to go on the fritz, Robert Pattinson's birthday should NOT be one of them. (Cablevision sucks in ways internet providers should not suck.) So - sorry I'm a bit late in getting to the big webby party... but I wanted to throw a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY out there to our favorite vegan vampire. Now get out there and party (preferably in front of lots of camera phones) so I'll have something to blog about tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Awesome New Moon Trailer

Here's a new fan-made New Moon trailer. Honest to god, it made me cry. I am so sad over Jacob right now (maybe because I'm early on in my reread of Breaking Dawn) and this just drove a knife right through my heart. I am BEYOND STOKED for this movie (insert nervous laughter here).


Dear Jessica,

Ditching our scripts is inexcusable and you couldn't be any more fired. No need to return to the set. We will be replacing you very soon with someone who actually gives a shit about our movies.

Summit Entertainment.
PS - That dress in Twilight made you look a hooch. Just sayin'.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Damn, boyfriend!

I am 39-and-holding - and this guy is barely legal - and I'm pretty sure I could be arrested for some of the thoughts that go through my brain when he's looking so damn Edwardesque. Imagine waiting for someone at the airport - and all the sudden this gets off the plane. I think the screaming in my head would drown out the gate announcement about whoever I was picking up, rendering me completely useless. But I would pretend I wasn't even looking at him, because that's what I always do when I have the occasional celeb run-in. (C'mon, Andrew Shue still counts, doesn't he?!) One good thing in this scenario is that my Edward would never wear this black-on-black ensem. Nor the hood. Nor the Keds. So I feel a little better. Check out more shots at Gossip Girls.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Twilight is soooo beneath me, dahhhling!

You have to read this. It's not the blog post, but the comments. They're deliciously fun to read. I swear, dissing Twilight is the new black. And you can quote me on that.

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day! And clean up this mess... NOW!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

That's impolite...

"I would have pressed the issue, but then Jacob honked his horn - two quick, impatient honks." "That's impolite", Edward growled.

You know - I couldn't figure out why it bothered me so much that they made Edward honk in the movie when he picked Bella up for school the first time. THIS is why! It just wasn't Edward. In Twilight, didn't Bella walk outside to drive to school, and Edward was just standing there in front of his car? It was typical of Edward to just... appear. That kindof MADE that scene in the book, actually. There was no call, no advanced warning. And he was making a huge statement in doing so. I felt like the honking in the movie was too boring and... human - for lack of a better word.

They better not be messing with New Moon too much. Having him honk is something totally small - but out of character. I fear what they could do to the next three films.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

This makes me giggle.

Twittering New Moon

Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in. I was about to quit Twitter after a very small amount of time being on it. But I am now following "Aro", "Caius" and some Summit Entertainment dude from Utah. It's really weird. I think I feel dirty. But I just can't look away. Not when I'm getting delicious set updates from New Moon. It's just too tempting!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My New Moon Playlist

My New Moon Playlist is growing. Stay tuned for more.

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So Stalkeriffic

Oh my god so cute. Brooke Shields met Rob. P. on a plane ride from Vancouver last week. I should be so lucky. LOOK at him. I love it when he looks like Edward. (I have to throw him props since I bust on the poor kid every other day for his usual hair. NOT in these photos.) PS - look at how scared he looks, not knowing what's waiting for him around the corner. Poor guy. The most stalked man on the planet right now. Thanks to laineygossip.com for the info. Another great site for Twilight dirtage. Link

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

NJ TwiTour???

OK am I the only dolt who didn't know about an August Twilight convention in NJ (THE SIP, no less!) with the actors who play Emmett, Alice, Jasper, Charlie, Mike (giggle) and holymotherofgodonhigh CARLISLE?!?

Remember how I said I'm too into the books to be phased by any of these actors? If that is true, then why am I kindof totally wanting to go to this?!

Hey Rowan girls... what do you think?!

30 Days of Whoops!

OK so today we're seeing some backtracking by David Slade ("30 Days of Night" director who will be directing "Eclipse") after some negative Twilight Twittering he did back when Twilight was out in theaters. Below are the original comments (thanks Slashfilm.com) and the major backtracking email he sent to twilightlexicon.com (awesome site, btw, check it out). 

I have to weigh in and say I couldn't care less about these comments. Let me tell you a little story about a girl named Carol who had zero desire of reading a silly little teen series named Twilight. When I first heard about it, I was all entrenched in Vampire Bill's shizz (from True Blood) and thought I was sooo above a teen novel. This is probably why I am so adamant about the fact that Stephenie Meyer didn't write Twilight to be a teen novel... but I digress. At any rate - he knew nothing about Twilight when he ripped on it and c'mon - it was being positioned as a teen series - thus a teen film. I totally ripped on the commercials when it was in theaters! And now look at me! Obsessed Twilight freak who discusses the semantics of Esme's glass wall addition with Shannon in the school parking lot! (And for the record, Mr. Slade's comments were pretty damn funny - to the point where I'll bet Stephenie Meyer and the cast would laugh about them). So survey says: whatevs!

And PS - as I've said before - if you haven't seen 30 Days of Night - run, don't walk, to your nearest Blockbuster and rent it. The suspense in that movie will knock your socks off. I cannot WAIT for this version of Eclipse. WORD.

