Thursday, July 9, 2009

Stephenie's still on top!

The USA Today Best Selling Books list came out for the 2nd quarter and - oh gee - look who is STILL ON TOP. (I love this so much because it allows me to get very brazen with the book snobs I know who refuse to read Twilight because their book snob friends won't allow it - while drinking their half caf - half splenda - half chi - half cap - grande espresso at whatever snobby book store they will allow themselves to frequent.) Gee. Stephenie Meyer is. With her four Twilight series books. DIDN'T SEE THAT ONE COMING! (Sarcasm rules, does it not?)

This also reminds me to share with y0u the amusing thing that happened to me at Costco today. While perusing the book section (snort - the "book section" at Costco - see the above coffee comment for why that's funny), I saw a woman standing in front of the Twilight books. She thought quietly to herself for a moment - and then tried to appear as if she were taking a nonchalant look around - before diving headfirst into Breaking Dawn. Truly it happened so fast I thought she might break a nail. Upon realizing she was reading well into the 2nd half, I felt compelled to come to her rescue and make sure didn't read any further if she a) hadn't read the series and b) was planning on reading the series. So I said "Have you read them?" extremely quietly, as many of us over-rabid Twilighters do while we're accosting a possible new follower in public. Naturally, though, she had read them. And I was thrilled to meet yet another TwiBud in the universe. Her exact words were "Yes - I've read them all!" She then scanned the crowd before admitting, "Twice". We had a good giggle before she leaned in even closer and said "if you go to the author's website you'll see (snort - "the author" - as if I haven't been using Stephenie Meyer's name for months as if we grew up next door to each other) at which point I shot her secret offering down from sheer excitement and exclaimed "MIDNIGHT SUN!" At that point we both had the "sigh, she HAS to finish it!" conversation. And - might I say it was her lucky day as she had no idea about the 4 page blurb in the New Moon extras section....where Edward talks about being in that horrible attic in South America and gets the call from Rosalie. I guarantee you she read it upon reentering her dwelling and has alerted all her Twifriends by now.

Ahhh yes. Another day...another Twilight education of strangers. It's great to pass-on the Edward love. *Thanks to USA TODAY for the photo.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A possible Edward for Tracey?

Christian Bale? Like it! On screen, of course. He's one guy I definitely wouldn't want to piss off on the job!


We interrupt this Twilight blog...

While perusing some of my usual Twilight sites, I came across a blurb about Diane Sawyer being on the "Remember Me" set to meet with Rob Pattinson. Apparently she brought her daughter to meet him, too. I guess those of us with homemakers for mothers are just SOL. But I digress. Anyway - while perusing the site, what did appear to my wandering eyes but a photo of a man who is as much my senior as RPattz is my junior. And I was momentarily verklempt - because he is just as much the hottie - if not moreso - than Rob Pattinson, himself. Ladies and Gentle... wait...OK - Ladies, I give you, one of the hottest man on the planet; Pierce Brosnan. Feast thine eyes. *Thanks to for the photo.

FEAST your eyes

Check out this graphic I just found on Amanda Bell's Twilight Examiner. (She's good, by the way, you should check her posts out. She actually discusses the books. You know how I love that.) I don't know where it came from - probably one of those sites where people manipulate the graphics. Edward has been flipped and given a white tshirt. Whatev. I was absolutely blown away by this. I am still a bit verklempt. Talk amongst yourselves. I'll give you a topic. The NOVEMBER 20th showdown CAN'T COME FAST ENOUGH!!! Discuss!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Can you help Tracey find her Edward?

So my sister, Tracey has read all the books - and Midnight Sun - and every awesome blurb on (Edward's knees three inches from his face, much?!) And she STILL doesn't have her very own Edward. I cannot possibly fathom how this could be, since I kept having flashes of a guy I briefly dated in highschool while reading about Edward (Andy Rosenberg; anyone know him?) At any rate - it is now up to us to find Tracey her very own Edward. Here's my first suggestion. None other than Henry Cavill - Stephenie Meyer's alleged pick for Edward Cullen. How about you? Can you suggest an Edward for Tracey??? *Thanks to for the photo!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

New Moon. With Guinea Pig.

Dear Cousin Jenn,

Thank you so much for bringing this New Moon hilarity to my attention. I saw a blurb about this the other day but skipped it, thinking the whole thing involved guinea pigs.

Dang. It is funny. (said remotely with no feeling like the "Bella" in the video.)

Your crazy-assed, Twilight-addicted cousin Carol
PS - Watch Edward while Bella's bleeding from the paper cut. Spot-on, Rob Pattinson "pained" look. Priceless.


Breaking Dawn dirt

Apparently Ashley Greene recently told an interviewer that they are going to start filming "Breaking Dawn" right after they finish "Eclipse". She also said she has yet to see an Eclipse script yet. I am not putting a ton of credence into anything unless it comes from Summit or Stephenie Meyer. But it's still exciting to hear the talk and start considering the possibilities. Check out this awesome article from Nadya Vlassoff over at Deadbolt. She is saying Stephenie Meyer is slated to co-write the screenplay. Holy crap - I BET THAT'S WHAT SHE'S DOING NOW! (yelled in that aggro-but-endearing British fangirl's voice) Remember what I said? She skipped the MTV Awards. She took down her Myspace page. She wants no distractions. Because she's WRITING, people. SHE'S WRITING! Anyway - Nadya also says that it is rumored that Kristin Stewart has NOT signed on. That is MOST interesting, don't you say? I don't know how to feel about that. Love me some Kstew... but I don't think I'd cry in my cornflakes if she wasn't Bella. I think I'm going to like her better as Joan.