From Twilightlexicon.com (we'll call this, simply, "the backtracking"):

“Dear Laura and Lori
I would be grateful if you could distribute this statement to the fans of Twilight:I would like to address some statements that I made regarding Twilight.
When I made these comments, I had neither seen the film nor read the books. I was promoting a comedy short film that I had made for Xbox and every pop culture subject was seen as a possible comedy target. I was being silly and none of the statements were from the heart.
Of course, I have since seen the movie and read the books and was quickly consumed with the rich storytelling and the beautifully honest characters that Stephenie Meyer created.
I would like to reassure everyone involved that I am invested in making the best film that I am humanly capable of, and that I am acutely aware of the power of the original books we serve.
Please be rest assured this statement is absolutely from the heart.
yours sincerely

From slashfilm.com (the original comments):
…and so yesterday we were trying to find a movie to see and we’d seen all the good ones, you know, and there was nothing really coming out this weekend that we really fancied at all and having directed a vampire film and really gone for something completely different to the kind of romantic, you know, repressed hormone teen vampire movie we really weren’t interested in seeing Twilight but a lot of people said lets go so I wrote -
Twilight drunk? No, not even drunk. Twilight on acid? No, not even on acid? Twilight at gun point? Just shoot me.”
[That’s like] a poem in a way [...] at this point excites me even though people think I’m a really violent and unpleasant person I actually do have this romantic violent side to me. Maybe I should have seen Twilight.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Will the real Edward Cullen please stand up?

So last night I'm Googling something having nothing to do with Twilight (can you imagine?) And I stumble upon this PR blog entry from July of 2008 regarding up-and-comers in the acting world. And what I REALLY find interesting isn't that the author's FIRST pick is Robert Pattinson. No Sir. What I REALLY find interesting is that her SECOND pick is Henry Cavill. Not only the Hottie McHottie who plays Charles Brandon on the Tudors - but STEPHENIE MEYER'S alleged original pick to play none other than EDWARD CULLEN in Twilight. (Her Edwardy brain muse, if you will.) Unfortunately Henry Cavill was just a few years too old to play Edward. But it's interesting to me that this person thought of him right after Robert Pattinson for general acting goodness. And make sure to click the photos; the one of Rob. P. is absolutely adorable and probably a few years old, before he and his hair got all Muppety on us. Word.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

A County of "Noooo"?

So the latest is that Justin Guarini wants this song to be part of the New Moon soundtrack. He wrote it with two songwriters from Nashville. I don't know how to describe this song well, so you need to go listen to it, yourself, on perezhilton.com or youtube for that matter. But Perez has some tremendous reader comments after the song, if you're in the mood for a giggle.

I... I... Hmmm. This isn't going to be easy. But I'll try. There is something I like about the song. The intro... and the music in between verses. But the singing is wrong. NO OFFENSE to Justin Guarini because I dig him and he's from Philly so I've got all the love for him. It's not that I don't like his singing - just not the way he's singing on this song. It's like... too... Top Gun/Kenny Loggins or something. And it's too country. Whereas the music - in spots - is not. It's just not working - at least not for the New Moon soundtrack. And PS - "I can't touch you with my fingertips"? No. Uh uh. No No No.

Oh god - it gets worse. I did a search for Justin Guarini so I could double check - and came across his official website, where he isn't begging, but asking - strongly. And it's sad, because he's better than that. Way better.

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Big Eclipse Reread

OK so I'm now rereading Eclipse and getting to that point where I need to talk about it. Kindof amusing, seeing as that's what made me start this blog in the first place.

First of all - sigh - Edward sings Bella to sleep. I don't think I appreciated that as much the first time around. It's so sweet. I'm always saying single guys should read the Twilight series so they'll know exactly what women want in a man. But come on. Writing lullabies and singing them them to you in the middle of the night? That - shit - don't - happen (said like Chris Rock).

So now I'm reading the part when Bella and the Cullens know someone was in Bella's room - and they're all being protective of her (gag) - and Edward is sitting on her couch while she's talking to Jacob on the phone. And he reaches his hand out for the phone. And he talks to Jacob. And they get along. It's really a turning point and again, I didn't appreciate it the first time around. Seeing as I sobbed like a baby when Edward called Jacob "my brother - my son" at the end of Breaking Dawn, you'd think I would have. I am such a pile of mush at the thought of Edward and Jacob being friends. Choke me in the shallow water before I get too deep, please.

*My thanks to stepeniemeyer.com for the graphic.

Whoa. Just... Whoa.

I have just come to the conclusion that pretty much any Stabbing Westward song ever written would be good in New Moon. Seriously. They're all full of angst and bitter, loathing feelings about oneself because someone left them or they can't be with the one they love. It's uncanny. "What Do I Have To Do"? Ugh. Totally Jacob's theme song. "Save Yourself" - Jacob to Bella when he becomes a werewolf. "Haunting Me" - HELLO? MCFLY? Every friggin time Bella hallucinates Edward.