SO - this post BEGS THE QUESTION: If Kstew didn't sign on to play Bella Swan in Breaking Dawn (which we all know she will, but humor me people)... WHO SHOULD REPLACE HER? And WHY AM I SCREAMING?! (The beach! The truck!!!)

I couldn't help it!

I had to post this! I just... HAD to. I felt COMPELLED to. I have no excuse. There is no excuse for my shameless behavior in posting gratuitous video of Rob Pattinson looking hot. None. None whatsoever. But it DOES have an "Eclipse" mention, right? I'm not all bad!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Andrew vs Edward

Check out what my (little shit) nephew did to my sister. He is going into the 8th grade and says he loathes Twilight. (As if!)
He has been having a little fun with us - AT EDWARD'S EXPENSE!!! He thinks Tracey has turned to the dark side by reading Twilight. (OK clearly she was making fun of it before she read it, but I'll let that one slide as she has since made up for this blasphemous abuse.) From here on out, I plan on spending every waking moment I am at his house discussing Twilight until he runs off screaming and yelling "I love you, Edward!" It'll happen. Just wait.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Hey you have until tomorrow at midnight to enter the Suvudu "Get Read to Roadtrip to Comic-con with Stephenie Meyer" contest. which was mentioned on the other day. The winner will receive the audio version of all four Twilight novels on CD. NICE!

You have to answer the following question. My (quite stupid) entry is below.

If you were on a road trip with either a vampire or werewolf what would your itunes playlist be and what snacks would you pack to ensure you’re not the snack?

Travel partner? Definitely vampire. And definitely Edward Cullen. And seeing as Edward is alllll about the 50s music, I'd have to fill the iPod with songs like "Don't Be Cruel"... "In the Still of the Night"... "Breathless"... and of course, "Young Blood"! And maybe "Sexy and 17" by the Straycats... because Edward digs an 80s tune once in a while, right?

As for snacks, I'd bring along my nasty neighbor's even nastier cats, Jane and Alec, just in case he got hungry. And possibly some True Blood, too. (Yeah, yeah... wrong series, but it's a long trip, right?!)

"My Edward". sigh...

My sister just finished the Twilight series and is pretty much as addicted as I. (Or is it "me"? I forget. Sister Ann Cecilia would not be happy with me right now.) We have been having Twiscussions for days... and Edward seems to come up the most. (snicker - duh!) I think Tracey is as taken with Edward as I am. But she can't say what her Edward looks like. She says she doesn't really have an Edward. Nonsense, I say. No self-respecting Twihard would dare not have an Edward. I think she'll think her own up eventually. And I realize it's been too long since I've posted a photo of "my Edward".... so here you go. Isn't he pretty?

How cute is this?

Check out this adorable shot of Peter Facinelli - aka Carlisle - hugging and kissing a TwiMom on . Apparently she was covering the bikini show on Hollywood Boulevard the other day. What a nice guy.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Interview with a vampire-stalker

Great interview with a Robert Pattinson stalker.

a) I love this girl
b) I love this interview
c) Who is willing to let me interview you and post it on the blog?
d) I have like 10 readers - aka no one will see it.
e) Did he really hook up with the whole cast?
f) Email me or leave a comment if you're in the mood to be my Twilight science experiment.

Peter Facinelli; IT'S ON!

Today is the day that Peter Facinelli's buddy Rob has to dance down Hollywood Blvd, wearing a bikini and singing "All the Single Ladies" from Beyonce. Check out Rob (not ROB, just Rob) trying on bikinis for the big day while Peter watches. Very funny. And if you want to be updated on this stuff, you can follow him on Twitter.

Cool Volturi Video

Found this on youtube. Shows the Volturi cast. Love. it.
PS - Um. Go Team Demetri!

Monday, June 29, 2009

My sister's keeper...

Have I mentioned I have two sisters? Cuz I do. Jill - who lives for vampires, has read Twilight and seen the movie, and is yet to pick up the copy of New Moon I sent her. And Tracey - to whom I would never have sent a Twilight novel, thinking she wouldn't like it - yet she's reading the series and is completely addicted. What is interesting is the fact that Tracey is a writer. Like... a REAL writer. Is published and shiz. Novels? No. Articles? Yes. She's an Editor and has been one since moving out of my parents house and taking her Teen Beat collection with her.

So - Tracey started Twilight last weekend... started New Moon on Thursday, Eclipse on Saturday and is plugging along with Breaking Dawn as I type. And she's been sending me little emails all day that say things like:

"On page 223.

SOOOOOOOO loving Jacob.

Bella = Big. Fat. Dope." think we're sisters? Yeah. Me too. Anyway - she sent me an email today with her thoughts on Breaking Dawn (this was this AM, she's way past this now because she's a speed demon) and I HAD to share. I love reading reactions from people while they're reading the books. It's So. Much. FUN!

I am one chapter into Book Two (Jacob's part). I put it down a bit after midnight, figuring that I will have all day today to read it.

So here are my thoughts so far:

• The wedding was great.
• Page 58 made me cry.
• I want to go to Isle Esme.
• Midnight swim. Le sigh.
• Loved the, ahem, honeymoon (tho a few additional details would be nice). Freak officially on!

• Book structure....specifically, that we're now hearing Jacob's POV. It was interesting when done at the very end of Eclipse, but I'm not sure how I feel about this entire book being divided that way. I wonder if we will get Edward's side at all...
• Is Jacob REALLY going to turn bad? I hope not.

• Pregnant???????????? PREGNANT??????? WHAT THE EFF???????? When did this fucker suddenly morph into Alien? Maybe on the plane ride home, the thing will pop out of Bella's stomach and start singing "Hello My Baby" a la Spaceballs! Seriously, if she's carrying some freaky vampire alien spawn, that is just going to be too over the top for me. I'm praying it's some other physical condition--or maybe there's an outside weird bizarro chance that it's Jacob's baby. Or maybe the Isle Esme is really the Lost island and she's been impregnated by an Other.

• And while we're on the subject, since when did Bella start getting all maternal and baby-obsessed? This is WAY out of the blue for her character.

• And by the by, you think maybe instead of being like "Rosalie, help me--it seems that Edward has knocked me up with a freakazoid alien vampire baby that's gestating in dog years, but I really want to keep it because, well, just think about how dreamy he's gonna look," Bella might think about the fact that there is a FREAKAZOID ALIEN VAMPIRE BABY inside her and want to claw it out with her own hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously I do NOT like where this is going, but I am going to but my faith in Edward's hands and trust that everything comes out ok....

Music and Lyrics

OK so I've had the soundtrack to New Moon on the brain for the past day or so....and I wanted to show where I'm coming from with some of my favorite soundtrack picks. I feel so strongly about some of these songs, I'd love to be able to float them to someone at Summit for the hell of it. I could see them having different (more updated?) artists recording some of them differently (but NOT Kelly Sweet - this version is crucial.) Maybe acoustically or electronically...whatev.

"And I love her yet she has done me wrong. Can I bring her back? She has been long gone. And I'll always be her broken hearted savior." "Broken Hearted Savior" from Big Head Todd and the Monsters.

Ridiculously perfect lyrics for Jacob's feelings about Bella. Especially after she ditches him to go save Edward in Italy. And hello? "Todd" is part Native American. PER-FECT.

"What do I have to do to make you want me? What do I have to do to make you understand? What do I have to do to make you love me? And, if I can't make you love me, just tell me - what do I have to do? To forget about you..."
"What Do I Have to Do?" by Stabbing Westward

Jacob thinking this about Bella at the end of New Moon when he won't talk to her but loves her soooo much and is trying to figure out what he has to do to make her love him instead of Edward.

"I reached inside myself and found nothing there to ease the pressure of my ever worrying mind." "Please don't ask me to defend the shameful lowlands of the way I'm drifting gloomily through time. " "The Sun Always Shines on TV" from A-Ha.

Totally describes the way Edward feels about himself while he's away from Bella - and wanting to kill himself when he thinks she's dead. And listen to the music. The frantic pace would be so perfect for Bella and Alice racing to Volterra....and Bella smashing into Edward. Ugh. It. Is. Perfect.

"Every time that I look in the mirror, all these lines on my face getting clearer. The past is gone. It went by like dust to dawn. Isnt that the way? Everybodys got their dues in life to pay." "Maybe tomorrow the good lord will take you away..." "Dream On" - written by Aerosmith. Performed by Kelly Sweet.

I picked this because the ethereal feeling absolutely blew me away when I first heard it. I immediately thought "Bella lying in the forest". Bella has always been worrying about getting older since she met Edward, but it doesn't matter anymore because... he's gone. And it hints at both Bella and Edward wanting to die because they've lost each other.

"My darling lives in a world that is not mine, an old child misunderstood out of time. Timeless is the creature who is wise and timeless is the prisoner in disguise." "Beauty and the Beast" by Stevie Nicks

The way Bella looks at Edward...and, more importantly, the way
the audience looks at Edward Cullen. Absolutely heartbreaking song. It's my Number One pick for New Moon.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

My New Moon Playlist

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Beauty and the Beast

So I am THRILLED because my sister Tracey has succumbed to the world of Twilight. She started last weekend and started Breaking Dawn tonight.

And as she and I were discussing the series, I remembered I totally forgot to add my most perfect song to my New Moon playlist.

Beauty and the Beast from Stevie Nicks. Srsly, take a minute and listen to the song (playlist below)...and read the lyrics (below the playlist). You. Will. Die. And then you'll cry for Edward Cullen. And then you'll get even more stoked for New Moon. And then you'll curse me for making you waste time when you should be working or giving the kids breakfast or doing something non-Twilight related.

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Beauty and the Beast
Written by Stevie Nicks.

You're not a stranger to me
And you... well you're something to see
You don't even know how to please
You say a lot but you're unaware of how to leave

My darling lives in a world that is not mine
An old child, misunderstood, out of time
Timeless is the creature who is wise
And timeless is the prisoner in disguise

Oh who is the beauty? Who the beast?
Would you die of grieving when I leave?
Two children too blind to see
I would fall in your shadow, I believe

My love is a man who's not been tamed
Oh my love lives in a world of false pleasure and pain
We come from different worlds but we are the same
I never doubted your beauty; I've changed

Who is the beauty?
Where is my beast?
There is no beauty
Without my beast

la bete la bete
Where is my beast?

My beauty
My beauty
My beautiful beautiful beautiful
Beautiful beast

98 Days til New Moon?!?

This wouldn't mess up my "100 Days til New Moon" party theme TOO MUCH. (Sarcasm. It's not just for breakfast anymore.) NOT that I'd complain if they moved up the opening date to November 18th. I'd just have to do some reworking of my schedule that week. Stay tuned. If they change the date, we'll get to see it two days earlier. (insert psycho nervous giddy laughter here)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Book 1 musings

I just reread many chapters of Twilight on the beach. I have to admit - once you know the whole story - and go back and reread the first book... well... Edward does seem a little creepy. LOL I'm like "Wow he was SUCH a stalker!" But I was so dazzled by him during the first read... I guess I just didn't notice.

Another thing I didn't notice... the weirdness of this:

"Thank you" I murmured. I realized there were tears in my eyes. I dabbed at them, embarrassed. He touched the corner of my eye, trapping one I missed. He lifted his finger, examining the drop of moisture broodingly. Then, so quickly I couldn't be positive that he really did, he put his finger to his mouth to taste it. I looked at him questioningly, and he gazed back for a long moment before he finally smiled. "Do you want to see the rest of the house?"