Look at the cover of their fourth album - "Stabbing Westward". That could be Bella suffering, in a parallel universe. (A very dark, parallel universe where she clearly let's Alice do her makeup, but a parallel universe none the same.)

And look at the red font and the symbol in it. Holy crap. So Twilight. I LOVE IT. (And I have to mention that "Save Yourself" is a little explicit - ie - he floats the "F" biscuit. Just thought you might want to know.)

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Twilight... with cheeseburgers

Oh holy hell this made me laugh my ass off. Am I the only one who hasn't seen this yet?!

Awesome Bella Song

Whoa. I just got back from yoga and heard this AMAZING New Moon-worthy tune during shavasana. If you've never taken yoga, shavasana is the "cool down" portion of your practice, where you get to lie down on your mat, relax every muscle in your body, and listen to whatever calming tune your instructor has chosen. Today, my instructor chose a cover of Aerosmith's "Dream On" by Kelly Sweet. Holy COW this would be tremendous in New Moon. I was lying there, trying to figure out where it would fit best, instead of calming my mind like I was supposed to. Whatevs. This is too important, right?! I am thinking this would work either a) during a hallucination or b) during a dream sequence. Give it a listen and let me know what you think. And make sure to listen to the whole song, because some of the cooler parts are halfway through or at the end...and they usually only play chunks of songs in movies. (I will be adding more to my New Moon playlist soon. I am working up to that as it will fry my brain to get it exactly right, a la Jane working her magic on Edward.)

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Channing Tatum as Riley in Eclipse?!

This little Channing Tatum/Eclipse tidbit was sent to me by my cousin, Jenn, who I love for scooping me! I love any and all info, whenever you get it, people! Keep it coming! :)

Monday, April 27, 2009

When Freaky Worlds Collide

I just realized the actor playing Marcus in New Moon - Christopher Heyerdahl - also played "Alastair" on my other favorite supernatural series, aptly titled "Supernatural".

I now have four words: This guy is FREAKY.

He used this eerie voice on Supernatural and I remember wondering if it's anything close to his own regular speaking voice. It was fun watching Dean - aka Jensen Ackles - aka hunk-o-burnin'-love-from-Texas - torture him.... since he was a demon from Hell and all. I now know Marcus is perfectly cast. See for yourself.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Midnight Sun Playlist

Am I the only dope who didn't know Stephenie Meyer has a PLAYLIST for Midnight Sun on her website? DUH! Wow - tremendous tuneage. Hemorrhage from Fuel is played on my iPod about once a week. Love Glycerine from Bush, too.

Imagine seeing this in the theatre:
The Twilight Saga: Midnight Sun".

The thought alone makes me need to go lie down.

You know what else makes me need to go lie down? Listening to Stephenie Meyers' playlist for New Moon - and listening to the songs from Edward's perspective. I have said it many times and will continue to say...that Stephenie Meyer is Edward Cullen. She is the closest thing to Edward Cullen any of us will ever get. So when you listen to a song that she has chosen to represent Edward's thoughts... Wow. Just... Wow. And don't get me started on her picks for Bella. "My Immortal" from Evanescence? Holy crap. Did she write the book WHILE LISTENING TO THIS SONG? It's incredibly perfect.

OK Lastly... because I am surely rambling at this point (which is pretty much the effect Edward Cullen has always had on me) I am listening to this song on SM's New Moon playlist and having a bit of a moment. I've previously mentioned a boyfriend from years ago who died when we were 17. Blah blah blah I won't go into my 23 year old pity party right now. But I *will* tell you that there is a song I've heard a few times over the past couple years that has always paralyzed me for a minute or two because it sounded like something he'd sing to me after all was said and done. And damn if it isn't on this list, as a song from Edward's perspective. I am... speechless. "Hate Me" from Blue October. Give it a listen.

Insert Crazed Look and Nervous Laughter Here

So I DVR'd Thursday's Entertainment Tonight, only to be disappointed that we were DUPED and the New Moon coverage was really starting on Friday. Then I had some friends over to watch Twilight on Friday (big shocker) and totally forgot to tape ET. No worries, because I knew it would all be available on the ET site as well as youtube within hours.

Holy SHIZZLE you have GOT to see this interview with Robert Pattinson about his New Moon scenes. (see below) I am so utterly and completely juiced up over this movie I cannot CONTAIN myself. New Moon was my favorite Twilight book and... I'm... VERKLEMPT over the possibilities. Taylor Lautner is so perfectly cast and confident in his role of Jacob, it's so obvious when you watch him in these scenes (aka little bits of CHUM they're throwing at us.) And hello? Both Rob P. and Chris Weitz say Edward is going to be S-C-A-R-Y in his dream sequences. SCARY!!!! What more could a girl ask for than a SCARY MOFOing EDWARD CULLEN?!? It's Twilight NIRVANA!!!

Here is another awesome clip with Rob P. and Taylor L:

I find this really irritating..

I just read an article in the NY Post entitled "Sells Like Teen Spirit" - and has the tag line "Why are so many adults addicted to reading books meant for kids?"

Mere seconds into the article (in the third of fourteen paragraphs, to be exact) it says: "Though Meyer has said she wrote the series without a demographic in mind, her publisher positioned the books to appeal to the traditional young adult audience, kids aged between 12 and 18."