Um, HELLO?! Dude? No! What I want is for you to STOP tasting my ocular fluids, mmmkayyy?

An amusing quote I came across today:

I doubted there were any etiquettte books detailing how to dress when your vampire sweetheart takes you home to meet his vampire family.

And last but not least...(and I'm showing my age with this one): Have you ever sortof thought Bella Swan as being a modern-day Marilyn from the Munsters? You know... when she's just hanging out with the Cullens, being all fragile and human? The thought truly cracks me up.

Edward. Recites. Shakespeare. So swoonrific.

Good article from Interview Magazine with Michael Welch (Mike Newton) about filming the Twilight films. It's got some insider dirt about New Moon and Eclipse a la the following:

LM: Tell me about the new movie. I haven't read the second book, but I assume there will be equally swoon-worthy material in this one?

MW: The girls are going to melt for this second film. Edward recites Shakespeare; and obviously Jacob has totally transformed himself. He's been working out like crazy. People are going to go nuts.

LM: But the third one is where the story starts to get really crazy.

MW: Right! Apparently there's a vampire war, and the director that they're getting for this one, David Slade, he did Hard Candy and 30 Days of Night, which are pretty dark movies. They're going dark, which I think is smart. Maybe trying to appeal to the boys a little more—‘cause they seem to have the young girl demographic locked down. [LAUGHS]

Friday, June 26, 2009

My grandmother was scarier than Edward Cullen.

I don't really know how to feel about this interview with Melissa Rosenberg. She sounds like a VERY cool person - and she seems to have all the lurve for the Twilight series. Which is so important - and for that, I am eternally grateful. But - ugh - I am having such a hard time getting on board with "scary, visual Edward hallucinations" just so young girls can get their fill of Rob Pattinson. (Not that that's her fault - clearly she was told that's what had to happen.) But people...that's not the story! They keep saying Edward was in Bella's head the whole time he was gone. But - actually - it was the opposite. She wouldn't let herself think about him while he was gone. (And we've all been there and can relate to that horrible feeling.) I'd rather them stick to the book and have zero Edward after the break-up scene - except for his velvet voice - until Italy. It makes the reunion all that much better. And Jacob Black gets the spotlight he deserves. I also have done a 180 on this "scary Edward" concept that once had me stoked. Bottom line - Edward wishes he was scary. This is how it usually went with Edward and Bella:'

Edward: Bella, you really should be scared of me. Are you scared?
Bella: Um, no.
Edward: No seriously, Bella, I'm a monster.
Bella: Sorry - not scared. You're too dreamy.
Edward: Bella - how can you not be scared of me?
Bella: I don't know; I'm just not. Hey look, Emmett is shirtless!
Edward: (turns head) No he's not.
Bella: Made ya look!

OK so maybe that last part never happened. But you know Emmett would do that. So if you're going to make Edward scary, the least you could do to counteract it is make Emmett shirtless as much as possible. Mkayyyy?

My 200th post?

Holy crap. That's all. Just... holy crap.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

When vampires collide

This absolutely made my day. If you are a fan of True Blood, you will crack up. Stephen Moyer who plays Vampire Bill Compton on "True Blood" said Rob Pattinson is the "Slim-fast, Diet Coke of Vampires". HOW FUNNY IS THAT?! Now he's obviously talking about Edward, but still. But wait. He's talking about Edward? OUCH! Bill Compton WISHES he could be Edward Cullen. He should just PIPE DOWN and go back to Sook-ayyyy! PS - How cool would it be to see an Edward/Bill bite-off? I'd offer up some pretty sick coin to see that.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New Moon book cover DELICIOUSNESS!

Can. Not. BREATHE!!!! Edward's in the moon. Did you hear me?! Edward is in the %$#@ing MOON for the love of god. I am verklempt. Talk amongst yourselves. I'll give you a topic. There are 149 days until New Moon. Discuss.

This takes the cake. Ba dum bum.

Pretty amusing little Twihard tale. This would so happen to me.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Go. See. The. Proposal.

I went to see The Proposal tonight with Jenn M. and Shannon. (And must throw a shout-out to Desiree! Thanks for the candy!)

If you think I'm silly enough to be one of those people who would see The Proposal just to see the New Moon trailer, you are absolutely right.

What transformed in front of my eyes was mind-boggling. Not just the trailer; the audience. I have never, EVER seen such a huge crowd of people go nuts over a movie, let alone a 90 second trailer. When Jacob appears on the screen in all his nekidness, holy cow... everyone flips OUT.

Before I go to bed... I have to do two things.

One - I have to throw another shout-out to Maria at the Bonefish Grille because she is such a faithful Twihard and it's always fun to go and discuss the books with her.

Two - I have a confession. I hate to admit this - but I can't stop myself. Are you ready? OK - here we go. Rob Pattinson is BE-YOND beautiful on the big screen while playing Edward Cullen. I was so totally not prepared for that. All the telling myself he's "just a hoodie-wearing kid" went out the window for 90 seconds. I cannot imagine what I'm supposed to do with 2 hours. Thank god he's in South America for most of the film.

And that, my Twihard friends, is all I've got to say about that. Choke me in the shallow water before I get too deep.

PS - The movie was actually really good!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

MY proposal

I have to wonder how much of THIS is due to Twihards wanting to see the New Moon trailer on the big screen since it's confirmed to be showing before "The Proposal". Normally I'd think that was ludicrous. But since I am going with my friends on Monday for that exact reason (and OK a margarita or two beforehand...) I think it might actually be possible. Check this out from

New Moon Trailer Gets a 'Proposal'

Beyond the Twilight Saga, Twilight and New Moon, every now and then a trailer boosts the box-office receipts of a movie that may not quite have performed as well at theaters as expected. In fact, one highly anticipated trailer puts butts in the seats ahead of a completely unrelated movie. This week it was the Twilight sequel New Moon, which previewed at an advance screening of the latest Sandra Bullock comedy The Proposal, which hit theaters on Friday, June 19.

Keep a close eye on the final weekend box-office for The Proposal. If it breaks records, the final numbers may reflect the true power of The Twilight Saga.

Yet another New Moon Playlist update

I added a couple songs to my New Moon playlist. Um, does anyone else think it would be way rad if Robert Pattinson recorded an acoustic version of "The Killing Moon" from Echo and the Bunnymen? Cuz I do. And PS this is SO going on my Eclipse and/or Breaking Dawn playlists. Read the lyrics. It's so Jacob singing to Bella about when Edward will turn her. I don't even know why I have it on my New Moon playlist. I just... dig it. But I digress. Another song I added is "Pray the Stars" by Joe Hedges. Beautiful song. Reminds me of when things are going so well with Jacob and Bella but you know it can't last. He also has another song that is GORGEOUS called "Mitral Valve Prolapse" that wasn't available at the playlist site or I'd have added it. "I try but nothing's ever gonna fill me up" - so totally perfect for the hole in Bella's chest. I actually emailed him and told him to submit it to Summit. What's there to lose? Anyway - another song I added is "A Forest" by the Cure. But instead of playing this when Edward leaves Bella, I'd play it when Bella is looking for the meadow, with or without Jacob. I would say I feel the strongest about "Dream On" from Kelly Sweet being played while Bella is lying in the forest after Edward dumps her. oooooh SUCH an impact. I'm also very attached to "Summer Skin" from Death Cab for Cutie early in the film. Notice how - in the beginning of New Moon - Stephenie Meyer wrote that Bella had the best summer of her life, but never really gave us any details? That's why this mellow song would be perfect in the beginning. You can actually feel the end of summer while listening to it. It's just totally sad - and foreshadows what's to come...

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How cute is this?

Taylor Lautner is in Toronto to present at the Much Music awards. While out-and-about in the city, he stopped into an ice cream store with his family. Is that adorable or what?

PS - Dear Taylor,

Love the black hoodie look. Just please don't overdue it like RPattz.

Your pal,

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Birthday, Edward Cullen

No photos, since they don't exist. No commentary, because nothing needs to be said. Just a quiet little "Happy Birthday" to the greatest character who ever walked into our lives via the written page...



The Runaways

A couple questions. 1 - How happy do you think Kstew is that they didn't make her sport THIS 'do for the movie? YIKES. 2 - Which one is Cherie Currie who Dakota is playing? I am happy to say The Runaways were slightly before my time. I'm thinking I was rockin' the 5th or 6th grade when this was made...

I Love Rock and Roll Part Deux

I realized some of you younger TwiFans aren't really that familiar with Joan Jett - so I thought I'd suggest some cool vids for you to check out. "I Love Rock and Roll" was big when I was in the 7th or 8th grade. Check out how early on in the video, the band had to actually act. Not as much splicing and perfection like in today's videos. Another good Joan Jett tune was "Bad Reputation", which, might I say, has graced my iPod for quite some time. Clearly it was no big thing to see someone wearing black leather skinny pants and a tight blouse with puffy sleeves at that time. But one song that stands out that Joan Jett did was a remake of Tommy James and the Shondells' "Crimson and Clover". Check it out. She was Just. So. Cool. And I know Kstew is going to pull it off.

No. Way.

New Moon Makeup. They used it on RPattz. Maybe that's what's got all the chickies' knickers in a twist...

Friday, June 19, 2009

I Love Rock and Roll.

While some people are posting info about Rob Pattinson and his barely happened cab encounter... or photos of him kissing Emelie de Ravin on the beach... or filming in his skinny tie... I would MUCH rather post about THIS very cool union between Joan Jett and mini me. It's outrageous how much Kristen Stewart has JJ spot-on in these shots. I am really looking forward to the film. Rememeber me? Not so much. But that might change tommorrow... depends on my mood.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

More Twitter goodness...

If you find yourself sick to death of Rob Pattinson's fan woes - but still want to get your Twilight on - you can mosey your rear-end over to Twitter and follow some other awesome Twilight series actors:

Click here to follow "Charlie Swan".

Click here to follow "Billy Black".

Click here to follow "Carlisle".

All these guys are a lot of fun to follow. They're funny and intelligent and don't seem to take themselves too seriously (if at all). And they're all integral parts of the Twilight series films. So go follow 'em!

omg please follow Carlisle!!!



Dear RPattz,

It's clear in this scary-assed video that you need new security detail
. My 4 year old could protect you better than this.


I have been accused in the past of being "protective" of Robert Pattinson because I don't believe most of the trash people write about him. I found this video to be disgusting and the over-protective mom in me comes out in a big way when I see it. Dude he's got BOTH hands in his hair. Clearly he's nervous. Get OFF of him and let him do his job. I can only imagine how his poor parents feel when they see something like this. These freaky aggro chicks were TOUCHING him. FIRE THE BODYGUARDS because they SUCK.