The article goes on to talk about other teen books, but uses Twilight - and a huge photo of Robert Pattinson and Kristin Stewart - to reign in readers. (But kudos to "Lisa Hansen" from Twilightmoms.com who gives a good interview.) AND there is a massive typo: "Fork, Washington". (Hello? Editing?! Now where'd you run off to?)

Bottom line - Stephenie Meyer did not write a bunch of teen novels. She wrote a book that was positioned by her publisher as a teen novel, most likely because she didn't fill it with a bunch of cheesoid, porno nonsense which would have totally and completely marred the love story. And don't forget, I'm the one who bitched up a storm when we went from swimming to feathers during the honeymoon. But honestly, I think the books would have lost something had she gotten too detailed.

I am just getting really sick of being labeled a bored mom who reads silly teen novels. Bored mom? Yeah - I'll give you that. But silly teen novel? No way. I don't even know how old I'll insist my daughter is when she reads Breaking Dawn. I'm thinking 12 is a little young.

Why does everyone have to make something negative of something so positive? A woman writes a book that sells and is loved by millions - and all the sudden she's a bad writer....and it's a silly teen novel that us silly women are addicted to... I just find it really "irritating".

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The BEST Fan-made New Moon Trailer. Ever.

I have probably posted this before but I just cannot get enough of this fan-made New Moon trailer. (Made by Tiffanyd666 on youtube.) What makes it so good? Probably the music.... and Bella jumping off the cliff... and Jacob turning around, just at the point where you're like "Hello? Where's Jacob?!" The Porsche flies... the bell tolls... it's just got EVERYTHING! Honest to god it really seems like the real deal. Kudos, Tiffany!


Do you know anyone who has read Twilight - but hasn't yet finished the series? Isn't it maddening to talk in front of them and have to watch everything that comes out of your mouth? I totally slipped for the first time last night - and I feel terrible! My friend Teresa has only read Twilight. She saw the movie first and went back and read the book afterward (no, I didn't bug her to do it...noooo) which I found totally cool. She could've just skipped to New Moon but she never would have truly gotten the series. And now she's hooked because of Stephenie Meyer's writing style. (You know, that woman who wrote these books we love, who gets a ton of undeserved CACA because she's supposedly not a good writer? SNORT. 16% market share in the first quarter of 2009 indeed...but I digress.)

Fast forward to last night, when I had an impromptu neighborhood showing of Twilight at my house since my hubs was away - complete with wine and gossip - and a few major points accidentally slipped out of my mouth. Most likely due to the aforementioned wine. (oops) My girlfriends were complimenting my recently redecorated living room, and my dumb ass says "I spent 3 hours on this couch one night, reading all about the birth and the turning"...and then realized what I said. HOLY CRAP that's not cool. If anyone had done that to me when I was reading, I'd have gone all kinds of Christan Bale on their ass. And the worst was my recovery, or my lame ass attempt to do so. First I tried to be funny and say "oh that's a different book". Then I said "Listen - you think you know what I'm talking about - but you don't". And that seemed to settle her brain a bit. But here's what I'm thinking about doing to really try and "fix" things.

How about if I tell her about Victoria in Eclipse. I just say "Listen - Victoria's back in Eclipse - and she turns a lot of people (thus, taking care of my "turning" comment) and when they're recently made vampire, they're called Newborns" (thus taking care of my "birth" comment)? Will that work to repair some of my thoughtless damage? I am beyond mortified at my slip. But she left with my copy of New Moon (which has been read twice and has underlines and various notes in margins; my god I'm so pathetic!) so that's got to count for something, right?!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

How awesome are these?!

I. Love. These. My friend and fellow Twihard - Shannon - brought these over for me today. (Although she prefers to refer to herself as a "Twerd". Tee hee.) I want to open them and read all the little messages, but I don't want to mess with the box! You can get them at Walmart, while you're there buying one of their Twilight shirts.

Talk About Motivation!

Oh No I Di'nt!

Just curious. Do you stop in mall parking lots, trying to inconspicuously take photos of yellow Porsches after following them in and out of rows, just because they remind you of New Moon? Cause I do. And I'm beyond mortified. But it seemed like a good idea at the time!

Twilight Bunnies

I. Love. This! So funny!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

David Slade to Direct ECLIPSE!

It's official. Straight from the Summit Entertainment website: David Slade will be directing Eclipse. David Slade directed a tremendous movie - "30 Days of Night" with Josh Hartnett. I loved that film. The suspense was SICK. For the first time, I am really excited about the Eclipse film. RIGHT ON!

Stephenie Meyer on Ellen Last Year

I never saw this episode of Ellen from last fall. It's really good. Hell, I had no interest in reading Twilight last fall, let alone starting a blog about it. I was way too into Vampire Bill from True Blood, who now seems a little too cheesy and un-Edwardlike. Guess we'll find out in June when True Blood starts Season 2. (Oh who am I kidding? I'll be all up in that shizz again. Watch me.)