Happy almost birthday Edward

OK so this is sooooo silly of me to point out but I had to. Saturday - June 20th - is Edward Cullen's birthday. Get your silly on and have a drink in honor of the greatest fictional vampire who ever never lived!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Twitter me this, Carlisle

OK I wasn't going to post this because I have like 5 readers and some Twilight sites have 5 million. LOL But every little bit helps. If you are on Twitter, make sure to follow Peter Facinelli who plays Carlisle. He made a bet with a friend that he could get 500K followers by Friday at Midnight. So far he's in the 214K range. If he loses, he has to hand over the back of his director's chair from Twilight - and that would suck. If he wins, his buddy has to dance down the street in LA, dressed in a bikini, singing "All the Single Ladies" by Beyonce. And that would rule. And PS - I was following him long before I heard about this bet because he is truly a genuinely nice guy. I love to read his updates about planting trees in his front yard or watching Blues Clues with his kids. Makes me feel a little better about my boring life. ;)

Kstew, love her or... not

Seeing as I'm one of those girls who really likes Kristen Stewart, I really hope she cuts down on the Camels. I am not one to lecture anyone about smoking... and people who do get on my nerves. But seriously - if you are chain smoking Camels at 19... I am afraid for you. And your lungs.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Whoa. Scary aggro chicks attack Rob Pattinson.

OMG. Scary pics from Lainey Gossip of a bunch of Twilight fans throwing themselves at RPattz in NYC. Although, frankly, he doesn't seem that upset. He's either really good at keeping up appearances... or finding this all somewhat comical. Except the one who attacked him from behind. She's definitely cuckoo for cocoa puffs. And OK maybe the one who's taking her picture with him. She's a bit wonky. But I think he's actually digging the chick with the hat. Maybe it's just me. And I LOVE the stop sign in the background. So very fitting.

***UPDATE - after seeing the video I have totally changed my tune and realize I was a bit too nonchalant about this. God bless this guy for dealing with all this BS. I would be losing my shizzle if people were touching me like that. I didn't realize how bad it was until I saw the video.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Rob is a great Edward (hiccup!)

You know what's so funny about this article? When I read it, I was trying to think of my old Irish alcoholic uncle's name. And then it hit me. Uncle Ed! (no lie!)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

We interrupt this Twilight blog...

True Blood. Just watched the Season 2 premiere. I think I've officially dumped Bill Compton for Edward Cullen. Loved the show but so did NOT love the last scene with Bill and Sookie. Yuck. I fear they've lost the magic and as a couple have jumped the proverbial shark. I will say HOO-RAY for Lafayette! Yey! He's alive! And Eric might be my new fav True Blood vampire. Stay tuned...

"That's too much hair for one woman!"

I love the bald guy so I will ignore the fact that he called Taylor Lautner a vampire. PS - Chelsea, please no more blaspheming...

Why I love Kristen Stewart this week

I've already made no bones about the fact that I am beyond impressed with Kristen Stewart for agreeing to cut off her hair for her role as Joan Jett in The Runaways. But I haven't shared with you my feelings on what she's doing for the fashion sense of today's youth.

When I first started paying attention to Kstew in the media, I was less-than-thrilled with her wardrobe choices. I wanted her to girl it up a bit and maybe trade in the Converse for a day here and there. But I have done a complete and utter 180 - and here's why.

I went to the movies the other day... and my online Twi-bud, Kim, can attest to how (some of) the young girls are dressed at our local movie theater. They tend to look like - how can I put this mildly? BIG FAT HO'S. Pants with rises so low they have to get a Brazilian just to be seen in them. Shirts with so much cleavage showing you could hide your car keys. And I'm talking about kids in highschool, people. But...when I went to the movies the other day, do you know what the kids were all wearing? Skinny jeans - hoodies - and Converse sneakers. They looked like friggin kids and not hookers. It was a beautiful thing. And I am giving 100% credit to Kstew. And PS - I am loving the hair. I think it's fabu. A little framing around the face never hurt anyone and I think it does wonders for her.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Behind-the-Scenes Coolness

It must be Video Day because I cannot stop posting them. Thanks to for this way cool behind-the-scenes video with copious amounts of Jacob-muscles. Never fear, you'll get your Edward fix at the end...

Why I love youtube

This... cracked me up. "Alice" is KILLING ME with the pitching.

LOST and Edward; Perfect Together

Oh holy hell - here is a LOST parody video - complete with action figures - I found on Lauren's Bite. One word: HILARIOUS. And believe it or not, it's got TONS of Edward mixed in. Even SPARKLING EDWARD! You. Will. Die. And seeing as "Edward" is filming a movie with "Claire" right now, this is even kindof topical.

Thursday, June 11, 2009's nothing personal

OK I sortof hate that I'm doing this... because from the beginning I've said this is a blog about Twilight - the books - and that I hate getting all caught up in the actors' lives. And yet - here I am - giving you the latest links to interesting tidbits about them in the media. I guess I'm in New Moon Filming withdrawal... and I need to put SOMETHING out there. But I really hate contributing to the feeding frenzy - because, let's face it - that's what keeps the crazy-assed paparazzi on their tails. And I really do feel bad for them. But then I console myself by telling myself that no one reads this stupid blog and I'm not really doing any damage. But, you know... if any Twilight actors want to contact me to ask me to stop posting this stuff - I'd be all over and and I'd cease and desist immediately. (A girl can try, can't she?) So...without further ado...(aka annoying commentary from me):

Rob P. leaving the Bowery last night

KStew's new hair - I had to post this because I have SICK respect for her for doing this. She looks AWESOME and she looks EXACTLY like Joan!! I dig Joan Jett and have since I was in the 8th grade (Yeah I'm old whatever, get over it) since m'girl is originally from Main Line like me. She and Pink pretty much are primo examples of the tough Philly chicks. (OK Philly Burb Chicks. LOL) I. Love. It.

Kstew and Dakota at the Roxy - love that these two are BFFs. Poor Dakota needs all this limelight after the train wreck that was War of the Worlds. Tom Cruise almost ended her career before her what - 13th birthday?

Ebola is putting it NICELY!!!

Oh holy hell this made me laugh uncontrollably and I am utterly and completely in AGREEMENT with Lainey Gossip on this one. If he dares go near her I will rank on him mercilessly regarding his love of black hoodies. I might even go after "the hands". (Thanks to Jenn M for the tip!)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I. Love. This.

Dear Carlisle,

This cool little page on your website is so cute it makes me want to have your half-breed, fast-growing, long-haired vampire babies. Shhh... Don't tell Esme.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Guess who showed up at my doorstep today?!

Jenn M. and Shannon C. - the two of you are PRICELESS and you better believe Edward will be front and center at my 100 Days til New Moon party in August!!!!! Video to follow...

Monday, June 8, 2009

More Vampires?

Twilight meets True Blood meets Dawson's Creek, Dudes. I don't even know WHAT to think about THIS.


This... is like 8 million times BETTER than the REAL trailer. Honest to god. It gave me the chills. KUDOS to tiffanyd666. She has truly put together a work of art - AGAIN!


Must throw out huge props to Rob P. who has taken my advice and done a SPECTACULAR job of trying to disguise himself better. Of course, it's not exactly working... but whatev. Love the baseball hat. And I'm thrilled to see he's ditched the black hoodie and all-black ensem for some good, old-fashioned Levi's and an... interesting plaid shirt. He probably should ditch the Wayfarers if he really wants to seal the deal though... but I love my own Ray-Bans and would probably not be able to part with them, either.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Just finished Breaking Dawn. Again.

I realized I've barely mentioned my big Breaking Dawn re-read... probably because I've been taking my time and picking it up here and there. Here are my thoughts at present:

- Caius... is a douche.
- As with the other books, I loved this so much more the 2nd time around. I didn't race through the visiting vampire stuff toward the end and I frankly cannot WAIT to see who they cast in the movie. I would give my left ovary to see a little Jonathan Rhys Meyers action... or possibly a Jude Law casting, perhaps? (And PS I had him on the brain days ago BEFORE they started asking RPattz about him in the media. Word.) OK Back to the book:
- Every time Edward and Jacob have "a moment" I'm so verklempt I want to send someone a sappy Hallmark card.
- Why can't Alice "see" half-immortals? I thought she couldn't "see" things when Renesmee was around because she was tied to Jacob. But she couldn't see Nahuel, either. And if you don't remember who Nahuel is, you need to get your ass in gear and re-read Breaking Dawn, too.
- Why does Stephenie throw Esme so few crumbs in this book? They might as well save their pennies and send poor Elizabeth Reaser back to Grey's Anatomy during the shooting of this movie since she's barely in the book. And believe me, I love her, too. I need more cowbell - and Esme.
- Bella and Edward = Sappy and Sappier in this book. I love 'em - and I loved the book - but man they are so gooey at the end. I half expect them to call each other schnookems and stay up late watching "7th Heaven" reruns.

It is a-ma-zing to me to see the difference between "Breaking Dawn Bella and Edward" and "Twilight Bella and Edward". In Breaking Dawn, Edward's home entertaining the guests on the Steinway while Bella's taking Renesmee to her father's for a lovely afternoon visit (um, not actually. Can we say J. Jenks?) Certainly is a far cry from the high school days when Edward was stalking half the junior class' brains for Bella tidbits in the middle of English class. Or was it Geometry class? Uh oh....I can't remember. And you know what THAT means?! Yup! The big, ol' MIDNIGHT SUN RE-READ!!! Stay tuned!

No no no no no no no no

Nope. Don't like it. AT ALL. Don't get me wrong, it's a decent Kelly Clarkson tune; I dig her a lot. But this song is too angry underneath the surface. Bella did not think this way about Edward leaving. She never ever uttered a negative word about him while he was gone. She was just... sad.

***There is some discrepancy about this song. It's supposedly a demo from 2007 called "Did You" - but I'm not finding anything called "Empty as I Am" so maybe they've renamed the demo? She says Empty as I Am has a "sweet melody" - and this isn't a sweet song. So maybe it's not the right song? If someone can clear this up, please let me know.

Rob and Obama: Perfect Together

GREAT article from MTV about Rob Pattinson's sudden, massive fame. Honestly, it creeps me out to no end. I don't know how he handles it so well. I'll have to ponder that this summer when I'm in the city stalking him with Jenn and Shannon. Oh chill, I'm kidding. Everybody knows I'd rather stalk Jeffrey Dean Morgan...

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Rob who?

Thanks to Twilight Moms for putting this interview with Peter Facinelli - aka Carlisle Cullen - on their website and thus reminding me to watch it. He is so adorable I've almost forgiven him for blowing us off in Parsippany. Chelsea Handler is so friggin funny I can't contain myself. I have to laugh that her book "My Horizontal Life" is my BOOK CLUB BOOK for this month. We all complained about having to read too many depressing books involving kids and someone suggested a good smutty book. I was kindof hoping for a smutty romance novel but whatev. She's funny so I'll get some much-needed laughs.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Twilight Guy

OK so this funny dude - Twilight Guy (check out his site) - has a cool little contest going where you can win all sorts of signed Twilight goodness for just subscribing to his youtube channel (that means push a little "subscribe" button - not too difficult). So of course, I did. Here's what I want: The signed copy of Twilight (with the signed New Moon coming in second) or the signed photo of Kellen Lutz riding with his head out of the hummer; one of my absolutely FAVORITE shots from the movie. SO Emmett.

I have been playing with some possible video ideas for a while now. If I make something, it might feature Jenn M. and Shannon C. - and maybe everyone who comes to my 100 Days 'til New Moon party - if they'll give me their consent. (insert evil laughter here)

Um, Damn!

This is... I don't even know what to say about this.

Get DOWN with your bad self, Stephenie!