I love hearing Stephenie Meyer in her own words instead of the latest rumor or gossip about her or the stars of the movies. Her husband retired last year because of her success. Yowsa. And all I'm writing is this blog that, like, 4 people read. It's mind-blowing how productively un-productive I am when it comes to making money. My husband should be so lucky!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Team Jasper?!

"Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win."

(That quote is from Stephen King, who I am currently thoroughly annoyed with for dissing Stephenie Meyer. But it's topical... and hits a little too close to home.)

Finally getting around to watching Jackson Rathbone - aka Jasper - on Criminal Minds from two weeks ago (that's where I got the above quote!) WOW. I have given this guy a hard time for his hair in Twilight but he is absolutely adorable. WHY WHY WHY do they make his hair look like Phyllis Diller on crack in the movie?! When you see his new 'do in New Moon, it's a little more fitting for the time period Jasper's character was turned. But still. It's... big. And bouffant. And generally not hot. But wow is he minty in this episode of Criminal Minds. AND HIS ACTING IS TREMENDOUS! Not that we'd know from Twilight, since he had about 2 lines. I assume he'll get his chance to shine in Eclipse when he has to be all Jasper-the-Civil-War-Soldier-Vampire. Go Team Jasper!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Gaps. Lots of Gaps.

Am I the only one who would sell my soul if Stephenie Meyer would just fill in some gaps? Don't you ever get curious about things that were skimmed over in the books? Like...Edward's return. Don'tcha want to know what happened on his and Alice's first day back at school? I'd love it if they worked that into the New Moon movie. Mike Newton just absolutely soiling his pants when he sees Edward walk in the door. Oh that would be priceless. I was never happy with the "summer mention" early on in New Moon, either. Bella said it was the best summer of her life. Um, why? What did she do? More meadow visits? Something tells me Edward's not a mall guy... not that Bella strikes me as the Macy's type, either. And I know they weren't having picnics. Unless they were in the forest and Bella didn't mind getting deer blood on her good gingham table cloth.

And...when Bella got the paper cut, the Cullens still seemed like her new boyfriend's family. Not like a family she's come to know and love. When I read all the extras on stepheniemeyer.com, I wish she'd write a few more. You know... in between making cookies for her kids' class parties and washing the kitchen floor. Couldn't she just sit down and type out 10 or so pages about Bella and Edward making out in the janitor's closet at school while Alice stood outside and kept watch? How about a little 5 page ditty about Esme showing Bella photos of Edward's 2nd graduation from med school? SOMETHING. Seriously. I need more cowbell.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

New Moon Soundtrack

Might I mention that I LOVE the Twilight soundtrack? "New Moon" and "Spotlight" make me giddy. I've thrown songs around this blog quite a bit, but I have to laugh because NONE of them would ever come close to being New Moon material. My problem is that I listen to too much 80s and Brit pop on Sirius. I need to broaden my horizon and actually venture into the 90s and 2000's once in a while.

Want a taste of possible (probable?) New Moon music? Check out Stephenie Meyer's personal New Moon playlist, complete with B's, E's and J's to denote whose perspective the songs are coming from. I. Love. This. Anything that comes from SM's mind IS Twilight. And I'm happy to report some of these bands/singers are already on my iPod. Right on!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

My New La Push Ring

I wonder if Jacob is looking
for this very stone right now!
OK so a couple weeks ago, I'm on twilightmoms.com and I come across a link to a website that sells Twilight jewelry, photographs, etc. I click the link and almost fall over when I see these GORGEOUS rings made by Georgia - aka Gypsy Wings - with stones from the beach at La Push. I immediately order one and go about my business....heading to Florida to visit my parents in a retirement development that can only be described as "Del Boca Vista" from Seinfeld.

So I got back last night and picked up my mail this morning... and what was waiting for me but this AWESOME ring which almost made me cry. Apparently Georgia was able to stop in to visit La Push and Forks when she was on vacation... and has made beautiful rings... pendants... necklaces... But that's not all. She also took the most amazing and ethereal early morning photos of the forest. I'm thinking one of these will definitely be my next purchase.

Check out this very cool blog post from The Danger Magnet... showing Ashley Greene - aka m'girl ALICE - wearing one of Georgia's pieces. Holy. Cow. Can you stand it? How cool is that? ALSO - check out the Gypsy Wings site on Etsy to buy your own little piece of La Push!

I am now a dork who reads Twilight novels twice.

Check out this Entertainment Tonight clip of the set of New Moon. This is why I love Twilight Moms. They have tremendous updates. Apparently, Entertainment Tonight is doing a story on New Moon starting on April 23rd. GET READY.

So I just finished New Moon - again - and I cannot tell you what a different ride it is the second time around. I couldn't have cared less about Jacob the first read. Now I feel SO bad for the guy. He and Bella were inches from dating when Edward decided to get all dramatic on us and go to Volterra. Now the poor guy is alone. Bella should have told her dad she had to go to La Push and see him when she got back from Italy. You know he would have let her. She owes Jacob a little more than "Sorry - Edward's back - later." In fact, how interesting would THAT have been, if she and Jacob had become a couple...and THEN Edward came back. Yikes.