Great article from The Deadbolt about Stephenie Meyer coming in #26 out of 100 on the Forbes Most Powerful Celebrities list. Just like I was waxing on about last night, THIS is what it's all about. I have all the lurve for Rob P, but it's not about him pulling a butt muscle and needing a massage on the first day of shooting. (Hello, Massage Therapy school? It's me, Carol...) It's about Stephenie Meyer being awesome. She created Edward Cullen. 'Nuff said.

*Thanks so much to for the awesome photo!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

OK so this is weird

So tonight I was doing laundry (I can hear the Rowan U. girls running away from this post, thinking it's going to be boring and they're late for a party ;) and I started thinking about Stephenie Meyer. I started thinking about the MTV awards... and how she wasn't there. And I was wondering why. One of my mother's favorite sayings is "Be conspicuous by your absence." And clearly, Stephenie Meyer was extremely conspicuous by hers on Sunday night. (Of course my mother used to say that to me when she was dragging me to Northwestern PA to see my grandparents for Thanksgiving, and I was missing the Homecoming dance, but I digress.)

So after a few minutes of pondering this, I decided I was proud of Stephenie Meyer. She could be very different about all of this. She could be going to awards - hobnobbing with the world - but she's not. She could be trying to get every bit of limelight possible - but she's not. For whatever reason, she has decided to "sit this one out" if you will. And I'm insanely impressed by that. If it were me, I'd have had my ass planted right in between Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart during the awards. I'd have gotten every designer in Manhattan to bring me dresses. And I'd have had my own little "almost kiss" with Carlisle (with Jenny AND Esme's blessing, of course) - only I'd have faked him out and gone in for the kill. But not Stephenie Meyer. Lord knows what she was doing on Sunday night. Watching in her sweats with her family at home, perhaps? (Finishing Midnight Sun, perhaps?) Regardless, she is one CLASS ACT and I am once again reminded of my respect and high regard for this woman. And as I said in the early days of this blog and should be saying a lot more these days: It's. Not. About. The. Movies. It's about the books. All of it. All of this. And we all need to remember that a little more often.

OK so why is it weird? Because - after the laundry was finished (yeah right) - I came downstairs, looked at my Google homepage, and noticed a blurb on about Stephenie Meyer deleting her Myspace page. She posted a note on her website, saying she has never had a Facebook page - doesn't Twitter - and will only be communicating with fans via her official website. And I'm sure you - like I - will detect a bit of bitterness when she mentions missing the old days of being able to talk to fans online. So I'm guessing she is truly disappearing for a while. And I could not BE more thrilled. It means she's writing, people. It means she's got something cooking and I, for one, cannot wait to find out what. OK so I'm hoping upon hope that it involves a little more Edward - and a little less mermaids - than what has been previously pondered. But - whatever. I just hope Stephenie Meyer is in a good place right now and is truly happy. Because she's brought a lot of happiness into our lives... it's only right she get to enjoy her own.

*Thanks to entertainment weekly for the photo.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

More Carlisle Lurve

Check out Carlisle's nifty scarf-tie. He is STYLIN'! It looks like he might have stepped out for a coffee in this shot and they said "no worries, we'll just borrow a stand-in from Madame Tussaud's." And hello? Bella? I know your own house is nothing to brag about, but do you think you could maybe TRY not to get blood all over the carpet? Esme puts a lot of time into decorating, you know.

I'm a fangirl, she's a fangirl, you're a fangirl too!

I had to post this just in case you weren't sure who the dude below her is abusing. But - I have to defend her - because I was just as bad the other night when I first saw it. Think Tom Cruise-jumping-up-and-down-on-Oprah's-couch bad. Yeah. I should have taped myself. I'd be all over youtube by now. And not in a good way. PS - this is SO for my niece, Caitlin. I can't wait to watch her emulate this at the next family party.

I love this guy!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Totally cute interview

How sweet is Peter Facinelli? I swear to god he's got a Leave it to Beaver vibe happening. I half expect him to excuse himself to run off to church. Or a little league game.

Monday, June 1, 2009

~ Shudder ~

I truly feel bad for this guy. He had zero clue how Twilight was going to explode and take over his life. I am willing to bet he'd say "no thank you" if he had it to do all over again, and someone told him how bad it would get. I just realized he's this mega star; but he hasn't made a ton of money from acting yet. It's not like he can hop on his private jet. He's stuck taking commercial airlines like the rest of us.
You can see all the photos of Rob P. looking slightly terrified - and taking his shoes off at security - at Celebrity Gossip. Truly unfrigginbelievable.

Great video interview with Taylor Lautner

He says that his "breakup scene" with Bella is the most intense scene he shot. Remember it was raining and Billy and the pack were looking out the window? Ugh. It was almost as torturous as Edward in the woods when I read it the 2nd time. Watch it!

Sigh. Just look at all the pretty.

Everything looks better in the morning!

OK so this AM both Jenn M. and Kim H (who I don't even know but she's friends with cool Kim from the shore so she must be cool) pointed out that Bella is wearing a different jacket in the "Jake run!" scene than she is in the Laurent scene. Soooo....they DIDN'T mess with the Laurent scene. And for this, I am eternally grateful. AND - I just watched the breakup scene again and almost cried - but this time for Edward. After reading Midnight Sun - and that 4 pager blurb when he was in the attic in South America in New Moon - can you even IMAGINE what was going through that poor guy's head when he dumped her? Oh man. Bringin' the crazy. Stephenie Meyer - please - don't make me beg more (but you know I will).

PS - Hope you liked my erratic posting last night during the awards. Which only goes to show that I truly do live in p-u-r-g-a-t-o-r-y over the Twilight series. It just ain't right. They will commit me before this is all over and Breaking Dawn comes out. I just hope they let me watch it in the rubber room.