I was away last week and could not have planned better. I started New Moon before I left - put it down to read my book club book for this month - and then went back to it. And I stopped right before Bella and m'girl Alice got on the plane....so I was able to read it on my plane home from FL. It was VERY cool to be sitting there, taking off, while they were taking off and Bella was bouncing up and down in her seat. I realize this is probably pretty stupid to those of you who are slightly less obsessed than I am....but work with me here. And I was writing in the margins to the point where I thought someone should start a Twilight class at a university somewhere...and I'd be sure to sign up. Hell, didn't they have a Sex and the City class somewhere? C'mon! Humor me!

One of my favorite lines this time around: "my hallucinatory Edwards were usually better fed." Oh man I howled when I read that. Almost as good as Bella's line about sleepovers being "the pinnacle of safety conscious behavior" in Eclipse. Just hilarious.

Another line I loved that I had forgotten about: "Just walk out into the sun". It reminds me of this line from Duran Duran's "Careless Memories":

I walk out into the sun I try to find a new day but the whole place it just screams in my eyes

I also paid a lot of attention to the Volturi this time around. Who is who - what they look like - what their powers are. I cannot tell you what perfect casting I think Dakota Fanning is. She is exactly who I pictured as Jane when I read New Moon the first time.

Sigh....something tells me I'll be rereading Eclipse this week!

Friday, April 17, 2009

My Edward?

Sorry I haven't posted for a few days. I've been away but will be back at it tomorrow, as I'm almost finished my New Moon reread and have much to say. (Had to take a break to finish my book club book for April - The Piano Teacher by Janice Y. K. Lee). BUT - real quick - I was just flipping through this month's GQ, not that I bought for Robert Pattinson or anything (whistle whistle - looks at the sky)....and came across a guy who I'm thinking is darn close to looking like "my Edward". The guy on the far right. He's pretty. Carol likey. What do you think?

Monday, April 13, 2009


Check out this USA Today article that says:

1 in 7 books sold last quarter was a Stephenie Meyer book.

That... is unbelievable. Get DOWN with your bad self, Stephenie!

(And please, for the love of all that's holy on this planet, finish Midnight Sun. Thank you.)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hey! "Edward Robert" is back! Right on!

I've made no bones about the fact that Rob Pattinson is "so not my Edward" in the past, as wonderful and delicious as he was in the Twilight movie. This is due to his usual scruff... green eyes... crazy-assed muppet hair, etc, when we see him in all those intrusive paparazzi shots. COMMA *Thanks to julielinker.com for the photo. HOWEVER, just check him out in this FABULOUS shot from Popsugar.com of him being completely invaded while getting into a cab after Kristen Stewart's 19th birthday outing in Vancouver. HE LOOKS SO EDWARD! I've never seen anyone who can go from 0 - 60 in the pretty department like he can. One minute it's "Gah! um, no thanks, I'll pass." The next - BAM! He's bringin' the Edward! I love it!

I am probably excited about Rob P's recent "Edwardness" because I have sortof declared a self-induced Edward ban at the moment. I am at the part in my New Moon re-read where Bella just told Jacob she knows he's a werewolf and he is taking her to tell Sam everything she knows about Victoria, as well as the Cullen's secret powers. (I had a problem with that the first time I read the book but I wonder if I'll change my mind now. I'm so pro-Jacob that I'll probably be like "well screw the Cullens! They left her there! To be killed by Victoria! No love for them!")

But I am flying home on Friday, and as I edge closer to Edward's return in New Moon, I thought it would be cool to hold off on reading about Bella and Alice's flight to Volterra until I'm actually on my plane, flying home. Won't that be cool? The Spirit airlines flight attendant will be offering me a $17 soda and I'll be all "Shhh! They're on the plane! What if they don't make it?!?" It's gonna be sweet.

PS - Dudes, how can MTV think that Rob P's hair looks like Edward in this photo? This picture invokes memories of Gary Oldman's ridiculous butt head in Bram Stoker's "Dracula". Just sayin'. *Thanks to MTV and movieactors.com for the photos.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Go ahead. Reread New Moon. I dare ya.

First I have to throw a huge shout out to my niece - and her peeps - at Rowan University. Cait, Rud, Mair and everyone else I have not met but PLAN TO soon! Not only do they have the famous "Edward Cullen Funnel" (or beer bong as we used to call them when I was in college 80 million years ago), but they also read my blog! How cool is that?!

OK I have totally and completely reached Twihard status. I am now blogging from my in laws' house in Florida. I wasn't even going to bring my laptop... but I caved at the last minute because I couldn't stand to be away from my Twilight blog! SAD SAD SAD! And that was nothing compared to the stress I had over not being able to bring my entire Twilight library on the plane. "But what if I need an Edward marriage proposal fix?!" or "What if I just HAVE to reread the honeymoon scene?!" Decisions...decisions. In the end, I decided on New Moon.

I am ridiculously immersed in New Moon - again. I have to ask anyone who has read the series to go back and reread it. I never thought I'd be so committed the second time around. I thought "Eh, I'm going to get bored and need me some Edward". But something really strange happens when you read it the second time around: Edward leaves - you're all sad - you keep reading - and BAM! - you're all KINDS of up in Jacob's shizz. And you can't get out. And you're all "Wow I can't WAIT to see this movie" and you start getting really excited for November 20th! (Not only do I have plans to see it during the day with a bunch of other Twilight-loving chicks in my hood, but I'm also planning a "100 Days 'til New Moon" party in August. Yup. I'm thinking pomegranate cosmos or sangria on the patio. And maybe an Italian dish from the Food Network. But I digress.)

Ya know...there is a part of me that is actually prolonging the book because I want Edward to stay away. HOLY MARY MOTHER OF GOD did I just say that?! Me?! The girl who owns an Edward Cullen Fan Club shirt?! The girl who takes a lot of crap on Facebook for choosing Edward Cullen as one of my top five hotties?!! I did! I can't BELIEVE it! Then again, I am also the girl who just ordered a ring made from a stone from the La Push beach. And let's face it - La Push and Jacob go hand in hand. So it's official; I'm one fickle beotch.

What's funny is that I am just as rabid about New Moon as I was the first time. I ignored my family on the plane so I could read about Jacob getting sick and ignoring Bella. The first time I read it, I was like "Fine. Whatevs. You puke, he pukes, get mad at him, go see him and then BRING BACK EDWARD!" Now, I'm like "Oh my god Bella, don't you see Jacob needs you? You love him! Go help him! Go see him! Ignore Billy! GO!" I seriously don't know what's gotten into me. I think it's Doreen.

Doreen is my friend who is on Team Jacob all the way. She can't stand Edward. She has come to the conclusion that she loves Jacob because she's always cold and, well, we all know Edward's hands feel like he's the spawn of Snow Miser. I thought she'd lose her friggin MIND when she got to the part in Eclipse where Jacob has to hold Bella in the tent. Holy COW she was a happy camper. Hmmm...pun intended, I suppose.

So anyway, I'm rambling and need to shut up. (Thanks to Honey, my mother in law, for dying eggs with the kids and giving me the opportunity to sit the hell DOWN for five seconds and blog!)

So get reading and let's discuss! I'd love to hear how everyone else feels!

Monday, April 6, 2009

The New Moon Reread - Part 2

"Only a teenage boy would agree to this: deceiving both our parents while repairing dangerous vehicles using money meant for my college education. He didn't see anything wrong with that picture. Jacob was a gift from the gods."

The first time around, I was completely annoyed with Jacob for being so immature and agreeing to spend her COLLEGE money for this. Now I realize he was 16 years old and college wasn't high on his priority list, either.

"While he worked, Jacob chattered happily, needing only the lightest of nudges from me to keep the conversation rolling. "

I am just as annoyed with Bella here as I was during the first go-round. She is so selfish sometimes. I feel like saying "god forbid you put yourself out there and actually BE a friend." She was the same way with Jessica. And I know Jessica could be a pain in the ass, but still. Bella just comes off like she'll use anyone who crosses her path, with the exception of Edward.

"I giggled quietly. The sound made my eyes widen in wonder. I was laughing, actually laughing, and there wasn't anyone around watching. I felt so weightless that I laughed again, just to make the feeling last longer."

See? First time around, it's like "good, yeah, whatever, I'm glad she's not suicidal, but for the love of god, WHERE IS EDWARD?!" Now it's like "OK, good. I'm glad she's getting happy again. She needed to come out of that rut. She's going to be OK." Remember those days when homework seemed like a welcome gift because you were trying not to think about some guy? UGH - I do. So I'm happy Bella's coming out of her man-funk. Because sister, we've ALL been there.

One more thing - I have been googling photos and there are a ton of photoshopped Edward/Bella/Jacob shots out there...and I am finding that I literally can't look! I feel like Bella! I don't want to even think about Edward... or I won't be able to really get into the Jacob storyline like I want to. How funny is that?

*Thanks to twilight-gossip.com for the photo.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

MY new moon

"Because there was just one thing that I had to believe to be able to live -- I had to know that he existed. That was all. Everything else I could endure. So long as he existed."

I've decided to read New Moon again - as per Stephenie Meyer's request. I suppose I still feel guilty about reading her Midnight Sun manuscript and I am trying to make amends. I figure it should up my karma a notch, possibly making her want to finish Midnight Sun. More than any of that, though, I want to reread it for the same reason she suggests rereading it; I missed half the book the first time around! I was absolutely desperate for an Edward return, so much so that I raced through most of Jacob and Bella's time together. And hello? The movie is coming out in November. I want to be ON MY GAME and really feel good about these two characters.

You know what's cool? While I wasn't a Twilight fan when they announced and cast the first movie, I am now. So I'm enjoying the heck out of it this time around. When I read the casting announcement for the wolf pack, I was almost giddy. And I HATED the wolf pack the first time I read this book. OK "hated" is a ridiculously strong word. I suppose I should say I didn't CARE about them. But now - I'm actually looking forward to the wolf story in New Moon. I really love the book this time. I am handling Bella's breakdown so much better... I am really seeing some of the amazing quotes and comments I completely missed in the first place (see above)... and frankly, I am thrilled with Jacob. Bella was a mess, and he SAVED her. Truly. So I'm seeing this whole new side to New Moon and loving it for its' middle, as much as its' beginning and its' end.

And as for the quote at the top... all I can say is... "sigh". I get that quote. I've
said that quote in my own life. It's so tragic. And what's even more tragic is that Edward doesn't really exist. (We all remind ourselves of that once in a while. Admit it. You know you do.) But as long as we are reading a Twilight series book... or watching a Twilight series movie... or commenting on a Twilight series blog... he does, right? He does in MY world.

*Thanks to Lainey Gossip for the photo.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Adaline Rocks

Just found this great Vancouver Sun interview with indie musician, Adaline. She talks about meeting Robert Pattinson at a Juno after-party and how he was so thankful she treated him like a normal human. She also says he smells really good.

I also really enjoyed this blog entry from Adam B. Vary on the Entertainment Weekly site about fake New Moon posters made by fans. They really are neat. I hope the real ones are this aesthetically pleasing. (These days I love to use phrases like this because this is the way my grandmother used to speak - very proper - and she was born in 1902, a year after Edward. Only a fellow Twilight dork will understand this.)

I am also reading all over the place that Jackson Rathbone - aka Jasper - played a surprise concert with a band called 100 Monkeys over the weekend. Thanks to Twilightmoms.com and newmoonmovie.org for the info.

I have gushed about twilightmoms before...but now I must gush over newmoonmovie.org because WOW they are a great site. Lots of graphics (warning, I crashed twice and my iBook and internet connection are both in decent shape) and up-to-the-minute info about New Moon. Luvs it!

Lastly, I must mention this love/hate relationship I'm having with all this New Moon coverage. I love it because I am a Twilight loser. And I need more cowbell. So I can't get enough. But every once in a while I get all smug and "ugh I'm sooo tired of hearing about these actors - Rob Pattinson is NOT EDWARD and never will be!" and have to close the laptop and walk the heck AWAY from it all for a while. Then, like most addicts, I swear I'm done with my Twilight obsession and don't care what Nikki Reed is hosting or how good Kellen what's-his-name looks without a shirt on. But - alas - the next morning things seem so insignificant and I think "oh big deal - they're just photos"..or "it's just an article"...and next thing I know I am shoving the Twilight needle right back into my arm and hating myself all over again.

Damn you, Stephenie Meyer for making me love you! (It was only a matter of time before I worked in an "Izzie and Denny" reference, the only other couple on par with Bella and Edward in my world - and we all know how THAT one turned out.) Please FINISH MIDNIGHT SUN and take me away from all this movie celebrity nonsense!

Friday, April 3, 2009

A WORLD of Noooooo!!!!

So I stumbled upon these photos of one of Robert Pattinson's first photo shoots from 2001....on one of my favorite celeb blogs - pinkisthenewblog.com.
I have to wonder if he's mortified that these things are coming out now. Apparently his mom works for a modeling agency. I'm thinking she got him the gig?
I warn you, these shots are not for the faint of heart. Oh my god - I can't even LOOK at them. I can't even upload a full shot to this blog because they're truly awful and they mess with your psyche (since you try to envision this guy as Edward Cullen. SHUDDER) Look if you will. And then go wash your brain.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Just... Simply... Moon.

I do all my best thinking in two places. The shower...and my bed, late at night. So last night, I'm wide awake because my 4 year old decided to come in my room a few times and I finally let him get in my bed. Cool for him, but beat for me. When this happens, he falls asleep and beats the snot outta me while dreaming, while I lay there and think about anything that comes into my head.

So what came into my head last night? The SICKEST, most PERFECT song for New Moon. It just...appeared. All the sudden I was just hearing it...and thinking "EUREKA"! The song is by a band called Dada who had a hit or two in the 90s - remember "Dizz Knee Land" and "Dim"? TreMENdous tuneage....I assure you.

OK so anyway - the song is actually called "Moon". It's slow and absolutely beautiful. It's mostly just a sweet, haunting acoustic and vocals...and then some electric guitar and drums come in at the end for a short time (which could be scrapped - but it could be cool to rev it up a bit while Jacob is diving in after Bella)...and then it goes back to being just acoustic at the end. But beyond it being SO FRIGGIN PERFECT because of its' title and lyrics, it would be even better if they got Rob Pattinson to record it - a la "Never Think" from the Twilight soundtrack, which was one of his own personal recordings they decided to put into the movie.

OK so here is where you can hear the song. Imagine Bella diving off the cliff....or lying in the forest after Edward left her... or just lying in her bed catatonic. Holy CRAP this song is perfect. I think I have chills.

And here are the lyrics. So beautiful. And adding Rob P to the mix would make it even better. I cannot believe the way this just popped into my head last night. My god they mention going to the sea (OK with a car but whatever)... and of course, the song is about losing someone...wow.

The night before the moon died
you realized
the flowers that you picked
and kept locked away
Were never to be seen
by naked lovers' eyes
The night before the moon died
you realized
The night before the moon died
you had your chance to make it right
but you never did
Take your car right out of gear
send it over to the sea
Touch your fingers to the water
Put your hands to your face
The night before the moon died
you realized
You had your chance
to make it right
You had your chance
to change your mind
You had your chance
to save your life
but you never did